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一命二运三风水。改变命运之法,就藏在这里面了。菲律宾风水八字命理预测改运种生基 ...

已有 9848 次阅读2016-2-4 01:51 |个人分类:风水|系统分类:艺术| 菲律宾, 八字算命, 五行命理, 毛主席, 改变命运 分享到微信









通过高明中医. 道长.风水师,三师综合找到与自己对应的吉脉(君命或臣命),将自己当下的精气神融合进这个吉脉,人的命运便可以被重新塑造,这就是格局上医最短平快的改命之法。对於格局不够的人,需要通过培训,提升格局,这样才能充分发挥吉脉的作用。

 一命二运三风水。改变命运之法,就藏在这里面了。菲律宾风水八字命理预测改运种生基 ..._图1-1















生基的造作要求根据生基的原理,应以土葬坟墓较具功效,真要论生基,还是以土葬为主。得宇宙磁场天地之气才是道理。   生基(寿坟)论述唐朝国师杨救贫仙祖(杨公筠松)曾说:『不得三尺龙穴土,终身劳碌又辛苦』。不论是祖坟风水,阳宅住居,或是生基,其龙穴土所蕴藏的地灵、地气及温度,都能给予祖坟,或是生基及阳宅相当程度的奥秘加持与灵动力,因为有宇宙用不完的磁场及地灵气孕育而成奥妙能量磁场。  








尤其是生基!一定要真正的专业地理师才有能力造作生基。并非命相师、法师、甚至於出家人都会造生基,现在很多人知道生基的用处,便大肆宣扬自己会造生基,殊不知生基若无堪舆学术基础并有实质上之经验,不但不会帮到你,反而会得到反效果,因此在请老师造生基时应慎选其专业,切记!!而造作一个成功的生基是可以让福东添福添寿、造旺运造发财、功名利禄、官运亨通、治病誔麟、富贵盈余!    既然生基有这麽多的好处,为什麽还有这麽多人不知道呢?其实政商名流几乎都知道也几乎都有造生基,只是他们皆不愿意承认也不愿意公开,为什麽呢?其实原因有三:




什麽是生基(寿坟)呢?一般称为寿藏、寿坟、寿穴、寿域、寿基、衣冠塚、活墓基等名称,其实堪舆风水学术早在晋朝即已兴起,由郭璞所着葬书即可考证,直至唐朝堪舆风水学术发展至炉火纯青,唐僖宗当朝国师杨公筠松及国师曾公文迪(後世称之为杨救贫先师)发现,先人骨骸葬後对後代子孙影响甚大,何因呢?骨骸的DNA关系密切,是贫是富,是贵是贱,丝毫骗不了人,做不得假,进而研究将活人身上不易腐化之物葬入龙穴内,并配合天运时辰等待反应。没想到其效果竟不亚于祖先风水,因此更潜心研究生基之造作,葬法深浅,吞吐拿捏,依治病、誔麟、长寿、发财、造福、发贵、求子、求夫妻姻缘助和合、造官运……等各种不同造作方式,来达到最成功的效果,并将其发扬光大,造就各位。直至宋、元、明、清以及民国更有堪舆明师研究发现,生基之造作可以不用立碑依然有其效果,可是必须要寻得真龙正穴,依天运良辰将生基之必需品等物,葬入龙穴内,让生基物直接吸收地灵、地气、使生基发生作用,让生人接收得到讯息,感受得到神奇奥妙效果。   生基(寿坟)如何让人接收讯息呢?












重病的人躺在医院里是接受治疗使其回复如正常人一般呢?还是单纯的只是延长生命迹象而已呢?在治疗的过程上,也是需要阴阳调和的,把身体属阳的部分交给医生,把魂魄属阴的部分交给明师吧!造作一门生基或许有一线希望呢?   例如:小孩子生病或爱哭、发高烧好久了,带去诊所一路看到大医院,虽然症状舒缓了,但是还是无法完全痊癒,老人家忍不住的说:拿衣服去找法师制改、制煞或收惊啦!没想到找法师制改、制煞或收惊,吃吃香灰或吃吃符水後竟然真的好了!这是毫无科学根据的行为,香灰或符水还很有可能蕴藏有许多细菌和病毒呢!可是小朋友却真的好了。这就是阴阳正对,阴阳调和的重要。要了解生基讯息前,必需先搞懂阴阳,要搞懂阴阳,就必需了解三魂七魄,现在我们就先聊聊三魂七魄吧!    人三魂七魄何去何从?


这是宇宙本体、万物之根源:人是其中之一生命,(人)组成(三魂):精、气、神1、精:肉体亦是形和质,父精母血的一部分,形成骨、精、髓(也就是DNA)。地的「阴气」道经云:一月胞命,二月胎命,三月魂命,四月魄命,五月脏腑命,六月灵府命,七月元府命,八月华府命,九月岳府命,十月成性命,九月神布,气满而能生。2、气:十月气聚生,降生前承母体气而存,故因气聚而生。降生後吸自然三元气而活,故因气散而亡也。3 、神:本命元辰降自北斗、天之阳气。阳神—来自天之阳气,称为「魂」。阴神—来自地之阴气,称为「魄」。


七魄:七魄也就是寄居体内五脏六腑(就是五脏六腑)主宰七情六欲、是非—为人体司过之神。  魂:阳(性)魂喜生,居肝;人死性赴阴曹,依功过转生。人之初生,七日一魄聚,四十九天魄聚,魂魄交合,魂为阳,故生乃阴阳之合。  魄:阴(命)魄喜死,居肺;人死魂散魄守其屍,只徒享祭祀。人之初死,七日一魄散,四十九天七魄散,魂魄分离,魄为阴,故死乃阴阳分离。故人往生,须收魂炼魄,使魂修为至真妙道,炼以七魄,奉经礼忏,炼化成人。   故经云:三魂永久,魄无丧倾。综观道教生死观:生者出於大道,死亦当归返大道。   三魂不灭何处去:人往生三魂往何处去呢?


是因有三处去:一、条魂赴阴曹地府,依功过转生或往西方极乐世界。 二、魂在坟墓地或灵骨塔。     第三条魂在自家神主牌位,给代代子孙奉祀,拜於追思。三、吾身将残矣!如何安排吾身?  1、还原还本于自然归身大道,还于大道,「为形」之本。  2、落叶归根於大地归命大道,还于大道,「无名」之根。  3、返璞归真于清静归神大道,还于大道,「无情」之真。  太上三元慈悲水忏云:「归身、归命、归神」。  即《道教》所谓「三归依」,亦为「道、经、师」三宝也。  何谓那三魂     三魂为:《识魂》,《意魂》,《色魂》人往生。《识魂》带着三条魄下地府接受审判,依往生者在阳世所造善恶、功过,予以公平之裁判,经过轮回、投胎或成仙成神,都是《识魂》带着三条魄全程参与。《意魂》在人往生後,带着另外二条魄,跟着自己的躯体,进驻到自己的墓园,受後代子孙永世的供奉,而墓碑则是反映《意魂》在灵界的旺衰,当然也直接影响着後代子孙的兴衰存亡,(墓碑如发红、光滑则兴,如发黑、长苔或龟裂则衰)。而现在政府大力宣导环保葬仪,亡者大体大多数火化,而後将骨灰置放在灵骨塔,各位试想《意魂》如果还没离开躯体而进行火化,火化後的《意魂》及二条魄将随之魂飞魄散消失殆尽,就算《意魂》虽然已经离开了躯体,但是火化後的躯体已经成灰,《意魂》也将无处进驻,自然四处漂泊,成为孤魂野鬼,自然不能庇荫子孙,还有可能降灾于後代哦!不可不慎!!(葬经有云:人死留全屍,安於棺,入土为安)。《色魂》则於人往生後带着第三条魄,进驻至家里或宗祠的祖先牌位里,受永世子孙之香火供奉。




 又有另一说则是求明师先积善,求得龙穴先种德。天有天神,山有山神,龙有龙脉起伏顿跌,真龙大地结穴处皆有山神或土地公看守龙穴,留待积善福厚之人,以阴生善德之後代。要知道真龙穴不是人人可得也不是有钱就可以做得到的。    古人曾说:抬头三尺有神明,你作恶或行善它都会把事件一一记录下来,(就好像行车记录器、又像飞机的黑盒子)招福或招祸全凭它!现世报也是它招来的!   















生基以後何时才会产生效力?生基是将宇宙之间的能量磁场,运用到我们的身上!如同我们受胎时,就在吸收宇宙与母体的能量磁场一般!直到出生呱呱落地的那一刻,也决定了您一生的命运!那就做是您的八字生辰年、月、日、时,我们称为先天之命无法更改!出生後我们所承受的磁场又和环境家庭的影响有着密切的互动关系!例如:家庭环境与学习环境及朋友的层次等,都会影响未来的命运与发展!这就是所谓的後天之运可以营造!做生基以後,由於每个人的基本条件不同!他们所希望达到的目标大小也不同!所以,感应的时间就会有先後的差异了!譬如植树,不见其长,日有所增,福虽未至,祸已远离!因为,不论是着急或是心急!这反而会使您欲速则不达!毕竟,一急就会乱,一乱就会错!一旦错了就要付出代价!就像一颗埋在地下的种籽一般!没有经过一段时间积蓄能量孕育,是不会成长茁壮的!    那些人是迫切需要做生基呢?事业顺遂的人,若要持盈保泰,造生基是一种未雨绸缪的作法。如果您有算过八字,大概知道自己何时会碰上生命的低潮期,可造生基以预防或缩短人生黑暗期。举凡衰运连连、身体羸弱、病魔缠身、久病不愈、事业不振……的人造生基可说是一种安全有效的选择,错过了造生基的机会,只能听天由命,慢慢去熬了。夫妻或兄弟造在同一穴,会感情日增,此情永不渝(但要本命能合)。如果全家造在同一穴,会使得上下和乐融融,同心协力(但要本命都合)。总之,若有机会能尝试造生基,或许能重燃希望、扭转乾坤、起死回生神奇妙法之术。



























不是专业由做生基的明师,或不了解大运入几运的人,坐山是否得运,分金是否得体,水口是否得体。   以正确的做法放在适当地方的种生基可以:























 在我们的身体里,也有风水。呼吸是风,血液是水,人不能离开风水而存活,身体不能呼吸,血液不能回圈,当然活不下去。没有思想,无法行动,就是活着,又有什麽意义呢?    除了人体以外,住宅也有风水,宅内的门和路,就是水路。门和路的作用之一是让空气流通,空气就是风。   




风水本来就在我们身边,人活在世间,要呼吸,要喝水,一刻都离不开风水,说它是人生的全部,毫不为过。但是,若把全副精神或一生希望都依附在风水地理上面,那就错了。有一些信众    和老师结缘後,整天就是计较风水,这个观念不正确,风水是在求环境改善之後。让人心无罣碍,可以全心全意去做事。   




风水就是要好地理,要好地理就要有好心理,而心理就是天理。因此我们若是不遵守天理,没有好心理,怎麽有好地理呢?    做人不能好吃懒做,只想依赖风水,谁的风水有问题,我们可以帮他调整,使无罣碍。这三分之一无罣碍,另外三分之一就是要努力,要打拼,要行功立德,要发挥慈悲心,要做好事。还有三分之一是前生所带来的命,此生不做好事,不行功立德,下辈子怎会有福报?你说是不是呢?   






 老师看过很多房子,有的虽然设备简简单单,但是整理得乾净整洁,一家人有说有笑,祥和圆满,有的房子花了很多钱,装潢的富丽堂皇,可是家里的人显得过的不快活,过的不顺心。    外大门是要收外面的人气,向要对着光明的方向,假使由外大门看出去,觉得舒适、开朗,很容易产生欢喜心,出门一定顺心,会有贵人帮助,如果看出去乱七八糟的,必然碰到杂七杂八的事情。机关、学校、公司行号、工厂也是一样。  


 外大门最怕对着壁刀、电线杆、尖塔、十字架、围墙尖角、屋脊兽头、巷冲、断崖、乱石、化粪池、马达机器等等,若是碰到这些,不是产生纠纷灾厄,就是有口舌是非。    房子的向不好,我们可以将外大门换个角度,向着看出去觉得舒服的地方。要找这个向,老师教您,首先静静地站着,眼睛微闭,全身放松,接着深呼吸五次,吸气五次,吐气五次,然後睁开眼睛,看看感觉如何,如果觉得头闷闷的,心头纷乱不宁,那这个「向」不是你所要的,应该再试试别的方向,那就对了。  




不论是住家、工厂、办公室或是营业场所,屋前如果有水而且清澈,里面的人一定安宁祥和,若是水浑浊不清,就会发生一些莫名其妙的事情。门前的水沟也是一样,奉劝诸位花点时间来清扫。    屋後则比屋前更加重要,房屋後边关系着我们的头脑、智慧,若能经常保持清洁,我们的头脑会很清楚,否则我们的智慧,子子孙孙的智慧会一直减退,大人和小孩都容易得鼻窦炎。 


 屋後最好不要有水池,尤其正中央。水池如果有声响,影响脑部,严重的话还会产生怪病。许多人喜欢在後院构筑山水景观,挖一个水池,再堆一座假山,摆一些乱七八糟,形状不规则的石头,这会造成脑筋混沌,思想偏激,如果已经做了,就将石头移到龙边,再种植青翠的植物会比较好一些。   後院不要有马达,马达转动轰轰作响,会造成高血压,容易中风,因为後面是干卦,为首。干是金,干一动必伤脑部。後院要安静,不可以有水冲,伤脑筋。洗衣机、抽水机、车床等,马达一动,全家忐忑不安,无名火就莫名其妙的冒出来。解决的办法也是把它移到龙边,将伤害降至最低。现代人的住家後边,往往埋设化粪池,如果在正中央一定会影响小孩子的智慧,书越读越烦,成绩一直退步,非常厉害,必须将它移到虎边,假使後院有水,则移到龙边。要造景观,切记要在龙边,这样家里较能平安顺利。风水两字,大至虚空,小至我们的细胞,都包含其中,我们无论在什麽时间,在什麽空间,都离不开「风水」。否定风水的人,都是不肯或未能深入了解的人。   




风水真经鬼谷仙师云:风水妙法乃是科学、天文学、物理学、电磁学、医学、健康学、环境保护学、家庭学、道学等有依据之学问,为至高无上之大妙法,而非怪力乱神、妖言惑众之邪说,世间时师天人,不可不知。   王候将相贩夫走卒皆是人,若无如法的居家好风水,必难保。  




















将事主的生辰八字及该事主的姓名,写在道教的符上密咒及收事主魂魄于符内之後,还要将事主的指甲、头发、毛 ,和一些材料,,一起置放在一口瓦瓶内。然後,再将此瓦瓶埋入预先选定的“风水佳穴”中,用土藏好,绝对不会立石碑的,要道士上香作法後...如此,算是完成了(种生基)法事。  


懂种生基转运“风水法事”.....  效果如何 ? 经神示约四十九天或一百日後便可见到效果。至於效果之程度如何?这点就牵涉到个人业力的轻重。劣者未有宿命通,不宜诳语,歉难预估!所以施法後不妨静心体会。不过要给求法者一个建议:诸恶莫作 众善奉行 自净其意 绝对是最有效的改运。  




直至宋朝、元朝、明朝等诸多朝代,亦有堪舆家、风水地理师将之变更为替生者祈福、添寿或消灾解厄而修筑的〔生基〕。用以祈福,并倡行旺运发财、治病福寿、添丁添贵等修筑生基的主要目的及好处。  于陈英略所着【鬼谷子无字天书】里所载,张良寻觅洞天福地修练仙术,在徐州子房山得一〔云中仙座形〕的贵格地理,遂自建一寿坟予真穴处,并在寿坟堂前修练打坐,果真修成正道。  





















  白龙王中国道场:0086-13599222408 阮助理.白龙王菲律宾道场:0063-9178534408  腾讯:807204013 微信:wlfs505


一命二运三风水。改变命运之法,就藏在这里面了。菲律宾风水八字命理预测改运种生基 ..._图1-2

As the saying goes: Every family has its cupboard. So, life is a living practice. Practice, and at worst not repair, but at best repair. Second Win three and a life of feng shui. Change the fate of the law, which is hidden in the inside.

One of them life, life, is the day set, when a person is born, date hour decision this person element sign, which is the character telling principle. No one can change the date of birth of the hour, of course, now have a caesarean section, you can slightly change the time of birth, but must find the absolute character of experts, but as a mother, for the unborn child must finish the long march knife.

Wherein the two transport, transport, and related fleeting, fleeting among every moment, there is a date hour. Five elements and five elements fleeting life produces life and death, resulting in the shipment. Therefore, under normal circumstances, fate and transport is not changed.

Of course, this refers to the usual case, special circumstances, or can be changed, for example, Chairman Mao with the same people a lot of character, a lot of character, Mr. Gao also do not understand in the end is what causes a person is a celebrity, while others basically relatively mediocre. This is because the character telling just a technology, but out of the "Road", I do not know the truth, of course, can not crack fate. Break the law of fate, we must start from the pattern, optimization, complete pattern of life, which is a system of life science, but also a fundamental reform of the law of life, but takes a long time.
Then talking about the "three feng shui." No one can change the set days of the date of birth of the hour, and no one can change fleeting. However, we can choose to live, as well as relatives died and was buried where, as long as there is clever feng shui, everything will be easier.

However, Feng Shui and Astrology ley, but secret, the saying goes, not disclose the secret. Therefore, a person wants to change the fate of Feng Shui, the same is not easy. First, to Germany to meet with everyone feng shui, Kuipo secret; secondly, to believe, and show sincerity, enough to pay the price. Meet the above two points, feng shui thought the other before choosing the right house yin and yang, yin and yang and the use of such a house, you can get power of Feng Shui, in general, excellent feng shui, the selected time, fate would have change signs and good feng shui, the general 3-6 months can also display effects.

This time, it was said, and I do not afford a house, the family has no relatives died, you can not do with the power of feng shui it?

In the eyes of a clever feng shui, this is still not a problem. Medicine on the pattern, the method utilizing a priori have a system of Feng Shui, called "Feng Shui technique making life", referred to "create life operation." A bit like Jiangxi Taoist "Zhong Sheng group", but better than a lot of kinds of raw base to be clever. Because, Zhong Sheng group is living tomb, it is a blessing or take an advance; and made life surgery is the fate of remodeling technology, with the fate of congenital feng shui applying an effective influence.

In fact, in this world, everyone has around lifeline (Pulse Destiny), two two fierce Kyrgyzstan, corresponding to their Junming, minister life, death and life ghost life, usually connected through Qimai. Everyone pattern of the moment, constitute the lifeblood of ghost grid people, corresponding to pulse ghost, who had a rough life; people died grid, corresponding to his death pulse, the villain barrier Road; Chen grid corresponds to their own people the minister veins, wealth have both; king grid man corresponds to his monarch veins, be welcomed. A person to find their own guitar pulse, and integration with their guitar pulse, you can quickly get the appropriate wealth, health, beauty and contacts, get the best destiny development, but, if upgrade their pattern, the pulse will Kyrgyzstan more and more prosperous, on the contrary, reduce their pattern, only Kyrgyzstan pulse power loss, so that their own destiny decline.

Through clever Chinese medicine. Long road. Feng shui, three integrated divisions find their corresponding guitar pulse (Chen Junming or life), their integration into the uniqueness of the moment Kyrgyzstan vein, the fate of people can be re-shaped, which It is on the fast track to change the pattern of life of most doctors of the law. For the pattern of enough people, through training, to enhance the pattern, so as to give full play to the role of Kyrgyzstan veins.


Triples instead of turning to law, have the power of faith and reliable, this method is an ancient era there is not now a new study, patients of yin and yang. This method can be applied, to subsidize those who gather, that is to save the fate of a new trend, this is the humanistic create new destiny, can change a person's fortune, luck is in their own hands, you can instantly change your own.


What is the raw base --- tho grave student groups (ie tho graves) have such karma Most Excellent its magic, its effectiveness, the ancient dynasty, there is also need great merit of people would want to do student group, large the interests of all living blessing.


Sheng Ji Yang blessing of the world of the law is applied, and so do the people of the world where there are male students group that is tho grave, forensic use of the cosmos to get gas field, the force will be able to accept some kind of an aura. If so cause flow, money left blank, illness, and struck by other things or want a promotion, averaged improved and transformed into an invisible force contributing to the cause of smug. Plenty of money. Health prolong life. Make official position or backgammon.


Have their families or loved ones struck by cancer, to Haoshanhaoshui Lair (good feng shui geography) students to do group, pray to prolong its life, some people do not ring true cause of their birth group change its transport, its ancient green group since ancient times, that is, the mystery and the effectiveness of which should, have spread so far in the matter, but some people do not labor, rich harmony of their home, while others desperately poor and violent efforts of their homes, tens of thousands of the world of the law, to find geographical division is also very important.


Health group good or bad, people have three souls and seven soul, with high spirituality, so the body of gas was added, and with the Lair buried doing business group, transferred from the spirit of the air to be people who make people get good magnetic field, and thus healthy, extra cash, long life, so that the official position or backgammon. If they can buy the land of the best real dragon knot hole, but the geographic land of God Jie, the guardian mountain, it means you can buy a nice ring blessed person.


What group is born? In ancient times (green group) referred to grave life, also known as Tibetan life, life points, life domains, group life and so on names. In the Tang Dynasty records: Yao Chong from building life hidden in Wanan Mountain, prejudge the grave of old age. Until the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties, and many other, also home geomancy, geography teacher will change the feng shui is praying for the living, Tim Ting, instead of turning, transfer, transport, building wealth for the benefit of, promotion and construction of green groups. Since the main purpose of the Republic of China for the construction of large-scale green group praying, Tim Ting, instead of turning, transfer, transport, building wealth for the benefit of, promotion and Advocating Wang Yun rich, healing longevity, Tim 丁添贵 student groups and other construction Health benefits and it can shade the base figure, because that is the intrinsic character survival (Li) and (gas). People with intrinsic world of gas such as sex, remains subject to parents such as shape, according to Zhang on this principle that both parents hold the remains of Hope to convey to children and grandchildren, then your body can be more to convey the spirit of Wang Qi has body, is taken from their hair, nails and birthdates to be included in the red book Chu jar, buried hole, in addition to overnight outside the shrine, and in front is the practice meditation, Zhang He Qizhi also be seen.


From the foregoing, since ancient times Shengjibao built pray for good fortune fortune, were taken to the world of nature spirit Wang Qi, head of the gas processing landscape Luan, Lair sand like water. Optional essence of world geography, find the dragon cave seek to Tibetan style poly gas. Possession of the gas accumulation due to wind, gas accumulation is warm cave, the cave warm pests without harm, springs does not invade, a good geography. As can be built in a vacuum induction Lair field Sheng Ji world by mountains and rivers, and then the region has been brisk gas convey body.


Pretentious requirements Students group according to the principles of green groups, should be the more grave burial effect, really born to be on the base, or in the main burial. Gas field was the universe of heaven and earth is the truth. Health group (tho grave) discusses Tang Zhaoguo division Yang save the poor immortal progenitor (Yanggong Jun Song) said: "Not three feet of soil Lair, lifelong toil and hard work." Whether graves feng shui, the mansion residence or student group, hidden in its soil Lair of Hope, to air and temperature, can give graves, or raw base and a considerable degree of mystery mansion blessings and spiritual power, because there universe inexhaustible field and nurtured by the wonders of Reiki energy field.


Throughout ancient and modern, all the rich and famous in the world, can do anything they want on the table of figures, no one does not depend on the base carefully Reiki and Feng Shui in fueling personal glory, "is born to Reiki group Lair field with our own clothing and the blood DNA action ", and each step down a bow figure (failure in business), but also because of their own home feng shui conditions some problems occurred without due process quickly do the right! So that future generations can not get to Reiki and Feng Shui, encourage personal glory so that cause failure.


In ancient times, whether it is moving in an officer, or gentry, who place on the outside, tycoons, they are respectful of the home dedicated to the geographical division, as his family fortune, making the rich in your hair. (Jiaqing period of the Qing Lin Family Garden in Banqiao ancestors namely Master hire permanent home).


Whether or burial graves feng shui landscaping mansion residence planning, dynamic line display and orientation qi, or also more advanced artificial green groups, and both are at the Master obey the instructions to follow, according to the construction made of construction, and today's rich and famous or large enterprises and the company that hired the geographical division tellers as consultants to plan everything, to Reiki and Feng Shui to encourage personal glory.


Particularly raw base! It must really have the ability of professional geography teacher pretentious student group. Teachers are not fortune tellers, Master, even the monks will make students group, and now many people know students group usefulness, they trumpeted they will make students group, not knowing if no student group geomancy academic foundation and experience in essence, the only not help you, but will have the opposite effect, so ask the teacher to make students should carefully choose their professional group, but remember !! pretentious a successful student group can make Fudong Tianfu Tim Ting, Wang Yun made a fortune manufacturing, fame and fortune, to cement treatment Ting Lin, surplus wealth! Health groups since there are so many benefits, why are so many people do not know about it? In fact, almost all the political and business elite also know almost every student group made, but they are not willing to admit is not willing to open, why? In fact, for three reasons:

 Do not want their name branded superstitious, afraid of people know their own success, by student group status is feng shui to assist aura blessing and fortune!

After the secret fear of public green groups, it will be a lot more competition, creating its own crisis and even affect their status.

Fearing their own feng shui green group being coveted or damaged, leading to no longer own luck, what group it is born? Look, you Tell me.

What is the raw base (tho grave) it? Usually referred to as Tibetan life, longevity grave, life points, life domains, group life, cenotaph, living tomb group and other names, in fact, as early as the Jin Feng Shui academic already arisen, which can be verified by the Guopu the burial book until Tang Feng Shui academic development to consummate, when North Korea Xizong MND and MND has 杨公筠 loose document Di (later called Yang save the poor first division) found bones buried ancestors after a great impact on future generations, because of what it ? DNA closely related to the bones, rich or poor, is expensive is cheap, did not fool people, do not be fake, and then study the living body is not easy to corrupt things buried into the Lair, and with day operation hour wait for the reaction. I did not expect the effect of feng shui actually inferior ancestors, and therefore more concentrated group of students affected, burial depth, throughput moderation, according to medical treatment, Ting-lin, longevity, fortune, benefit, your hair, Praying, seeking marriage help couples hehe , made the official transport ...... other various artificial ways to achieve the most successful results, and to flourish, creating you. Until the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing and Republic of China more geomancy Master study found that artificial group of students can not erected a monument still has its effect, but must find a real dragon positive points, according to the necessities of a really good day operation of the green group and other objects buried into the Lair, the living group was directly absorb the spirit, to gas, the raw base play a role, let strangers get the message received, felt magical mystery effect. Health group (Shou tomb) How do people receive messages?


Reiki is nurtured by the universe and in fueling feng shui, which is Promise of Health Tai Chi two appearances, two appearances of Health four images, four images and raw gossip, all the world's Jie yin and yang, two appearances means one yin and yang four like yin yang, yin yang, gossip four female, four male, so the yin and yang is the positive right, it is to reconcile the yin and yang of good contact such as:

Yin and yang of the universe is: day, month.

Earth yin and yang: heaven, earth.

Yin and yang of the earth: mountain, sea.

Yin and yang of animal: male, female.

The yin and yang of human: male and female.

Yin and yang of the spirit world are: God, ghosts.


 The yin and yang of life and soul belong to the body, the body is a yang, see, touch it, feel it. Yin soul can not see, can not touch, feel. Like a vegetable, the body is alive with a heartbeat, blood pressure, you want to force-feeding, excreted, but they lay there, motionless, this injury is yang, yin loss, lack of coordination of yin and yang, Taoist parlance three souls and seven soul less a soul.


Seriously ill person is receiving treatment in the hospital as a normal reply it generally does? Or simply just to extend the sign of life more? In the treatment process, but also need to reconcile the yin and yang, the male part of the body belongs to the doctor, the soul belongs to the female part of the Master it! A pretentious pupil group may have a glimmer of hope of it? For example: child sick or crying, high fever a long time, brought all the way to the clinic to see the big hospitals, although the symptoms eased, but still not completely healed, the elderly can not help but say: get clothes to go to change the Master system, the system evil or close friends scared! I did not expect to find the Master system change, brake system or receive shock after ash eat or eat Fushui actually really good! This is no scientific basis for behavior, ash or Fushui also likely contains many bacteria and viruses too! But the kids did really well. That is on the yin and yang, yin and yang to reconcile important. To understand the message before birth group, you must first get to know the yin and yang, yin and yang to get to know, it is necessary to understand three souls and seven soul, and now we will first talk about the three souls and seven soul it! Man three souls and seven soul go?


This is the universe itself, the root of all things: where human life is one (person) Composition (three souls): refined, gas, god 1, fine: body shape and also the quality, the parent refined maternal blood as part of the formation of bone , fine, marrow (ie DNA). To the "chi" Dao says: January intracellular life February fetal life, the soul of life in March and April soul life, life organs May June Ling House life, the government ordered yuan in July and August, China House life, life Yue House in September and October to life in September God cloth, and full gas can be born. 2, gas: gas consortium in October, before the birth of the mother bear and gas storage, gas accumulation because it is born. After the birth of three natural suction strength to live, it also died because of gas dispersion. 3, God: your own star fall from Compass, the days yang. Sun God - from the days yang, called "soul." Yam God - chi from the ground, known as the "soul."


Seven soul: seven soul is alien body organs (internal organs is) dominated by emotions, non - human God Division had been. Soul: male (sexual) soul happy life, living liver; go to the underworld of the dead, according to the merits and demerits of reincarnation. Human birth, seven days a soul polyethylene, polyethylene forty-nine days soul, the soul of intercourse, the soul of the sun, it is the birth of yin and yang together. Soul: Yin (life) soul happy death, ranking lung; dead soul scattered soul keep its corpse, only believers enjoy worship. Beginning dead, seven days a soul scattered, forty-nine days and seven soul scattered, isolated soul, soul is overcast, so death is the separation of yin and yang. Reborn enemy shall receive the soul of refining the soul, the soul of the repair to really make wonderful road, with seven refined soul, by Feng Li Chan, refining adults. Therefore, by saying: three souls permanently, no funeral pour soul. Looking Taoist View of Life and Death: for living Avenue, also died Angelica return Avenue. Three souls immortal where to go: three souls reborn people where to go?


It is due to three: First, strip the soul go netherworld, according to the merits of reincarnation or to paradise. Second, the soul or spirit in the grave pagoda. Article soul in their own ancestral tablets, from generation to generation to descendants enshrined, thanks to the memorial. Three times daily The residue now! How to arrange My body? 1, the final body to restore the natural principal Avenue, also in the road, "the shape" of the party. 2, the roots in the ground Guiming Avenue, also on Avenue root "unknown" of. 3, back to nature in the quiet road to God, but also in the road, really, "ruthless" of. Too merciful with three-way water Repentance says: "the final body, Guiming, to God." Namely "Taoist" so-called "three refuge", also "Tao, the division" Sambo also. What is the soul of the three three souls: "The knowledge of the soul", "Italian soul", "color soul" man reborn. "Consciousness soul" soul Shimoji House with three trial, according to the deceased had made in the male world of good and evil, merits and demerits, to be fair the referee after reincarnation, immortality or reincarnation into a god, are "consciousness soul" with three soul full participation. "Italian soul" after the man passed away, with two additional soul, along with his body, his presence to the cemetery, by the descendants of the child 孙永世 of worship, and the tombstone is a reflection of "Italian soul" Wang decline in the spirit world, of course, a direct impact on future generations rise and fall, (such as redness tombstone, smooth Prosperity, such as black, long fur or cracking decline). And now the Government's strong advocacy of environmental protection funeral, generally most of the dead cremated and the ashes will be placed in the pagoda spirit, imagine, "meaning soul" and if not leave the body to be cremated, cremation after the "meaning soul" and two wits soul will subsequently disappear, even if the "Italian soul" although already left the body, but the body has been cremated ashes, "Italian soul" will also be stationed nowhere, wandering nature, become ghosts, natural can shade descendants, as well as future generations may plagues Oh! Not accidentally! ! (Buried by the goes: dead stay dead bodies, content coffin, buried). "Color soul" after the person is reborn with the third soul, stationed to the family ancestors or ancestral tablets, the descendants forever by the incense of worship.


After the twenty-first century was surprised to find the gene decoding technology development, our ancestors buried in the ground the body, including hair, nails, muscles, blood, bones and other human body contains the "message", and all of these contain messages the remains are called "message was" to produce energy quantum phenomena associated strike after it combines with the earth-atmosphere! This led to a total revitalization has its specific resonance wavelength radiation, such wavelength must be people who can receive blood get! Like mobile phones, as you call to someone, only just received his call to other people's mobile phone is not received, and like a radio, tune in to hear the wide channels only broadcast widely not hear other radio broadcasting, and radioactive wavelength is the truth, we can not see with the naked eye this message wavelengths, but it does exist. "Italian soul" after absorb the spirit of the message emitted waves and color soul contact, and the transfer of wealth message home (such as incense ancestor, ancestral spirits made furnace it is something told to ask the clear poe divination this action allows the family home is stay out of trouble, the family fortunes prosper), and this message so that the wave of descendants who are receiving blood to give strength (kinship distance and message wave has a direct relationship), you can so that strangers three souls and seven soul directly receive induction, so yin and yang of life, physical Wang Yun! The reason the graves students groups have the same purpose, the only difference is that the student group is buried in the necessities of their hair, nails, blood, and therefore only Wang Yun Wang "own" only you can induction, receive, unless himself reborn, and this message can be the wave of the future generations are to receive blood obtained induction.


 Another said there is a clear division before seeking charitable, and seek first virtue in Lair. Days of gods, mountains mountain, there is the Dragon Dragon downs Dayton down, the real dragon knot hole Jieyou earth Earth God or gods guard Lair, left thick charitable blessing of the people, to Germany after 阴生善 generations. To know that not everyone can get really Lair is not money you can do it. The ancients said: the rise of three feet of the gods, you do evil or to do good it will record each event, (like tachograph, like aircraft black box) Zhao Fu or flies fly it depends! It also attracted the secular newspaper!


In fact, these records are not the head three feet of the merits of good and evil gods, but your own soul, which does not free all day long Buddhist deity blazing monitor your record of good and evil, and all headed by their own soul, from the it will be the heart to read detailed records, but there is no head three feet of the gods, but three fires, which have three fire seven colors (red, orange, yellow, purple, blue, green, blue) color which represents this person's good luck or bad luck, but also some small fire, representing the fortune prosperity or infirmity. People often go to the temple to pray, to pray for a blessing from a curse, peace wishful, wishing please even the deities so that he can achieve or what the purpose or desire, to do so after what ... what will be votive. At this time deities will review believers good, evil, power, too (three flames of color and size), and given the opportunity to make their own followers to recruit or flies fly humble source. For example: You picked up a sum of money on the road, and you take it for himself, when his own being happy Buddha will come true, for themselves provoke a blessing and edge work, too, when you get into the fiscal side, in fact, you have been buried seeds of a curse, but this time three fire began to darken the color green.


Another example: a person won the lottery! However, the lottery also has an amulet in the back waiting for you, then you should donate money to do tangible Busch, do merit student, save the poor merit, merit release, printed by the book merit, merit interests of the community , interest and other beings of merit, do not forget the world is not perfect, Almost perfect is already not simple!


General Lotto afraid when people robbed, so donate money, do good deeds are particularly low profile, do not be reluctant to show his face known, thus meeting the conditions of truth and goodness, so that he would reward, we called trick humble, which seems Like the theory of relativity, there is yin there is yang, Woe blessed, blessing in disguise blessing in disguise? This is only right and proper reason. In fact you can read this book introduces students to groups that have been humble, humble though but they were not necessarily the karma to artificial birth group ah! Because you have to by the parties to the gods of observation and recognition, have the opportunity to do a successful student group, you know, "sometime" ah! Masters hard to find, hard to find paradise, the following conditions must be able to:

Master must first find, not geography teacher, nor is geomancy, it is a professional Masters.

Master your pretentious student group willing to do!

Masters must find true Lair.


To find a Lair after the acquisition of land, the earth god or gods is willing Lair will treasure your gift yet? If there is no reward was this Lair while they insist on graves or artificial birth group would recruit fierce flies fly, can not know, can not accidentally ah! If these five conditions that you are well and successfully, it can be really good to congratulate you, you are a blessed people reported to have because you or your descendants may be the future of the public, Hou, the relative or wealthy gentry it? But still the old saying goes, "Please Master first charitable, seeking first virtue in Lair" Otherwise absolutely, because futile, vain, do not want to open green group?


Political and business elite now doing business group is not news, but doing business groups who fear the people broke feng shui, almost all secretly doing business group! Hesitant to play, the saying goes: there is not harm anyone, defenses can not do without! What's more is that easy to hide the gun, stab in the back hard against! Living in the real world environment, there are a lot of things happen - people are from the fickle! Regardless of relatives and friends in the event of the occurrence of another interest, often forget old grudges new grace! Regardless of how much he paid your past? Perhaps it should be! Or (Li can be white) too convenient! They usually let bygones be bygones, delete the past! Written off! Choose to live in the moment, how, what kinds of things can not happen? Still have to be careful is the boat! Too much about right and wrong and easily aroused unexpected calamities, it had to protect themselves! Due to various factors and variables under, causing most of the people do not want to disclose student group!


When the group would produce effects after birth? Health groups are among the energy field of the universe, using our body! As we Conception, in the energy field with the mother of the universe 'general! Until the moment of birth were born, but also determines the destiny of your life! Then do your character birthday year, month, day, hour, we called the first Tian Zhiming can not be changed! After the birth we are exposed to a magnetic field and affect the environment and the family has a close interaction! For example: family environment and learning environment and the level of friends, etc., will affect the future destiny and development! This is called the operation the day after tomorrow you can create! Doing business group, because of the basic conditions of each person is different! They want to achieve the target size is different! Therefore, there will be induction time difference has it! Such as tree planting, but not its length, it has been increasing daily, although not to the blessing, a curse has been away! Because, whether anxious or impatient! This would bring your haste makes waste! After all, a radical will be chaos, a chaos will be wrong! Once wrong to pay the price! Like a seed in the ground in general! No energy savings over time gave birth, growth is not robust! Those who are born urgent need to do it based? Well cause people to Chiyingbaotai, making raw base is a proactive approach. If you have calculated that character, probably know when it will hit the low tide of life, students can be made to prevent or shorten the life group dark period. Whether it bad luck again and again, physically weak, struck by long illness, the cause of sluggish ...... artificial green groups say is a safe and effective option, missed the opportunity to create green groups, only fate, slowly to the boil a. Husband and wife or brother made the same point, the feelings will be on the increase, this situation never Yu (but to be able to co-natal). If the family made the same point, it will make jolly up and down and work together (but are co-natal). In short, if the opportunity to try to make students group, may be able to rekindle hope to turn things around, back to life the magical art of magic bullet.


Business or career, but did not tell (Fortuna) deal, even if you are serious business, is still a long-term losses, debt-ridden person!

Chronic illness-ridden but can not find geniuses (Hua) successor to cure, doctors can not find the cause and helpless, who are suffering!

National Chiao Tung University not shipped, there is no hand (Wenchang) friend of the people! Thus, for a long time not the first try (for a long time to pass the test) and fallen, wisdom is not open, those who constantly worry!

Not want to see (Generations) person or want their children to become tomorrow's strong! But who do not want to lose at the starting line!

Or parents prefer to give their own misfortunes Solutions Ecuador, plant life extension by Fu!

Politicians or government officials who want to succeed by officialdom!

Practice of artificially higher achievers!

There are those with short-lived character, for example: character Heavenly wearer!

There is character with iron broom person or character of men and women in the other half have broken with evil, eight defeat evil, solitary Chen, few places, hope widower main door grams wife, Wang door oligonucleotides main Quebrada!

Character has broken bone male and female, with the death of God, robbery evil, evil Yuan Chen et al., The so-called character of life is not acquisitive.

Child character in the column with the Heavenly Qi Sha, partial printing, partial wealth, injured officer, par, robbing those that parents really want to try to make students group.

Child character in the column, the column month, day column when the column with six victims, and that parents really want to try to make students group.


Sheng Ji Yun-made to help you out of the plight of the poor in today's society more and more, more and more rich and rich men! This disparity of wealth, tell us you want to strive alone individual talent and superhuman strength, it has been impossible up! It is up to how to do it? To know the saying goes: the rich make feng shui students group, the poor seeking worship gods! Lair shall not three feet of soil, lifelong toil and hard! Only three current path lets you off the hook,

Ancestors feng shui!

Mansion home!

Students seeking Lair made group! ,

Which made students group, the most efficacious benefit yourself, it can help you wealth, Praying, seeking life, find you, seeking fame, seeking a good marriage, seeking health and other effects, too numerous to mention! Secret, this method is an ancient era there is not now a new study of the art of yin and yang. This method can be applied, to subsidize those who gather, that is to save the fate of a new trend, this is a human life destiny HUMANITIES create new destiny can be changed. Fate is in their own hands. Instant can change yourself.


Lotus made the lucky fate: born made in numerous group making life lucky law student group is making an inexpensive, significant effect of a method. Health group known as Shou grave, life points and so on. Legend has it that the crane fairy passed three years of Tang Dynasty Jinshi Wang Chong can open raw Kiffa.


Guo Pu of the Jin Dynasty Immortal "buried by" a sense of gas articles in Azeri parents receptors present Haide gas, and shall be governed by the shadow of the body, air sense, ghosts and blessing people. Its meaning, the parents of the children and grandchildren, children and grandchildren as parents branches, gas is the same, but up by the branches also. Optional burial parent, if this kind of culture like its root and 叶自茂. If so choose an auspicious mountain and buried their anger, anti-gas is satisfied that the body, since it can shade descendants. Since their own ancestors buried in an auspicious can shade descendants, your own flesh and blood is satisfied that the terms of the ground in Kyrgyzstan, should help make yourself available, so sages is made with the benefit of the student group due stranger alive, it is not possible to buried in his own grave hole, so whichever body available to create and blood thing.


 Buried in front of the caster must purify raw base urn, and with camphor, willow or peach slices write their birthdates and other green groups are sequentially placed in the urn, buried in soil. But many people do not eligible Fu Sheng Ji anti flies fly, but because:

Place the wrong place: Some people see a very fat Amityville Horror after generation of descendants, just ahead of the Amityville Horror buried next to him, but this practice is called stealing gas, not necessarily the shadow of their own hair.

Not a professional by a group of students doing the Master, or do not understand the operation of the Grand Canal into a few people, whether to sit Hill was shipped, Parting decency, propriety outlet. The correct approach in the appropriate places Zhong Sheng group can:


Marriage edge smoothly.

Life extension.

Officialdom smoothly.

Improve physical health. The method of the correct functioning of the student group which takes about a year. But also with the hard work done before giving achieve commensurate results.


On the utility of veteran student groups, there are also talking about the feng shui master Yang Yun Song (called Yang save the poor) and had documents Di (who has been seeking public safety) for himself Shengjibao things. Because Reiki bred by geography, Yang Gongshou enjoy one hundred sixty eight years old, had two hundred and sixty-year-old male to enjoy life, which has done a lot to help people born veteran group, research group born to magical effect, but as long as it shut innings and correct approach, it is the effect, and the power of the dragon feng shui qi is indeed amazing, but students do group, to be sure to choose a good take at least cooperation Bureau can, if not the land bureau, but to do so well, be careful whom, according to the sages said, doing business groups can live longer, but also for their own transport purposes, would be improved, it should be trusted! Otherwise, this wonderful magic bullet could not delay things passed down, Tell me how? You can have this research.


 Principle of Health basal group can be said to the ancient Chinese feng shui unique initiative, the wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years has spread. Say how ineffective could spread so far? In ancient times, the Chinese have found the secret of earth's magnetic field, the person close-fitting clothing and hair buried in the crypt, they found the body of the party in favor of the rehabilitation by the disease, not only physical health, longevity, career followed well, so "raw GM Yunfa "handed down. However, thousands of years, doing business group it, our ancestors only knew it, did not know why, no one knows what works. Science and technology development so far, after two thousand years BC decoding genes, we found out, the original is the hair, the nails can copy function and DNA corresponding to the air, reflected the party's body, so that the parties directly absorbed into the Lair of the so-called magnetic field effect, thus fine, gas, god booming up, the body significant increase in strength of course health, career development also followed. Students often do printing of the legend group to be rich, it is only an indirect effect. According to the scientists found that their bloodline body contained C14 (radiocarbon xiv) electron wave radiation, or particle radiation wavelength, etc., and its frequency is the same.


That's why sometimes, their immediate families dying occurs, or unexpected disaster, though separated by thousands of miles, the heart will have induced unease and anxiety unspeakable. For this reason, buried in the picturesque, the ancestral remains poised, their hair or nails to accept pulse essence, will be on the same wavelength have sons or bring their own good influence, which is Feng Shui Studies on the so-called "law Amityville Horror," the origin of.


 Health group theoretical basis of the Tang Dynasty Yang Gong Jiupin Patriarch said: spirits as well, can change destiny geography also. Hoping by the marvelous art of geography, change people's innate Mingwei, good fortune, to achieve the ultimate goal of green building made of group life grave. "Guiguzi Wordless Book" recorded: Zhang Xian Shu practitioners looking fairyland, Fangshan in Xuzhou was a child of the "cloud-shaped seat Sin" Quaker geography, then a self-life to the true grave caves, and in life In front of the grave, meditation practitioners, and finally, the right way of cultivation.


Sheng Ji Yun law is made by the technique of geographical magical magic bullet, change people get Tian Zhiming. Taoism Quanzhen founder Quanzhen do "grave human life and death" for the rebirth of the Tang Dynasty also recorded: Yao Chong build life from the grave hidden in the square Ansan, pre-grave life for the end of life. Zhang Jian Shou Xiu grave right path.









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