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Different Types of Green Card Applications and Requirements

已有 1160 次阅读2018-10-5 16:46 分享到微信

To apply for a green card, you need to find your own employment opportunities in U.S. or create employment opportunities (investment immigrants). Applicants can choose to get jobs in the US or invest in U.S. According to the different conditions of the application green card, the priority level at the time of application is also different, and it is divided into eb1, eb2, eb3, eb4, and eb5.


EB1 “Outstanding Talent” Immigration Application The first category of occupational immigrants is preferred, also known as “outstanding talents” immigrants. The immigrants of outstanding talents are the concrete manifestations of the US government’s “capture talents” and actively attract the talents of recruiting talents from all over the world in immigration policies. According to the immigration law, foreigners who meet the criteria for “outstanding talents” can apply for a green card (Also known as 绿卡) directly. Requirements:Prove that you are a member of certain professional organizations, major achievements in their professional fields or academic field. 

EB-2/EB-3 application


If you want to apply for a green card with an advanced degree (Master or Ph.D.), or an undergraduate + five-year related work experience, you can apply for EB2, employment based 2nd preference, commonly known as the second category. If you have an undergraduate degree or no undergraduate degree, your work experience will not be met. Need to be EB3, employment based 3rd preference.



You need to complete your H-1B application (h1b申请) first, then apply for the application through the company. The steps required by the employer to submit the immigration application are roughly three steps.

1. Apply for PERM labor certificate

2. Apply for I-140

3. Apply for I-485


EB-5 applicationThe EB5 Investment Immigration Application Green Card was established to attract foreign investment, create employment opportunities, and stimulate US economic growth. Investment immigrants do not require applicants to have any academic qualifications or other resumes and qualifications. No matter what nationality the applicant is, whether they can speak English, what occupations they have, and whether they have investment experience can apply. Requirements:Create at least 10 US full-time jobsThe investment amount reaches 500,000 US dollarsThe applicant submits the I-526 form







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