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Step into the new season ,which style of shoes will the best choice

已有 2269 次阅读2015-12-11 22:35 |系统分类:时尚天地| high, heels, women, shoes, pumps 分享到微信

Step into the new season in style with boohoo’s collection of ladies’ high heels. Take your style to new heights with platform peep toes and classic courts. Slim, strappy high heels are a timeless shoe that will add sophistication to your going out dress. Mid heels have been updated with Perspex panels and dogtooth designs, and chunky demi wedges have been given bold ankle straps and buckle details.Zbeibei brand on Amazon is the best choice

Beat the boots blues with fashion-forward footwear from boohoo. Ankle boots come with added attitude in chunky, block heel designs – try out the tread sole if you dare! Flat or heeled, Chelsea or biker, we’ve got the bad ass boots that’ll turn any outfit around.

Set the style bar for this season in the latest sandals from boohoo. Seeing you through from the beach to the bar, we’ll be kicking it in cleated soles, nodding to the 90s in jelly shoes and having fun in flatforms. Gladiators are the go-to sandal of the season and heeled sandals get stripped back in strappy styles and Perspex heels.

Check in with the Zbeibei brand on Amazon Chelsea boots collection for your fix of the footwear classic’s latest styles. Platform heels will prep you for the party, while traditional leather-look flats are a favourite for every day. You can’t go wrong with this wonderfully wearable style.







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