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第二部份 原子核大树形接触型结构探索
(Nuclear big tree contact-type structure to explore)
Address: Pengzhou City of Sichuan Bamboo tile in the school Zip Code: 611934
Author: Li Shouan (Li Shou An) E-mail: lian0011@126.com
Key words: power amps Two-neutron structure Single-neutron structure Large tree Contact structure
Abstract: The development of nuclear science has reached a level of quark, but the nuclear force, the concrete structure of nuclear physics or a fault in the theory, not yet clear who will crack. Hewaidianzai have a particularly strong laws to be found, why do not proton nucleus? Existing experiments have confirmed that the positively charged proton is on the point, proton nuclear spin at high speed. Spin-line at assumption that the speed of a speed limit, it is easy to calculate the size of the power amp, and Coulomb interaction force, in a 1-3 proton diameter range of attractive show, this show outside the scope of the repulsion; thus Be the size and nature of the nuclear force. This is derived nucleus of protons between array is 1-2 neutrons, said the two-neutron structure and the structure of a single neutron; in the second section outside the respective branches of bifurcation after 3, 5, 7 branch branch , Up and down together is divided into different levels, each level is the existence of a proton 6,10,14, and this arrangement Hewaidianzai law exactly. Hewaidianzai also arranged entirely by the proton nucleus rule of order. From the large nuclear-contact structure of the tree to see: fission is the weakest place in the two-neutron structure, so that the main fission products into different sizes of the two nuclear; and β decay of cobalt-60 into a nuclear Ni is Into a stable structure of the nuclear process, and just in the Antarctic NMR; 212Po decay of a tree to prove the special nature of the nuclear structure; nuclear and determination of the size of the structure of the spindle length equal to the static. The article is divided into the first part of the nature of the nuclear force and the size of the calculation, the second part of the composition of the concrete structure of the atomic nucleus, the third part of the specific location of nuclear fission in the fourth part of the fusion process and the specific reasons. Development of science experiments demonstrate less and less, according to the existing theory of the new theory, the new theory to explain all phenomena, it is the truth. (I would like to use my theory to explain face to face with all the people all the phenomena)
The body:
The old in-depth knowledge and understanding is derived, in order to get a new theory of knowledge, science and the development of the more Yue always, there is no bold assumption that there will be no science. The structure of atomic nuclei will explore scientific theories now jumped to a new level, this conclusion can be further verified, it will rewrite physics textbooks.
With strong Hewaidianzi order laws (such as the periodic table), Hewaidianzi has a clear structure and the shell-level rank, carbon-group elements with the outer electron s1p2 Hybrid. Hewaidianzai all of which by the nature of the decision itself or the electronic structure of atomic nuclei by the decision?
Nuclear fission products to the analysis: why even the quality of fission into two and a half probability is very small, uneven fission into two and a half great chance? Cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )The β decay into a post-nuclear Ni, which turned into nuclear structure and stability. 212Po α by the nuclear decay into a family of carbon in a stable 208Pb Nuclear. The stability of the nuclear structure of what is the shape of it?
Nuclear power are two different kinds of
combinations of power, in the adjacent proton between the two nuclear power
shown in Figure 2-1 barrier map.
As can be seen from the map distance between the protons in about R - 6R shown between gravity (R for proton radius), In this show outside the range of repulsion. Nucleus of high-speed rotation in each of the nuclear centripetal force must have, so can only show between nuclear gravity component of atomic nuclei can be. From the chart can be found in the 1.7R--4R among the most powerful gravity, can be inferred from this point: Proton is based on interval between a neutron or 2 neutron component of atomic nuclei; neutron in the nucleus only Demonstrate gravity; between a neutron or 2 in each of the post-nuclear also has the extra attraction, the extra gravitational well as nuclear-week rotation Park centripetal force. Are single-and two-neutron structure of the neutron is in the form of the basic structure of atomic nuclei?
Many of the above-mentioned science and condensate are asked by the unknown structure of atomic nuclei, nuclear structure should be like? This article is derived more than one section, between an adjacent proton or neutron 2 of the neutron Tree-like structure, and it called "the nuclear structure of the tree model", more like the structure of the proton nucleus of a tree, the roots, trunk, the tree branch, root, and other support; less like a proton nuclear saplings. Such a structure of its long axis is the time for garden-week rotation in diameter, the diameter is the Rutherford experiment measured the diameter of an atomic nucleus. This structure has allowed the adjacent proton show any gravity, all outside the adjacent proton showed a smaller repulsion, which the nucleus of the total nuclear force between the gravity show.
The following is divided into two chapters: Chapter One, tree structure of the array of nuclear law. Including the shape, form, order, order more neutrons, and so on. Chapter II, the nuclear structure of the tree examples to prove. Including the electronic movement of the external video card of the nuclear structure of the tree; weak interaction of well-known video card宇称不守恒tree structure of the nuclear non-symmetry; 212Po decay of a young tree permit the special nature of the nuclear structure; the Rutherford Determination of the diameter of the nuclear test video card tree structure of the nuclear spindle length. What is the structure of the nucleus of this arrangement? The following sub-chapter description.
A chapter on the nuclear structure of the tree model law order
1, the basic structure of atomic nuclei in the form of:
Any two adjacent proton between what form of nuclear components?
Research on the basis of an atom to atom of
steel ball to the study. Research on the assumption that the nuclear structure
of the first proton and neutron is a steel ball. The main structure is in the
form of two adjacent proton between a neutron directly on to ball contact
approach; secondary structure is adjacent to the main axis between the two
proton 2 neutron into contact with in a straight line. Figure 2-2 is carbon
nuclear mainly in the form of combination. Multi-proton nucleus in two ways
according to the size of the order of the nuclear force. Secondary in the form
of protons between the gravity is too small, there must be a branch of the
rotation have a combination of gravitational effects can exist, so the main
layer 2 other than the 30 cents a specific region appear. These two forms of
nuclear power by the basic characteristics of the decision, the powerful role
of nuclear power, nuclear and high-speed mode can not be like gas, liquid-mode,
the shell structure described in the "vacant balance and stability";
only two Neutron Proton-phase structure in the form of contact between the existence
of. Because nuclear power is the power of the nature of the two different
combinations in the adjacent proton between 2 to show the barrier nuclear power
plans in Figure 1, can be seen from the chart in the distance between the
protons around R - 6R's Inter-show attraction (R for the radius of the proton),
in which demonstrated outside the range of repulsion. Nucleus of high-speed
rotation in each of the nuclear centripetal force must have, so can only show
between nuclear gravity component of atomic nuclei can be. From the chart can
be found in the 1.7R--4R among the most powerful gravity, can be found from
this point: Proton is based on interval between a neutron or 2 neutron
component of the basic form of the atomic nucleus;
the neutron Show only nuclear gravity; between a neutron or 2 neutron after
each proton has the extra attraction, it could well be the nuclear-week
rotation of the centripetal force of the park. Therefore, the structure of a
single neutron, the two-neutron structure of the atomic nucleus is composed of
the basic structure of the structure.
2, the nuclear structure of the nucleus of the tree shape model
Neutron single structure, two-neutron structure in the form of what is a big component of the nuclear?
Nuclear-shaped structure, such as the shape of an ideal tree, called the "tree structure of the nuclear model." Multi-proton nucleus to the main form of order to Layer 2, both proton and the role of nuclear power as a result of departing from axial, in order to strengthen the stability of the nuclear force as a whole and on an equal footing from the 3 P branch of the triangular structure of the proton component, This 3 P branch in the main section of the S-proton named sub-3-P. Steady-state, this 3-P sub-branch and the main axis is the formation of tetrahedron, called: 30 cents tetrahedral structure, in Figure 2-2 carbon structure of the lower part of the nuclear branch. In the Triangle district, after the structure is in the form of two-neutron secondary composed. Layer 3 after the branch but also in the sub-3 P-growing branch of the 5-D sub-branches, 4-D after 5 sub-branches at birth and can be divided into 7 sub-branch of F, Asia Layer by the branch can be extremely high or low orbit and a number of decisions. All sub-branch structures are in the form of one of the main structure of neutron-shaped form. More than large section of the nuclear branch to 2 or 3 components of the system, the system composed of more by the triangular shape on all sides, the overall shape of the nucleus is still the main axis as the central component of more triangular shape on all sides of the structural stability of the sub-structure. Proton nucleus of the entire multi-shaped structure as an ideal tree: It is the backbone, branches, sub-branch, root, root who, at times ... ... it is to root for the main axis to 30 cents for the tetrahedron is, both 2-2 to lower carbon triangle shape on all sides as the most stable structure of the composition of the structure. This is the shape of the nucleus. When the nuclear-week high-speed rotary park, the observation from the outside world can see that it is shaped like "ball", when the main nuclear rotating ways to spindle, can be seen from the outside world to observe its shape, such as "down-like." Rotation is not (in reality it is not possible) to observe as an ideal tree. Therefore, this paper, to come to the nuclear structure of the tree known as the nuclear structure of the model.
3、Proton nucleus and stratified according to the level of the very rationale for scheduling the order
Nuclear-tree structure is a model of multi-layered festival, which the law of hierarchical order, how are we doing?
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 proton can be divided into hierarchical levels, and each can be arranged in the number of protons are as follows: 2,8,18,32,18,8,2, (the date of this The largest number of protons). The first of these is divided into 2-S, P sub-layer, Layer 3 is divided into S, P, D-sub, 4 layer is divided into S, P, D, F sub-layer, is divided into 5-S, P , D, F sub-layer, 6-only S, P two sub-layers, 7-S only sub-layer (the date of the nuclear level). The sub-layer support for proton S for 2, P for 6, D for 10, F for 14. (Of which the nuclear structure of the upper section of tree branch, about half of the number of sub-branch section, the lower part of the root support section, about half of the number of sub-branch).
Proton hierarchical, Xiao Cong significantly low to high in the order is: 1S (1-S-Asia), 2S, 2P, 3S, 3P, 4S, 3D, 4P, 5S, 4D, 5P, 6S, 4F, 5D , 6P, 7S, 5F, 6D ...... proton from small to large number of different nuclear lower priority.
From the small number of proton-proton to more than a few nuclear order is from low to high to be able to order by e-proton can be arranged in order law of the law. For the same level: for example, the main axis of the upper part of the first layer 4S will be arranged in 3 4P, 4P will be arranged in 5 4D, 4D will be arranged in 7 4F (the lower part of the first-4S on the same order). This means that S can be ranked 3 P, the rest of the Asia-row only 1-2 teams Festival (one of the main axis towards the Asia-section only support a row). All protons, neutrons increase, always start with the lowest levels of emission levels, and always from the nuclear magnetic north pole to increase (the lower part of the nuclear map) to the four-triangle structure and stability after the nuclear field to increase the Antarctic ( Figure in the upper part of the nuclear).
Proton arranged by the above arrangement Hewaidianzi law has been derived. E-order rule of law order proton nucleus? Or proton nucleus array of electronic rule of the law of this arrangement?, Of course, is due to external electronic decision Proton, Proton decided to order the law of electronic order laws; therefore, can be arranged by the law of electronic counter-image Proton launch of the law of order. Arrangement similar to the above law is the law of the array of electronic logic.
4、Neutron few too many big nuclear structure of the law
In the atomic nucleus, the neutron is a bit of a major role in the protection of the nature of the role of the neutron and the number of nuclear spin and stability, a smooth rotation, the stability of the structure of neutron nuclear corresponding number on a little bit more.
Of the same elements as the atomic number of neutrons in particular for a long time, the neutron emission increases in what location? Large number of neutron nuclear structure (or refer to the structure of the nuclear isotope), according to a major nuclear structure and form of post-secondary structure in the form of portfolio Neutron how the rest of the order? Rest of the neutrons will be able to take a very Proton. For the rest of the nucleus are too many neutrons, which not only occupy the next level proton position, will occupy the lower levels more in the second and third to a location. In the nuclear branch of the Department to strengthen nuclear force, slowly rotating garden week, the external needs of the small centripetal force in the sub-layer between the branches may also attract some of the neutron (the law of order, between the sub-branch); because the proton and Coulomb repulsion of the proton, so that these places can not be Paishang a proton can only be arranged to attract some of the neutron. Therefore, the larger, slower rotating neutron nuclear attract a few more.
In short, each of the proton motion a decision corresponding to the state of e-sports. E-row rationale for the law: the minimum energy principle, the rules Hondt, security, incompatible with the principles of correctness, is an indirect mapping out the correct order proton law. Therefore, Proton tiered capital letters: S, P, D, F, said. (Order by e-lowercase letters: s, p, d, f)
The following examples of some of the typical array of nuclear case, the structure of the nuclear rules that Xiangxi to be.
Chapter II, the nuclear structure of the tree model example of order
1、Hewaidianzai video card cloud of carbon nucleus of the stability of the structure of the triangular shape of the tetrahedron
General carbon nuclear 6 protons and 6 neutrons, can be extremely high or low by absolute order of the nuclear structure is:1S2 、2S2 、2P2(2P2 , Said: Layer 2 of the sub-P-2 protons). Figure Figure 2-3 (1), which is an unstable structure, as in Figure 2S on a Proton as a result of nuclear power to deviate from the axis of rotation, it is unstable, a Proton-2P and another proton 2P Can not be composed of two Proton Triangular stability of the structure of the tetrahedron, the entire performance of the very unstable; As a result, the entire core portfolio will be: a 2S proton-proton and 2 2P miscellaneous synthetic 3 of the same branch, composed of four triangular Structure, so that both the nuclear and shorten the triangle into a stable structure of the tetrahedron; that this hybrid is called carbon-coreS 1P 2 Hybrid structure. All of the carbon nucleus family has such a hybrid structure. Figure 2-3 in the middle map (2),2S12P2 Hybrid composition of the triangle, with the main triangle is composed of tetrahedral structure. 2S into a miscellaneous post, a change in post-1S as 2S, the top 2S become 1S, as if the entire structure to reduce a 2S. This is the stability of the structure of the nuclear shape: the triangular shape on all sides.
Hewaidianzi carbon cloud chart in Figure 2-3 Key (3) happened to be surrounded by body structure, each of the outer electron motion by the relative position of the proton nucleus of a state decision Hewaidianzi carbon-carbon nuclear cloud is the proton After the triangular composition of the hybrid tetrahedron indirect image. The structure of the nuclear test apparatus can not be directly verified, then from the Hewaidianzai motion perception of what we can do? That is the shape of the nucleus and Hewaidianzi the shape of the cloud there must be linked. The corresponding Hewaidianzi, all of the carbon electronics group have the same hybrid structure, so as to map out the carbon nucleus SP hybrid structure. (All plans for Proton in black and white as a neutron)2、钴60 nuclear(60 C O )β decay of the mechanism and principle宇称不守恒video evidence of a stable structure of the nuclear shape
Cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )β Ni decay into a post-nuclear, non-triangular shape so that the outer structure of the decay into the structure of triangular shape, so as to become a nuclear stability of the structure.
Cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )27 protons and 33 neutrons, in which the outermost layer of a
neutron 0 n Into
decline 1
PProton, and released a negative electron-1 e .核Cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )Key structure in Figure 2-4 (1), according to highly ranked as
、2S 2 、2P 6 、3S 2 、3P 6 、4S 2 、3D 7 . The final order 3D7
7 in the first proton nuclear magnetic North Pole in the lower part of
Figure 5 End row, remaining in the upper part of the nuclear magnetic South
Pole on Paishang 2 proton. Key Figure 2-4 (1) the lower part of the Arctic,
plan map in Figure 2-4 (2): 5 proton 3D divided into three groups composed of a
triangle, with a proton-4S components in order to become the main axis as the
center of the triangle on all sides Body structure; this nuclear cobalt 60(60 C O )The lower part of the structure into a stable structure. Why lower
part of the Asian D-5 proton can only order it? This is due to Proton's
decision to order the law: D-sub-row up to 10 Proton (F sub-layer up to 14
Proton row); ranked below 5 D-Asia Proton, the top ranked Asian D-5 proton, and
always from the nuclear magnetic North Pole first order to half-full before the
rest of the upper part of the arrangement. (Also see here from the law and
order proton Hewaidianzai half-full rank the same as the law in order to
reflect evidence of the viability of Proton order).
Cobalt-60 nuclear (60 C O ) The upper part of the structure of the map shown in Figure 2-4 (3), 2 3D proton-proton 4S and an increase in neutron able to form a tetrahedron triangular structure, unstable; only in the X-neutron decay produced by Department 1 A triangle composed of protons can tetrahedral structure, so that the stability of the entire nuclear change. Did not decay into a proton 5 of full security, but the triangular structure much more stable than before the decay. Therefore, cobalt 60Cobalt-60 nuclear
The upper part of the structure of the map shown in Figure 2-4 (3), 2 3D proton-proton 4S and an increase in neutron able to form a tetrahedron triangular structure, unstable; only in the X-neutron decay produced by Department 1 A triangle composed of protons can tetrahedral structure, so that the stability of the entire nuclear change. Did not decay into a proton 5 of full security, but the triangular structure much more stable than before the decay. Therefore, cobalt 60(60 C O )X took place in the nuclear β Decay, and from here out an e-negative; cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )The decay occurs in a specific location, this is precisely the location of nuclear magnetic South Pole. Cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )The decay occurs in a specific location, just by Wu Jianxiong scientists to verify the role of weak Experiment宇称不守恒be under video card:
Tsung-Dao Lee in 1956, Yang Zhenyu infer that the weak interaction, "宇称不守恒" and suggested that β decay of the electronic angular distribution can be inferred. Wu Jianxiong completed in 1957, and so this experiment: (1 Document)
“β the decay of cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )On the strong magnetic field, the temperature dropped to below 1K, to reach the final 0.004K, so that 60% of cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O )Shun take the direction of the magnetic field magnetic moment. Under the low-temperature nuclear heat to reduce the movement, so as not to disturb the order in the atomic nucleus. It was found that 60% of the β-rays from the anti-fired from the direction of the magnetic field, 40% of the β-rays from the Shun fired from the direction of the magnetic field. "Experiment to prove: Cobalt 60 nuclear(60 C O )β decay occurred in the nuclear magnetic South Pole, or against the direction of the magnetic, which is 2-4 map of X Agency. Experimental video card: nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the arrangement is always in full before the North Pole in the Antarctic nuclear magnetic order. Experimental video card: After the decay of the triangle much more stable than before decay. The whole structure of the nuclear can see that the visual structure of the nuclear non-symmetrical, in turn, that when宇称不守恒weak interaction. On a structural basis, "宇称不守恒" is the core nature of the structure is not symmetrical, and N is always great, S minimal.
(I had a cobalt-60 nuclear(60 C O ) Die-shaped structure of the home-made, will have the opportunity to demonstrate to the people.)
The following re-use other methods to reflect evidence of the nuclear structure of the large tree.
3、212Po The nuclear α Video evidence of nuclear decay again triangular tetrahedron structure and stability of the nuclear order method 212Po α of nuclear decay 208 Pb Nuclear, its 208 Pb Nuclear structure from top to bottom is 3 point of view 4 surface shape more 3 point of view 4 facial shape than before the decay to more stable, the nuclear card again reflect the tetrahedral structure of the triangle is the basic structure of the nuclear shape.
Decay equation:212Po -->208Pb + 4He (α粒子)
212 Po Oxygen is a
nuclear family of polonium, according to the law of the nuclear order that the
final order is a sub-6P-proton, as only a sub-layer structure of the proton is
already unstable, along with many nuclear protons around the big strong Coulomb
repulsion force role , So this Proton 6P axis offset more volatile and do not
drive connected to the 6S stability in Figure 2-5. α by the decay of carbon into the family 208Pb Lead nuclear,
nuclear 6P6S not support an independent section, and the lower part is S 1P 2 After the hybrid structure of the triangle (all the ethnic structure
of the carbon), hybrid post-Pb seems to lack a nuclear 6S, as a less carbon-2S
the same. As a result, the ratio of nuclear Pb 212Po Nuclear stability, so 212Po α by the nuclear decay into a stable 208 Pb。
212 Po The nuclear order for Proton:1S 2 、2S 2 、2P 6 、3S 2 、3P 6 、3D 10 、4S 2 、4P 6 、4D 10 、4F 14 、5S 2 、5P 6 、5D 10 、6S 2 、6P 4 。Finally, 4 6P proton in the Arctic three row after more than a platoon in the Antarctic 6S, to become an unstable section of support. 6P than can be great for the 7S, 5F, 6D, therefore, ranked in the midnight, according to conventional neutron will be arranged after the rest of the neutron, and the rest on to the next row in the pole position on the proton, such as 7S, 5F, On 6D. It was not until 128 neutron emission END end. Figure 2-5 (Cheung map contact with the author). If the entire nuclear-section of more than 1 branch regularly support section of the tree: the upper part of support for the cadres, to the lower part of the roots; α Department decay on the top is just a young branch, was as big as the wind off the natural harmony. 经 αAfter the decay is becoming stable S1P2Hybrid structure of the triangle.
4, Rutherford determination of the radius of a nuclear test reflect a strong evidence of a large tree nuclear long axis Rutherford use αAgainst the occurrence of nuclear particle scattering methods to obtain nuclear size, that is, that the size of the nuclear radius: calculation is: by the law of conservation of energy and angular momentum conservation law to be a radius of the nuclear formula to calculate the nuclear radius. (2 documents) from the above experiment measured under a number of cases of the atomic nucleus radius:
Cobalt 60 Nuclear(60 C O ) Radius size:1.58×10-14 M。
Silver radius of the nuclear:2×10-14 米。
212Po Nuclear radius:2.9×10-14 米
The tree structure of the nuclear model of the axis of direct measurements of the nuclear spindle can be long. This coincided with the length of the Rutherford radius of the size of the nuclear test match (in the experimental error).
Physically measured the radius of a proton (also a radius of the neutron) is about 0.8×10-15 米。Tree-like structure of the nuclear axis coincides with the long axis of all the protons and neutrons within a radius of the total (excluding support). The Cobalt 60 (60 C O ) On the main axis S-8 protons and 12 neutrons, so a radius of the sum calculated as follows:
R=(8+12)×0.8×10-15 米=1.6×10-14 米。(And the difference between the measurements 0.02×10-14 米)
Silver for nuclear 108 Ag On the main axis S-10 protons and 16 neutrons, so a radius of the main axis for the sum of:
R=(10+16)×0.8×10-15 米=2.08×10-14 米。(And the difference between the measurements 0.08×10-14 米)
For 212 Po On the nuclear axis S-12 protons and 24 neutrons, and a section of the main branch 6P a little long, plus about 0.5 neutron radius of the calculation. Therefore, calculated as the sum of the radius of the spindle:
R=(12+24+0.5)×0.8×10-15 米=2.92×10-14 米 。 (And the difference between the measurements 0.02×10-14 米)
From the above experiments and measurements can be seen in the experimental error, the Rutherford experiment to detect nuclear radius is equal to the nuclear structure of the large tree long axis. As for why a little error? That is the main high-speed rotation of the nuclear experiment uncertainty are the reasons for their high-speed spin nuclear experiment nucleus collision also may have to shift occurs; also may be subject to branch section of the nuclear force Affected, resulting in errors. Take a closer look can be found: Rutherford experiment is still great uncertainty of the nuclear structure of the tree is wrong with it!
5. Determines the nature of the nuclear force large tree structure of the nuclear components of the basic model:
All theories and high-energy physics experiment found that: short-range nuclear force is strong interaction, from the barrier nuclear power plans were found in about two proton1.2---3.3×10-15 M distance for the strong performance of the role of gravity in the distance as the strong performance of repulsion, nuclear power and this has nothing to do with the neutron, so that the neutrons in nuclear power only for the performance of gravity; neighboring nuclear power capacity, Proton adjacent to gravity, other than the proton showed repulsion. Note this: in strong interaction between the proton-proton and can not be left to other models to achieve a balance can only be set up large tree structure, said each of more than 2 between a single proton and the neutron structure of the two-neutron structure In the form of nuclear power to meet the full potential barrier map of gravity and the strong interactions saturated adjacent nature; Neutron Proton in between to reconcile protection for the performance of the neutron proton attract each other's nuclear force that has nothing to do with the nature of the charge; phase O-proton and proton as a result of a strong gravitational pull between the interval to a neutron or a neutron set up, and the entire large nuclear power required for high-speed spin to weaken the cohesion between the proton and the strong role of the proton. In particular, the external proton, not because of the gravitational field to attract it, and only strong gravitational pull inward, it will need the centripetal force of gravity as a spin, so as to achieve balance; do not have such a strong role in Proton will go centrifuge; This is the nucleus of high-speed spin. Do not mistakenly think that there is friction contact with proton neutron, friction is the macro, micro-friction-free phenomenon. Nuclear power plans by the barrier can be found: When the interval 2 neutron and proton-proton distance of a lot of reduced gravity, although there is the support so that this section of the strengthening of nuclear power, but this is the weakest point in the atomic nucleus; Nuclear fission products is not a big uniform, the reason is that nuclear fission took place in the tree structure of the upper layer 2 and layer 2 between the pair of neutron component of the structure of the weak points, as this around the Coulomb force between protons, so that Here is not to become a strong nucleus of the points; and Layer 3 and Layer 4 following the two-neutron structure of the festival there are other teams have a rotation of the auxiliary role of nuclear power than the No. 2 double-layer structure to stabilize some of the neutron. Fission at the specific level of external neutron combat, first of all at this point into the three components of the structure of neutron and immediately separated into 2 large range of nuclear (and you have the opportunity to go into the details "of nuclear fission") . So instead of fission products from the separation of uniform.
In short, many of the phenomenon in virtually all major video evidence of the correctness of the structure of the nuclear tree, to meet the nature of the nuclear force: the role of strong short-range, the charge has nothing to do, and adjacent saturated. It can explain the Fermi gas model, the nuclear Shell model, collective model to explain the nature of all, and to be able to explain them can not explain the phenomenon; such as: Which model will have to explain why nuclear fission of uranium will be mainly in a specific location? That is to say why fission products Is not uniformly distributed. What Hewaidianzai cloud shape, the structure of the nucleus to have the same shape, the decision due to external factors, which have the nuclear structure of the model can reasonably explain the external shell of electronic order law? Co 60 Nuclear(60 C O ) βDecay Mechanism,212Po The nuclear αVideo evidence of nuclear decay again triangular structure of the tetrahedron. Rutherford experimental nuclear diameter and the size of the large tree's main nuclear appearance, and so on; all of which can not be that big tree structure of the nuclear model of the feasibility of it? Are we going to see a true high-speed micro-nuclear it can be recognized (in real life Can not be directly observed)?
There are certainly a lot of evidence that people hope to study to verify this, so that the physical theory of the Earth in the East on a more level.
Documents attached:
Document 1: Yang Fujia book "Atomic Physics" in August 1985 first edition of the Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House; No. 20, 342, 347, 352, 332 and so on.
Document 2: Saint-Lin Chu, "Atomic Physics", p. 17, 331, 407.
Document 3: Hu-huan, Wang Zhong-lie, Liu Yuhua for "atomic physics" in March 1989 published by Beijing Normal University, No. 2 Document 166, 253, 270, 275.