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咖啡因瘾与酒和其它的毒品不同,其对人体的效果因人而异。不同的是,咖啡因是全世界使用最为广泛的对神经起显著[特殊]作用的(药剂) (psychoactive drug) 。其它毒品在社会上名声很臭,在很多国家列为禁用品,而咖啡因在世界的各个角落为政府法律和常人所接受。
Caffeine Addiction 咖啡因瘾
In this Article: 本片文章包括:
Caffeine Addiction 咖啡瘾 Caffeine Effects 咖啡因效果 Caffeine Dependence 咖啡因的依赖性 Caffeine Tolerance 咖啡因的承受度 Caffeine Withdrawal 咖啡因退出 Caffeine Treatment 咖啡因治疗 Caffeine Timeline 咖啡因时间线 Caffeine Addiction Forum 咖啡因讨论坛
Caffeine addiction is for real and to make matters more disheartening for the avid coffee drinker or cola fan, caffeine employs the same effects as alcohol, LSD, cocaine, crystalmethamphetamine, nicotine, opioids, benzodiazepines, and other major drugs. This makes caffeine the widest used psychoactive drug in the world.
Another compounding problem with caffeine addiction is that it affects many people differently. Some caffeine addicts are satisfied with a low level of caffeine in take, like a few cups of coffee. Others can't seem to function without a liter of cola and a few Red Bulls everyday. Since an addiction to caffeine is highly personalized, it remains any standardized treatment remains a riddle.
Caffeine addiction also has a social aspect. Where as all other drugs have a social stigma attached to them, caffeine products from chocolate to coffee are widely accepted by the general public. Despite its acceptance and central nervous stimulant affecting a person's sense of well being, caffeine's use is also associated with a number of physical and psychological syndromes that are similar to other drugs, i.e. caffeine addiction.
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