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热度 4已有 1643 次阅读2015-7-25 08:22 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

The more I learn about China, the more I realize I don’t know and never will know. That being said, I still have a clearer insight on life in China than I did when I first got here one year ago.



   Everywhere you travel, the dialect is different. While the nation shares a common written language, there is a huge disconnect with spoken language among all Chinese. Every province, and in some circumstances even every city, has its own spoken dialect. The only way for some Chinese to communicate is through written communication since they often don’t understand each others‘ Chinese. That’s why there’s a need for Mandarin—a standard language that unifies all of China.

  你旅行到不同地 方,方言是不同的。而这个国家有一个共同的书面语言,所有中国人的口语却有着巨大的不同。每一个省,甚至在某些情况下每个城市,都有自己的方言口语。一些 中国人交流的唯一途径是通过书面交流,因为他们常常不理解彼此的中国话。这就是为什么全中国需要有一个“普通话”作为统一的标准口语。

   As a foreigner in China, Chinese people don’t expect you to be able to speak Chinese. Of course, if you do speak Chinese, even just a bit, they’ll be elated to hear that you’re making an effort to learn about and integrate into Chinese culture.



   At first when I arrived in China the driving looked like absolute chaos. It still does, but I’m not surprised by anything anymore. Driving on the wrong side of the road in front of police officers, making U-turns right when oncoming traffic is heading your way, changing lanes without looking or signaling. It’s all the norm, so other drivers look out for it.


   People use their horns liberally, and nobody gets easily offended by anything. In the States, people take driving way too personally. Chinese drive slowly, but they cut everybody off and honk at each other and nobody thinks twice about it. If someone cuts you off, it’s not their fault; it’s your fault. You allowed enough space in front of you for them to pass. That’s the driving mentality.

  人们随意使用喇叭,没有人会轻易被这些东西 激怒。在美国,人们开车是很私人的事。中国人开车很慢,但他们彼此阻断,彼此又猛按喇叭,没人在做这个时会想一下。如果有人挡了你的路,这不是他们的错, 这是你的错。你要在你面前留下足够的空间让他们通过。这就是中国驾驶的心态。


  Don’t be afraid to try street food. Food off the street might be cooked with gutter oil, but you can’t really be certain. I’ve eaten tons of Chinese street food and I haven’t fallen ill. The only time I got sick was when I accidentally drank an entire thermos full of tap water on accident, resulting in a two day fit of explosive diarrhea.


   If you have a lot of food allergies, don’t eat meat, you’re a vegan, or you are just highly particular about what you eat, just avoid China. Eating the food of this country is one of the best parts of the immersion here, and if you miss out on that, you’re missing out on an integral part of what it means to live here.



  Charles Nordan

  October 12, 2014 at 11:13 pm

   My son, Stephen is teaching English in Beijing. He has been there for about 3 weeks. I hope to visit China around February. 我的儿子,斯蒂芬在北京教英语。他已经去了大约3周。我希望在今年2月访问中国


  It’s cool you are sharing info and tips about your adventure and learning process there. It could help other people and learn more about chinese culture. Are you just staying in China? or Will you travel to different places and make some videos about them too? It’d be great to see cultures too.

  Anyway, great job..



  October 19, 2014 at 2:41 am

  Appears you’re adapting expeditiously to the culture and language. Bravo! 看来你适应文化和语言非常快。万岁!

  Drew Hawaii

  December 17, 2014 at 4:46 am

   Aloha Kevin, can you do a video on scary street food? Whatever you can find on the street that most of us in the West will find it hard to consume such as roast rats, or fermented tofu or dog meat? Yikes! Would love to see you try them out. 你好凯文,你能做一个可怕的街头食品视频吗?在你任何可以找到的街上,我们大多数人在西方将很看到的比如烤老鼠,或者发酵的豆腐或狗肉?呵!希望看到你找 到他。







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