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ASIA PBF Amazing feat - ants stunts and hard work

已有 1435 次阅读2011-4-13 22:53 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

According to foreign media reports, if close observation ants life world, you'll find the ant sometimes have amazing power. Indonesia photographer Andy jas grace - rtu fe filmed recently to a red ant's amazing feat: ants are dying fastened on a huge yellow petals, the hind legs have struggled to support the body's centre of gravity achieve the purpose of balance control. The ant only 1 cm long, but the volume of the petals is the ant several times bigger.

The 36 year-old Indonesia in his flute phillips photographer under a tree near mango trees for ants prepare many food and flowers, and daily observation ants daily life movements. He through the camera shows little ants stunts and hard work.

Fidel, "said lute-like introduced in this tree, I almost trees every day to watch the ants astonishing behavior. I like shooting these ants, pictures showed how are they really different. They do know teamwork, will also single homework. Ants will take away any other things under the tree. The picture shows a male ants are dying, biting me to it of a yellow petals, and plowed will petals moved back to nest. They will bite me something to all of them. The female or the queen usually only will stay lair. This red ants often collective life, each an ant has his own role. In addition, to the ant speaking, group is very important, many ants willing to sacrifice himself to protect their nest."







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