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Zheng Wenming: correct understanding and institutional orientation of the world

已有 1397 次阅读2020-9-28 23:05 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

Zheng Wenming: correct understanding and institutional orientation of the world_图1-1

As long as there are human beings in the world society, there will always be contradictions between the left and the right, between the public and the private, between the Communist and the capital, in the development also has divides and unites the rise and fall victory and defeat and its transformation. No society can be perfect, there are rich and poor in any society, only let the majority of people in the spirit and material can be a minimum of protection and the formation of a happy society is a good society. And with the deepening of people’s understanding of the world, the development and progress of the World Society is positive.

Besides geopolitics, history, culture and economy, the international situation is mainly related to China, the United States and Russia, especially to China’s behavior The situation in their respective countries was related to the character, temperament, intelligence and the relationship between the leaders of the countries concerned. Generally speaking, the East tends to the left and the West to the right, and the contradictory movement between the East and the West promotes the development and progress of the World Society.

Every society has its ups and downs. The rise and fall of a society is not a matter of system, but a matter of policy response to the internal and Foreign Affairs formulated under the influence of the moral character, political belief and aura ability contained in the personal information of the managers. In addition to geopolitics and their respective historical, cultural and economic factors, war and peace in the world society, and then the head of state’s personal character, political ideas and the formation of the state or nation-to-state relations between each other. Moreover, there is a just war, there is also a war of aggression; and there is a sum of virtue and righteousness, there is also a sum of kneeling, which is related to the character of the parties concerned, and the victory or defeat is determined by the respective fates of the parties concerned.

The World Society is developed by the contradictory movement, and it is Unity of opposites. Every nation and country has its own historical, cultural and economic factors and its own geopolitical orientation. To confuse the whole, to see only one side and to deny oneself or blindly follow others, or to generalize and be one-size-fits-all, to deny others, or to attempt to reform others, is to make a big mistake in the world’s social understanding; And to the existence of these societies, which merely stand on one’s own position and carry out gratuitous criticism, accusations, attacks on each other, and even aggression and war in an attempt to annihilate each other, it is an expression of ignorance and barbarism in the understanding of the Constitution of the World Social System, which is bound to suffer the same consequences of its actions. For All these social beings, the left and the right of the world society and the contradictions between public and private, and between Communism and capital, constitute a world social system, in this system is each has the geopolitics localization and the social function mutual connection relations, moreover each has the geopolitics localization also to be difficult to achieve the perfect. Therefore, the human family, only by seeking common ground while shelving differences, exchanging ideas, complementing and assisting each other, being harmonious but different, accommodating and accommodating to each other and peaceful coexistence, is the only correct choice of reason and civilization among the peoples and nations of mankind.

As an old saying goes, “thirty years east, Thirty Years West” ; the World Society has been developed by the movement of contradiction.

The World Society, like the human body, has a front, back, top, bottom, left and right structure. China should always take the left as the political main body and the right as the economic auxiliary. This is the correct way to govern the country in line with the Chinese nation’s ideological and cultural ideas and the current state of affairs, it is also the essence of true and scientific socialism that upholds the compatibility of the public and the private as well as the left and the right.

In fact, in the development and change of human society and all things, left and right and public and private have their respective functions and rationality of existence Both the left and the right have their own advantages and disadvantages, we should discard the advantages and discard the disadvantages, pursue the advantages and avoid the disadvantages Left-right coordination should be based on science, without exclusion or confrontation. left-right confrontation will lead to struggle and even war. The Communists, by contrast, emphasize the left and the public and the political but seek the spirit, while the capitalists emphasize the right and the private and the economic but seek the material, this is the two social systems of people and society in their respective social, historical, cultural and economic environment, the right and left and public and private in the system design focus on different. If people want to survive and society wants to develop, there must be a public side and a private side. If people eat, drink and defecate, it is private. If people participate in all kinds of beneficial activities and labor in society, it is public; private is public, and public is private, it is difficult for people and society to live and develop purely public or purely private. Therefore, human society should adhere to the social mechanism of compatibility between the left and the right, consideration of both public and private affairs, internal and external exchanges, interaction between urban and rural areas, mutual benefit between Labor and capital, equality between officials and people, respect for life, and care for talents, the only reasonable political mode is to set up a system of social management which is compatible with the left and the right, taking both public and private into consideration. However, the historical experience of society tells us that the movement and transformation of contradictions between the left and the right are mostly realized through corresponding exchanges or forms of struggle, because the world society changes with the historical time and space conditions and various environments, human society is moving alternately in the two contradictory states of peace and war, peace breeds war, war will usher in peace, and the day of mutual understanding, reconciliation, integration and cooperation between the left and the right or between the East and the West, is The great reunification of the Chinese nation, but also a period of world social peace.

The direction of Chinese and World Society is determined by the global geopolitical structure and the natural laws of human social history.

The correct orientation of Chinese society is to take the left as the political subject and the right as the economic assistant, neither extreme left nor extreme right. In economy, public ownership should be the main body, supplemented by private ownership, planned economy and market economy, while in politics, the Communist Party should be the main body and multi-party participation in politics should be the auxiliary. Only by taking the Socialist Road Can China have a bright future in the social direction. It is not correct to engage in pure communism or pure capitalism Only with communism as the political subject and capitalism as the economic auxiliary can China follow a correct and scientific socialist road! The historical experience of China’s social management is: to left and right is the right way; to right and left is chaos; to left and right is chaos; to right and left is chaos; to right and left is overthrow. The world is in order, heaven has the way; the People’s Heart, the government; follow the law, abide by the way.

The correct way for the World Society is that socialism is the correct choice only if it combines the communist spirit of the left and the public, which advocates the devotion of labor, with the two social systems of the right and the private, which advocates the enjoyment of interests and capitalist materials. The East, the West and the regions may have different priorities and emphases in the design of the application of the two social systems, but they must not exclude or oppose each other, and should be compatible, which is the natural law of the unity of opposites in the world society And the two social systems must form a social state with balanced interests, which is the only correct choice for the World Society to coexist peacefully and develop healthily. As long as there are human beings in the world, socialism with a balance between left and right, communism and capitalism, is the correct, scientific and always best institution position.

International relations culture scholar Zheng Wenming February 2013 international relations culture research monograph “World Civilization Interconnection theory”

The original authors are: Director of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing; Expert Member of the non-fiction novel; Expert Member of the Cultural Heritage Committee of Sinology; doctor of Philosophy, Zheng Wenming

This article is the author’s original, not allowed to reprint without permission, reprint need to indicate the author and source, otherwise as a tort, legal responsibility







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