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热度 2已有 2185 次阅读2015-3-15 23:51 |个人分类:保健养生|系统分类:健康养生| 保健品, 网上 分享到微信


How to identify the online sales of health products

Today is the "315" international day of consumer rights and interests,Once a year the day of consumer rights and interests,Become a hotspot in the wind Xu day beautiful Yangchun in March,Heat annealing,What the consumer rights protection,Crack down on fake and shoddy goods,Maintain the market economic order and did not become the primary focus of,The more play more, but fake and inferior commodities,Consumer rights are not guaranteed,Let alone to maintain the market economic order,As Chinese people, either,The ruling party, or law enforcement person,All had fake commodities fraud。
    Take the international big brand health products,Amway and Herbalife, fake products in the Taobao disaster caused by flooding water,Nobody, to say nothing of other products,98% were false,For how many years, genetically modified food called someone tube?Market sale of a wide range of snacks, cake, bread,There was not one in a non transgenic edible oil production.Mobile Corporation has long been to deceive consumers,Arbitrary deduction calls, Internet limbo。
    人们都以为转基因食油优惠,中国有99%的人还在吃。移动公司人人都知道内部的骗局,人们还是无动于衷......  亲自目睹这一切,我不由为国人感到悲哀,这些执政者和执法者都在想什么阿?他们是想拆共产党的台吗?让革命先烈用生命和鲜血换来的新中国倒退到黑暗的旧中国吗?让亿万群众重新成为剥削阶级的奴隶吗?那些口口声声称颂自已是精英的人,他们向高层献策的模式是;化公为私使更多的共产党人成为垃圾臭屎,他们用人民的血汗拯救美国、象盗贼一样掏空了社会主义公有制财产,最终的结果是要摧垮脆弱的新中国。

There are many fake and shoddy products,We are writing N could not write down,Here to introduce you to purchase health foods in the online knowledge,Since the constant period,The health food has been excluded from a hospital,The reason is that people eat health foods, less disease,Let the hospital income decline,The doctor know, palliative medicine to patient,It is difficult to let the patient good root path, but these doctors in order to benefit,Giving a patient a lot of Medicine,The patient each time to eat medicine, will eat dead body half cell,Let the patient decreased immunity, reduce the patient's life,And in part by the hospital patients, relegate to limbo.They did not leave all the doctors,In order to protect life lead in all directions to find solutions, try other treatment via,The health food has become incurable savior,However, the health food market network sales are really fake,In recent years, incurable patients eat a big brand health food,Life extension,Health care food international big brand not only accepted by patients,A lot of sub healthy people, the elderly in health, also in an edible,To imitate the body aging cells to produce an accident,When we buy health food in the internet,We see health care products on the Taobao is much lower than the prices,It also makes a person anxious product true and false differentiate,For those who do not have a "tracking code" and not "silty health drinks stamp imitation pseudo code",Persuade people not to buy from 100% were false,The official website of the product price is too high, buy the best way,Or go to the store to buy, store no fake,Products than the website offer a lot, and,There are nutritionists, one on oneIntroduce you to every kind of product consumption function.Let you eat medicine dead cells restored normal.The sick body, gray again healthy.

     Hello! Warm holiday, March March.After a winter blessing!Bid farewell to the February Blizzard bleak,April brilliant flowers waving at you!March breeze follow chase, clear water and invited to spring Nanyan back,How many budding in March begin to display one's talent,There is dream, there is love, there is wind, rain.March is the season of spring bathing, beauty,My heart is also beautiful! All Drunken Beauty! I wish friends body!

Herbalife health products store of domestic QQ business contact: 2420966910








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