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已有 2986 次阅读2010-3-30 21:33 |个人分类:培育孩子|系统分类:女性世界分享到微信

互聯網流傳一封由前香港電台 DJ 梁繼璋寫給兒子的信,姑勿論其真假,文章挺有意思。我閱後亦很有衝動給女兒寫一封家書,以下英文句語純是我向三個年幼女兒的說教,雖然部分內容仿若,但絕非原中文信的翻譯。

Letter to My Princesses

My Dearest,

If you come across this post – which I hope you would one day –please make note of the lessons I’ve learned. What I have experienced is no big different from what others do. In fact, the lessons are totally universal. Unfortunately, not everybody learn from experience. I hope you would though. In fact, I hope you learn before going through the pain I had.

1. Don’t take anything for granted. No one is obligated to treat you well. Be thankful for those who do. Don’t mind those who don’t. When you find someone cares about you, watch. There may be hidden agenda. Take your time before you befriend with anyone.

2. There is no one you can’t live without. There is nothing you absolutely must have. If you lose anyone or anything, take it easy. Life goes on. Treasure what you have. Don’t miss too much of what you once had.

3. Life is short. Time cannot be reclaimed once gone. Don’t waste any second of it. Live life to its fullest. Quality is way more important than quantity. Instead of looking for a long life, just live a meaningful one.

4. It is easy to fall in love. It is not easy to keep loving. Love changes – except the love between you and me. Please love with your head, not over it.

5. Education doesn’t guarantee success. But I guarantee you will need knowledge to be successful. Keep learning, or you will fall behind.

6. As your mom, my job is to prepare you to be self sufficient. I have no responsibility to build your future. You owe that to yourself. I am here standing by you, and will always be. Show me how high you can fly.

7. Keep your words, but don’t assume others do the same. Respect others, but don’t expect the same returns. It does not sound right, I know. Just do it, for your own good. Otherwise, your life will be miserable.

8. You always say you are the luckiest kids in the world, which you are. I am also the luckiest mom in the world because I have you three. But you know what? It is not just luck that lands us where we are. We have been working hard for it. Don’t you think? The harder we try, the luckier we will be. And that applies to everything else. There is no pure luck, my dear.

9. We only live once. Our family was given not by choice. Having you three is the best thing that could happen to me. I love you all. You are my everything. I will do anything for you. Just please make me be proud of you. If there is anything that you want to hide from me, think twice before you do it.

Mom with love

—— 梁繼璋之原文 ——

























发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 梵婗 2010-3-31 23:15
To: rubin 你曾经说:
回复 rubin 2010-3-30 21:52


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