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The nature of nuclear power and nuclear power calculation of the size of
Pengzhou City in Sichuan Province at 611,934 watts secondary Li Shouan
Key words: power amps Two-neutron structure Single-neutron structure Large tree Contact structure
Abstract: The development of nuclear science has reached a level of quark, but the nuclear force, the concrete structure of nuclear physics or a fault in the theory, not yet clear who will crack. Hewaidianzai have a particularly strong laws to be found, why do not proton nucleus? Existing experiments have confirmed that the positively charged proton is on the point, proton nuclear spin at high speed. Spin-line at assumption that the speed of a speed limit, it is easy to calculate the size of the power amp, and Coulomb interaction force, in a 1-3 proton diameter range of attractive show, this show outside the scope of the repulsion; thus Be the size and nature of the nuclear force. This is derived nucleus of protons between array is 1-2 neutrons, said the two-neutron structure and the structure of a single neutron; in the second section outside the respective branches of bifurcation after 3, 5, 7 branch branch , Up and down together is divided into different levels, each level is the existence of a proton 6,10,14, and this arrangement Hewaidianzai law exactly. Hewaidianzai also arranged entirely by the proton nucleus rule of order. From the large nuclear-contact structure of the tree to see: fission is the weakest place in the two-neutron structure, so that the main fission products into different sizes of the two nuclear; and β decay of cobalt-60 into a nuclear Ni is Into a stable structure of the nuclear process, and just in the Antarctic NMR; 212Po decay of a tree to prove the special nature of the nuclear structure; nuclear and determination of the size of the structure of the spindle length equal to the static. The article is divided into the first part of the nature of the nuclear force and the size of the calculation, the second part of the composition of the concrete structure of the atomic nucleus, the third part of the specific location of nuclear fission in the fourth part of the fusion process and the specific reasons. Development of science experiments demonstrate less and less, according to the existing theory of the new theory, the new theory to explain all phenomena, it is the truth. (I would like to use my theory to explain face to face with all the people all the phenomena)
The assumption that high-speed spin protons, neutrons for strong magnetization of the proton, derived a powerful short-range effort - Ampere force, and non-energy Coulomb force composed of a nuclear power. And estimate the size of two combinations, that nuclear power in the R-5R of performance for the appeal, and in less than 5 R R performance from the repulsion. Especially when the repulsion of less than R, estimates that the nuclear physics community and trying to come to the "two-body nuclear potential barrier diagram" fully consistent. Help proton or neutron an interval between two neutron also showed gravity, that is the "single-Neutron" and "double-neutron structure" is the composition of the nuclear structure. On the years of physical fault in this theory appears to be the most simple of some derivation, it is so big surprise professors.
First, proton and the neutron the movement of the extraordinary nature of assumptions
Proton high-speed spin in the nucleus has long been the physical sector confirmed that the spin-speed line is the number pi? »Here the first extraordinary assumptions: a proton neutron spherical, located within the nucleus of the proton spin-point circle line speed of the speed of light About 3 × 108m / s. Proton spin to the speed of light is there can be no experiments to prove that, while the Proton It can be seen near the shaft rotational speed of a certain surface circumference greater than the speed of light, Einstein's Superluminal quality larger theory can explain »is a small nucleus Possession of more than 99 percent of quality. If the hypothesis of the universe from a singular point from the explosion, then the current macro-cosmic sources of possible reasons for the speed of light is the proton spin.
neutron charge distribution in a small areas, can be considered a minor point
in the distribution of a charge. Hofstadter early electronic combat with fast
neutron experimental proton found: proton charge distribution in a small area,
and the neutron in this small area of positive charge outside the small circle
of negative charge. These "small scale" throughout the proton and the
neutron volume equivalent to a relatively small point. Composed of protons and
neutrons not sharing the material charge and the charge is the point. Thus, the
second extraordinary assumptions: a proton charge on the point, this point is
the speed of light in the proton spin on the periphery of the circle. In other
words: proton-proton spin-charge point with a circular motion with the speed of
light. Figure 1-1:
More than two extraordinary assumptions can use the electronic anti-state campaign to launch. Compared with electronic Proton: Charge of the same quality but much smaller, so the electronic movement must be subject to state control and influence of Proton, Proton decision of the electronic movement of all. In the absence of any external factor affecting, the electronic spin on the state of the proton and the spin state of charge, one to be completely. This means that the proton and electron spin radius is the radius of the proton, spin-line speed is the speed of light. Physical Research found that in all the electronic movement of fully Proton launched the anti-nature movement, the electronic image also happened to be the nucleus of the mirror map, apply to all electronic with the law also apply to nuclear Proton with the law.
With these two assumptions, physical fault theory: nuclear power and nuclear structure seems to have some Meimu, but not below the third hypothesis could not be resolved smoothly.
The third assumption is extraordinary: the composition of protons and neutrons within the micro-magnetic material is material, a superconducting magnetic, in the absence of electric field can quickly when demagnetization. Sometimes, an element many isotopes, which means the same number of protons in the nucleus of a different number of neutrons, of which the number is not unlimited, and the neutron nuclear power was attracted by what is in it »that Mainly rely on neutron when he was in contact with proton magnetic and attractive magnetic neutron after its contact with another second magnetized neutron again, but again the magnetic attraction to some small change, most in the major nuclear spindle On the second neutron can also outside the third magnetized neutron again, and the power to attract more small and large rotating slower to appear on the nuclear spindle. Proton neutron within an atomic nucleus is limited by magnetic attraction together.
More than three assumptions, rather than a "hypothetical" than they originally existed, but said this was more clearly a more accurate number. In addition to the proton spin, there are two kinds of movement: Proton with the nucleus around a spindle-section circle rotation; Proton with the nucleus as a whole circle revolving. A former branch of the circle, to strengthen the outer rotating neutron proton size of the nuclear power; after a whole circle revolving, so that each proton neutron must have a certain solidarity, so that they could slow down a nuclear power on each Proton neutron the impact of a strong attraction to ensure that the nuclear balance and stability.
Second, the composition and nature of nuclear power
In memory of gravity in the nucleus but very weak, from time to calculate it. Two major nuclear power by the force of nature: one is concerned short-strong attractiveness is only a distance and have the non-energy and performance for the repulsion. They are the current Central amps of charge and are mutually exclusive of the Coulomb force.
Amp is how the gravitational force is «the original proton spin speed of light, Proton on the distribution of positive charge is also the speed of light spin and spin radius is the radius of the proton, positive charge arising from a spin-ring current strength, according to the electromagnetic induction ring Xinhua influenza produce a magnetic field sensors, then the magnetic field of neutron proton magnetic material, so that after the magnetic field sensors to strengthen the 4-5 times, the most magnetic presence of the bipolar N, S pole, was attracting neutron In this polarized, the polarization of the neutron to attract in addition to other proton or neutron, so that such efforts have become a force. In addition to these two poles, other places do not have the power to attract neutron proton. For example: hydrogen approved by the neutron component to attract 1-2 Protium Daohe.
Two neighboring proton and the neutron interval 1-2 direction of the speed of light spin and produce a ring with the current direction, from amps to know the law: the same ring to the current mutual attraction, after the current loop magnetic proton-magnetic neutron is also attracting This law can force through the amp worked out, said that nuclear power is interested in the amp attractive, as Ampere force. Amps of the main character is: amps strong attractive force is short; amps of a major role in each of the proton polarization, which is the main rotation axis strongest, deviated from the main shaft will have weakened efforts; magnetized to the proton Neutron show has nothing to do with the charge of nuclear power in nature. Axis deviation from nuclear power weakened, but also in the second layer, a certain deviation from the perspective of attracting a lot of support section, which formed a powerful nuclear structure. The complex structure and high-speed spin to the "nuclear structure and nuclear power" become a multi-year physical faults.
Figure 1-2 helium nuclear Neutron Proton
electronic map. Nucleus of two protons and two neutrons and two protons to
produce the same direction coaxial rotating one amp attractive, with the same
two proton a positive charge and mutually exclusive, is a neutron in the
interval between the neutron Regulate buffer weakened Proton mutual repulsion,
so the two nuclear power for the performance of mutual attraction, so that
nuclear energy component of macroeconomic stability and substance.
Look at the two nuclear, electronics, and their quality is too small to positively charged proton on the role of control, with the Proton with the spin. Proton and electron charge with the different nature and should therefore have a mutual attraction, and in the phenomenon, but in the electronic spin of the proton of the amp are mutually exclusive, so the electronic spin generated positive and negative proton is not easy, and in the phenomenon , Which formed a large atom. From the map found in the observation: two electronic spin to the same, but external to the Centre observed that the left is the electronic anti-clockwise spin, is the right e-clockwise spin. Atom itself is high-speed rotation of the circle, and scientists in practice through the observation equipment is a location inside the observation: When you see an electronic counter-clockwise rotation, while another has been with the electronic atomic circle rotation to the same location and is Is a clockwise direction. Therefore be: in the same orbit of the two electron spin direction is the opposite. Benefit package that is incompatible with the principle - the same level can not track the existence of two identical electronic spin direction. Figure atomic structure can not be static, atomic high-speed rotation to the visual observer can only be Nishun two electronic states.
Incompatible with the principle of benefit packages that exist Nishun two electronic spin electronics, thus proving that the same level of the two protons in the same axis spin the same. Then e-Hong-Te-level principle rules, the electronic shell with principle in all practical level and Proton Proton shell are just too small nucleus of the powerful role that can not be left vacant in the state of Proton, only in the interval In the form of neutrons in the form of contact with each other and with different speed of rotation to slow down the nuclear circle role. (Thereby also led Hewaidianzai circle of high-speed rotary
In addition to the proton nuclear attraction between the amp, is a Coulomb repulsion. It is between the positively charged proton from mutually exclusive generated, it is only concerned with the distance, and the shaft has nothing to do with the direction of the force when the distance decreases rapidly at its larger, adjacent to the two protons can not be too close. Neutron has nothing to do with the Coulomb force, magnetized neutron only be attracted by Proton, it is only nuclear power under the protection of God between the proton.
When the nucleus of two protons from the neighboring too close, more than amps of force Coulomb show exclusion, which can not be composed of nuclear, atomic nuclei, when the two neighboring proton distance greater than a distance of less than a certain distance and R nR, amp Coulomb force of more than show attractive, which is composed of the nucleus of the reasons for the atomic nucleus, when the two neighboring proton distance greater than distance nR, Coulomb force again larger than amps, and this can not be a component of nuclear structure. The R - nR only by the sub-interval between. And electron shell structure, Proton also layered, nuclear, proton-proton in addition to S on the main axis, the other P, D, F, such as protons at different levels should support the festival, with the main branch of Rotary to produce school Small amp, and this force has not calculated how much of the necessary. The entire circumference of the rotating nuclei need a centripetal force, the alleviation of the extra amps attractive, so that the stability of the structure and composition of material existence. (Electron shell with small letters spdf said that the Proton-large letters that SPDF)
Two of the above can be through a number of commonly used formula to calculate, calculate the distance and the size of the relationship of the physicists will surprise the world, this map existing nuclear power barrier to a map almost entirely. Let us have recognized the mystery of nuclear power and mischievous.
Third, nuclear power and size of the specific terms
Through the above assumptions, the first to calculate the size of ring current strength, and then calculate the circular flow of electronic sensors magnetic field strength and size to participate in a neutron proton magnetic field strength after the increase in multiples, calculated in a certain distance from the amps of the estimated大小. By the same distance from the Coulomb force and the size of a regional nuclear power that comparison.
1, the current size of the proton ring I
Proton neutron radius of R=0.8×10-15 meters. (This number is by measuring and many scientists calculated.)
Proton Electronic charge of all q= e = 1.6×10-19 Coulomb
Proton positive charge on the spin-speed C = 3×108 m / sec.
So: the positively charged proton spin circumference length L = 2 π R
∴ positive charge spin-week time T = 2 π R / C
∴ proton ring on the current strength I = q / T = eC / (2 π R)………… (1)
The current calculated yes yes very powerful, and each proton ring current, electron spin current is the same.
2, proton magnetic induction intensity on the spindle B
Only positive charge at the current Central magnetic induction intensity smaller, proton magnetic after participating in this magnetic induction intensity will be stepped up more than three times, a further participation in magnetized neutron magnetic induction intensity at the same point in strengthening 4-5 times.
Located in the main ring from the current proton center r strength of the magnetic induction for B0 ((the r = nR)
From "Albert Austria - Savimbi Laval's Law", by magnetic induction intensity B0
其中u=4π×10-7牛顿/安培2 (常数)
R for the current radius ring (that is, proton radius), r is the distance on the main centre of the ring current point r = nR, I was (1) where the ring current strength. Different from the spindle on the corresponding n only different.
Proton spindle in
the surface (r = R, n = 1) is the strength of the magnetic induction
Proton was current Central magnetized surface of the proton magnetic induction intensity increased more than three times, by the following calculation formula to enhance the magnetization after the magnetic induction B '. (A proton magnetic neutron is the most vulnerable objects)
B’=u M (L/D)[1+(L/D)2 ]-(1/2)
其中u=4π×10-7牛顿/安培2 (常数);
L and D is magnetized long and the diameter of the object, the Constitution of the ball, L / D = 1;
M is the object magnetization, the Proton magnetization M = △ m / (△ V) = I △ S / (△ V) ≈ I / (1.5R)
One △ S magnetization of the area, △ V for the magnetization of volume, the ball is about 1:1.5 R Proton代入B’得:B’=u *[I/(1.5R)]*1*[1+(1) 2 ]-(1/2)=0.943 uI/(2R)
So: Proton main point on the surface of the
total magnetic induction B for the
Figure can see that the participation of proton magnetic ring so that the current strength of magnetic induction to strengthen a number of times, so that nuclear greatly enhance the attractiveness。
Further participation in magnetized neutron, above the magnetic induction intensity must also strengthen some. Neutron Proton the same material, the magnetization M should be the same, there are visible only in the L / D ratio Jiapei, so B 'has increased. Estimates obtained through:
A proton and a visible in the B = 4.373 B0
A proton and two in the visible B = 4.577 B0
A proton and the three visible in the B = 4.658 B0
Proton spindle through the surface of magnetic induction intensity of different estimates, the same can be drawn from any other on the main axis of the magnetic flux density, its relations with multiples above one to calculate.
Therefore: Proton was magnetized, Proton and current Central is a whole and within the magnetic proton magnetic intensity should be the same. Like a magnet, the magnetic field in the same strong magnet, with distance decreases. Therefore: spindle on a current loop from the main surface of the Proton arbitrary Department (r = nR) of magnetic induction B
B=X*B0 ……………(2)
Where X is a different number of protons and neutrons involved in the different multiples of magnetization,
Note: Calculation of nuclear power, the distance from the Proton r surface value.
1, calculating the size of nuclear power:
A proton magnetic induction from the field on the surface of Proton Spin spindle r = nR the B ring proton spin of the current force is amps, amps from a law:
F安=∫d(L B I)=2πR B I
L is the B ring circumference of Proton's current long,
I is the current Proton B, B is a proton magnetic induction intensity. Will I,
B and income, and e, C, R, u get into the known quantity:
Of which: n = r / R calculated n, and X = 3.667,4.373,4.577,4.658 take a different value.
Proton two similar role in two magnets, the magnets are r values of the surface, the size of the magnetic field, like magnets.
R the distance between the two of the positively charged proton mutually exclusive static electricity to the size of the Coulomb calculated as follows:
即F库=360/n2 牛顿
Two Proton contact, Coulomb force is the maximum, so the value of r is the only proton from the surface value. That is, the two protons from the surface at r = R, n = 1, the two protons for R far from the surface, and on the spindle.
F安There is the nature of the effort to attract,F库Is the exclusive nature of the force, if not for nuclear circle rotation (proton like to spin),F安=F库N so that the size, derived from Proton r distance.
得:n≈0.72和 n≈3.2
In other words: r <0.72R and r> 3.2R, more than amps of force Coulomb, showed repulsion.
0.72R <r <3.2R, amps of force Coulomb greater than that shown in the nuclear gravity, which is composed of a small region, called for nuclear power on the physical area.
When a magnetic neutron participation, X from 4.577, the nuclear power for the region: 0.62 R <r <4.2R
As in the atomic nucleus, the proton P, D, F and other support to around the axis of rotation, the entire rotation will have a greater radius of the current loop, but much smaller rate, we must have a certain amount of amps of nuclear To strengthen the appeal of another branch of the proton because of increased Coulomb force at the same time has also increased. So nuclear power in the region can only be estimated to be about: R <r <6R within. Size distribution of regional nuclear power can be calculated by the following practical and painted.
当n=0(两质子接触)F安 =+1320牛顿 F库=-为无穷大数 排斥
当n=1(两质子悬空)F安 =+466.8牛顿 F库=-360牛顿 吸引
当n=2(两质子间隔1个中子)F安 =+140.8牛顿 F库=-90牛顿 吸引
当n=3(中子不能为1.5个) F安 =+49.8牛顿 F库=-40牛顿 吸引
当n=4(两质子间隔2个中子) F安 =+23.6牛顿 F库=-22.5牛顿 吸引
当n=5(中子不能为2.5个) F安 =+12.5牛顿 F库=-14.5牛顿 排斥
当n=6(两质子间隔3个中子) F安 =+7.5牛顿 F库=-10牛顿 排斥
Extension of the actual participation in the nuclear core of some larger distribution in Figure 1-4:
On the map in the two-body physical barrier nuclear plans fully consistent 1-5. If the reasons for the «nuclear power is really amps of force Coulomb force and Mody« If these two plans is not why the same »
The structure of the nucleus is what form
«From the above calculation can be arrived. High-speed rotating proton vacant
achieve a balanced form of the structure is impossible to exist. Proton
interval between the two in a visible size of nuclear power for the performance
of Newton's
attractive about 50.8, this structure is the structure of the main components
form, called neutron single structure. Two Proton visible in the interval
between the two nuclear power for the size of 1.1 Newton (a branch of the force
should reach at more than 20 Newton), which is composed of the nuclear
structure of the secondary form of secondary structure in three main forms
P-section of the triangular structure of the main axis, called double-neutron
structure. Proton interval between two of the three neutrons in the nucleus
with its nuclear power under section about 0 Newton, Gangxiang in equilibrium,
but the centrifugal force of the circular motion of reasons, in three of the
neutron Split open, it is not the nuclear structure of the nuclear fission
reaction, the neutron against the first of three large nuclear neutron
structure, balance after a short period of time, quickly split into two other
nuclear; fissile This is the mechanism. -- Figure 1-6
In the structure of atomic nuclei, and 1 S-section of the proton-neutron by the structure of the composition, with the main section to deviate from that of its S and P Proton Proton has not calculated the attractiveness of nuclear power, from shaft Heart magnetic sense of strength to weakened rapidly. 2S of the following 3 S, 4S, 5S, 6S, and so are between two-neutron structure. High-speed rotate also can see the structure of the layered, composed of a shell 1 S, 2S 2P, 3S 3P 3D, 4S 4P 4D 4F, 5S 5P 5D, 6S 6P, and the electronic order of one to complete. See the next chapter detailed analysis of the structure of atomic nuclei.
Proton magnetic neutron are being generated from the mutual attraction, so that nuclear power show with the "charge unrelated to the nature." Proton only two adjacent to attract strong role, so that nuclear power show "saturation" characteristics. Each proton and the neutron through a proton to the other so that the performance of nuclear power to "exchange" feature. Ampere force and the spindle on, too much deviation from axis of amps weakened rapidly, and the Coulomb force only with the distance no effort to make nuclear power show "effort and no comprehensive effort" characteristics.
Two atomic nuclei together to polymerization must meet two conditions: First, the two nuclei must be to spin, take-magnetic direction of the second, the two nuclei must have a certain energy to the regional nuclear power, not more than just To achieve nuclear power zone. This is the mechanism of fusion, unless they detailed chapter of the nuclear fusion.
In short, nuclear power is the amp and Coulomb force composed of. Calculation of nuclear power is not important, high-speed so that the nucleus itself can not be accurately calculated. Important is calculated by the two nuclear structure, single-and double-neutron neutron structure is the nuclear structure of the composition, and thus can be drawn on the modern world has been aware of all the nuclear structure and nuclear isotope structure. One fusion, fission, α decay mechanism, such as changes in location and let people at a glance. These are calculated on the nuclear power of the important results.