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The Great Unity Theory of Biology, An Upgraded Edition of Evolutionism ——The B .

已有 472 次阅读2020-1-5 20:16 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


At present, scientists are focusing on DNA in the study of genetics and evolution. In this paper, we classify human society as an organism, and divided into three biological stages: cell (first stage biology-system), animal and plant (second stage biology-system), human society (third stage biology-system). On the basis of defining the stages of biological composition, we can make people realize the role of brain in heredity and evolution.

1 Biology-system

In the biology-system theory, we define a growing material system as a biology-system.

At present, the organisms we find belong to the biology-system. Cells, animals, plants and people belong to the biology-system. Besides, human society is also a material system for growth, and it is also a biology-system. Animals and plants are made up of cells as basic units, and human social system is made up of human beings as basic units.

According to their spatial hierarchy and composition, biology-systems can be divided into three stages

     First stage biology-systemcell;

     Second stage biology-systemanimal, plant, Fungus, people;

     Third stage biology-systemHuman social system;

The first stage biology-system constitutes the second stage biology-system, and the second stage biology-system constitutes the third stage biology-system.

It has been recognized that organisms belong to the first and second biology-systems, together with the human social system, which includes all the biology-systems on the earth.

Cells, animals and plants are compact entities, called compact biology-systems. Their morphological structure is fixed. The third stage of human social system is not compact, but discrete, called discrete biology-systems. People and other substances in the human social system can freely flow and combine. People can move around and use transportation to go to other places. Goods can be transported by people. Buildings and factories can be demolished and rebuilt elsewhere. Therefore, the human social system is a free form structure biology-system.

2 Evolution of biology-system

Cell is the first biology-system, DNA is its information system; human is the second biology-system, brain-nervous system is its information system; human social system is the third biology-system, and social information system is its information system. Social information system includes brain, book, computer, mobile phone, network and so on, in which the brain is the core. The operation and evolution of biology-systems are dominated by their own information systems.

Cells inherit DNA information to their offspring through division and proliferation, and DNA mutation leads to new information and changes, thus promoting cell evolution.

In humans, the brain acquires better knowledge and skills through thinking and learning, can find better jobs, better adapt to society and the environment, which is the evolution of the brain-nervous system driven people. This is the same as the evolution of DNA mutation, except that the evolution of the brain is mainly manifested in human behavior, while the evolution of DNA can be manifested in the body structure and behavior of the offspring at the same time. DNA adds new information through mutation, and the brain adds new information through learning, thinking and innovation. The process of learning knowledge is the process of brain information evolution, which can be reflected in people's behavior, and ultimately let the excellent individual win in the social competition. This is the same as DNA information evolution, allowing cells to win in the competition.

The brain can learn by communicating and transferring information from one individual to another (e.g. teachers teach students knowledge), which is the same as DNA, which inherits information to offspring through division and multiplication. Educational learning is equivalent to information inheritance of cells. The difference is that information inheritance of cells occurs between parents and offspring, while information inheritance of human brain can be anyone else. DNA and brain-nervous system play roles in the evolution of human body. The former dominates the growth and development of human body structure, while the latter dominates human behavior. In human reproduction, DNA inherits information from parents to offspring through division, reproduction and embryonic development. Brain information is transmitted to offspring through communication and learning between people.

In the information inheritance of organisms, DNA passes information on to offspring by replicating information vectors. Brain can’t directly replicate the information carrier, but can realize the inheritance of information through communication and learning. Brain replication is achieved in the reproduction and growth of individuals, and information heredity is achieved through communication and learning among individuals. This represents the only two forms of information inheritance - information vector inheritance and communicative learning inheritance.

Because the second biology-system——human is a compact entity, it is difficult to change the body structure after maturation, and the evolution of the brain can only be reflected in behavior, it is difficult to reflect the body structure again. However, the third biology-system-human social system is discrete. Its morphological structure is not fixed, but has a free form like water. The evolution of its information system can be directly reflected in its body structure and behavior. Social reform, scientific and technological progress, these changes in people's thinking and understanding and the improvement of information technology promote economic and social progress, which is the evolution of human social system. This is the same as DNA promotes cell evolution and brain promotes human behavior evolution. Moreover, the evolution of human social system changes itself directly according to the changes of social information system, which is the highest form of evolution - self-evolution.

Although the basic unit of the second biology-system is the same first stage biology-system, it will be very different. For example, a lion's muscle cells and epidermal cells belong to the same species, but have different shapes. They have the same genetic information, but they show different forms in growth and development.

In the evolution of high-stage biology-systems, the process of differentiation of secondary biology-systems is called differentiation evolution, also called intraspecific evolution.

In animals and plants, the differentiation evolution of cells is information system unchanged and morphological structure changed. For example, cells in plants, animals and human bodies differentiate into various kinds of tissue cells. They have different morphologies, but they all have the same DNA information.

In the human social system, the differentiation evolution of human beings are morphological structure unchanged and information system changed. Social division of labor forms various industries and occupations, such as teachers, engineers, workers, farmers and so on. People in different positions have different knowledge and skills, but there is no big difference in body.

These are the only two forms of differentiation evolution: information system unchanged, morphological structure changed; information system changed, morphological structure unchanged. These two forms of differentiation evolution are realized in cells and humans respectively.

The evolution of biology-system from low stage to high stage is called upgrade evolution. For example, cells evolve into animals and plants, and people evolve into human social system.


The biology-system theory enables us to recognize the role of brain-nervous system and social information system in biological evolution, which is no different from DNA. It also makes us realize that the evolution of human social system is no different from that of cells and human body. Their evolutionary direction is entropy reduction. Cells, animals, plants and human social system follow the same rules in their evolution.

The biology-system theory breaks through the limitation of space integration, re-studies biology from the perspective of relationship integration, expands the concept of biology from " biology " to "biology-system", explains the evolution of the first, second and third stage biology-systems——cells, animals, plants and human social system, and unifies natural science and social science.

The biology-system theory summarizes individual evolution, species evolution, differentiation evolution and upgrade evolution, expounds the role of information systems - DNA, brain - nervous system, social information system in the evolution, and discovers the self-evolution of human social system (i.e., transforming itself directly according to the changes of information systems). It is an upgraded version of evolutionary theory, which explains the motives, rates and manifestations of evolutionary evolution.

The biology-system theory is a unified theory in the field of biology. It unifies cells, animals, plants and human society from microcosmic to macroscopic, so that evolution and entropy reduction run through. The biology-system theory has changed people's understanding of life, just as relativity theory changed people's understanding of time and space a hundred years ago.




[1]       The biology-system theory, http://blog.sina.com.cn/saofenghan








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