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▀▄▀$20 Flat rate computer repair over 10 years experience

已有 2146 次阅读2015-9-12 21:37 |系统分类:家庭生活| computer, repair 分享到微信

Special $20 Flat rate computer  software repair over 10 years experience
137 Chrystie ST #17 NYC 10002
★★★subway B,D,J.F
please call:347-261-1083 Looking for Tim iE

Server/PC/Laptop Repairs and Upgrades

* Tune Ups (your computer will run faster!)

* Virus/Spyware/Adware Detection and Removal

* Repair damage/corrupt Windows operating system

* Transfer Data from Old to New System

* Backup Data

* Create an Image of your Drive for Data Protection

* Install critical Windows? updates and patches

* Firewall and Security Solutions

* Windows Password unlock.

* Recover DATA

* Install/upgrade Windows 98/Me/2K/XP/Vista/Windows 7 / 8 WINDOWS 2000/2003/2008

* Router/DSL/Cable/Broadband Internet Sharing / Troubleshooting

* Home or Small Business Network

* Wire/Wireless Networks for Multiple PCs

* Install Memory (RAM), Hard Drive, CD/DVD Drive, modem, change motherboard, Processor, other internal cards and external devices such as printer, scanner, digital camera, etc.

*DC power plug Repair and Replacement (dc jack repair only $50)

*Laptops Maintenance LCD Screen Repair and Replacement

*Mother board Repair and Replacement

24-hour phone support so don't worry your PC/MAC/Laptops; we're here to help

Here are the items/brands that I love working with all the time:

Any type of PC, Desktop, Laptop, Mac, home networking, office networking, wireless routers, switches, repairs, data backup, data restore, pc tune up, upgrades, downgrades, software, hardware, lcd, screen repair, windows reformat, iPhones, iPads, Tablets, Cisco, Dell, HP, Compaq, Gateway, Apple, Acer, Sony, Toshiba, Samsung, IBM, ThinkPad, Lenovo, Asus, Fujitsu, NEC, Sharp, Panasonic, Netbooks, emachines, Windows 9x, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit, windows 8, 8.1, spyware removal, virus removal, email, internet, OSX, leopard, lion, Unix, Linux, Sun, operating systems, OS, reinstallation, installation, blue screens & startup problems, broken screens, no sound, no video, no internet, spyware, virus scan, antivirus, RAM installation, sound card, video card, motherboard repair, CD/DVD drive replacement, hardrive replacement, solid state, computer tutoring, dv6, parts, repair, screen, keyboard replacement, pavilion, Microsoft Office, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access, support etc







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