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热度 3已有 2785 次阅读2013-6-15 08:58 |个人分类:社会|系统分类:家庭生活| technology, Internet, database, records, 美国人 分享到微信

Dear Patriot,

The vote on the new National ID system may take place as soon as NEXT WEEK.

Already, Barack Obama's snoop-state insiders at the NSA have a massive database full of BILLIONS of emails, phone records, and Internet usage of American citizens.

Imagine all of that information being tied to a tamper-proof, National ID Card with biometric tracking technology that EVERY American is required to own and carry.

It sounds like something out of George Orwell's 1984.

But without your IMMEDIATE action, I'm afraid this Orwellian nightmare will be a harsh reality for every man, woman, and child in America.

The battle over a National ID Card set to occur in the U.S. Senate next week is one of the most critical fights we've faced in years.

The outcome of this fight could determine whether America turns back toward Liberty - or continues down a slide toward full-scale tyranny.

That's why I hope you'll watch the exclusive video I made about how you can help DEFEAT this dangerous scheme.

Based on the recent revelations that Barack Obama's National Security Agency (NSA) has been snooping through the emails and phone records of millions of Americans each and every day, I'm convinced a National ID Card is the statists' crown jewel.

You see, the NSA has been gathering audio, video, email, photographic, and Internet search usage of Americans who use major providers such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Yahoo.

Their ultimate goal is an America where federal bureaucrats can track our every move.

And the biometric tracking technology contained within the over 800-page "Immigration Reform" monstrosity would allow them to do just that.

So please take a moment to watch the video I made just for you.

After you watch my video, I need you to make a generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty alert millions of Americans to this critical fight.

The fate of our fragile Republic could be determined as early as next week.

Please take IMMEDIATE action!

In Liberty,

Ron Paul







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回复 jiujiu 2013-6-17 17:20
平岗: Thank you. You are funny. I like it. I am in US most of time.
回复 平岗 2013-6-17 13:58
jiujiu: It is you.
Thank you. You are funny. I like it. I am in US most of time.
回复 jiujiu 2013-6-17 13:20
平岗: Who is the Ron Paul of China, Ms jiujiu? How come China does not have someone like Ron Paul who can speak out freely?
It is you.
回复 光头 2013-6-16 10:53
回复 平岗 2013-6-15 20:14
Who is the Ron Paul of China, Ms jiujiu? How come China does not have someone like Ron Paul who can speak out freely?


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