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热度 4已有 2706 次阅读2024-2-1 15:10 |个人分类:纽约艺术见闻|系统分类:摄影| 大都会博物馆 分享到微信




Highlights include a Lunar New Year Dragon Dance kick-off celebration by the Wan Chi Ming Hung Gar Institute; a performance  by the Sesame Street Muppeteers featuring Alan Muraoka; poetry reading with Yu and Me Books, inspired by the exhibition Vision and Verse: The Poetry of Chinese Paintingart-making activities such as creating your own keepsake vessel and decorating lanterns.

All Lunar New Year Festival programming is free on The Met’s online channels, including FacebookInstagram, Twitter, and YouTube. Festival participants are invited to share their celebrations by tagging #MetLunar.

The full schedule of program with details can be found on The Met’s website and is available in Korean, simplified Chinese, and Spanish.


The festival will begin with a dragon dance performance by the Wan Chi Ming Hung Gar Institute at 11 a.m. Chinese Theatre Works will perform “Hao Bang Ah, Dragon!” featuring the twelve animals of the zodiac (12–12:30 p.m., 1:30–2 p.m., 2:30–3 p.m.), AAPI Jazz Collective led by Peter Lin will perform music from many Asian cultures (2–2:30 p.m., 3–3:30 p.m., 3:30–4 p.m.), as well as performances by the drummers from New York Korean Performing Arts Center, dancers from the Vietnam Heritage Center, and the Wan Chi Ming Hung Gar Institute Dragon Dance Team (1:30–2 p.m., 2:30–3 p.m., 3:30–4 p.m.).

Art Activities, Demonstrations, Talks and Storytelling:

Art-making workshops will be offered throughout the day. Attendees can decorate a colorful lantern in honor of the Lunar New Year, create their own keepsake vessel inspired by objects in the exhibition Lineages: Korean Art at The Met, fold a paper dragon with community artist Ash Suh, and adorn outfits with bright paper blossom pins, headbands, or bracelets. Artisans from Zhejiang Provincial Cultural Center, China, will host interactive demonstrations showing how traditional woodblock prints are made (11–11:30 a.m., 12–12:30 p.m., 1–1:30 p.m., 2–2:30 p.m, 3–3:30 p.m, 4–4:30 p.m).

In the galleries, their will be workshops for creative Chinese and Korean calligraphy through guided brushwork, and poetry readings with Yu and Me Books inspired by the exhibition Vision and Verse: The Poetry of Chinese Painting and the poetic traditions of China (1:30–2 p.m., 2:30–3 p.m., 3:30–4 p.m.). There will be drop-in conversations with Met volunteer guides in various galleries in English, Mandarin, Korean, and Spanish.

The Met's collection of Asian art—more than 35,000 objects ranging in date from the 3rd millennium B.C. to the 21st century—is one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. Each of Asia’s many civilizations is represented by outstanding works, providing an unrivaled experience of the artistic traditions of nearly half the world. Works from the collection are featured in current exhibitions and displayed across the department’s many galleries.

Celebrating the Year of the Dragon (on view February 3, 2024–January4, 2025) presents over 20 works from the Museum’s collection depicting the dragon in various media. Together, they illustrate the significant role that the dragon plays in the life of humans, as a symbol of imperial authority, a dynamic force to dispel evil influences, and a benevolent deity that brings auspicious rain to all life on earth.

Other exhibitions on view include Vision and Verse: The Poetry of Chinese Painting (through June 16, 2024), exploring some of the ways in which Chinese painters engaged with poetry to build connections and develop layers of meaning in their art; Lineages: Korean Art at The Met (through October 20, 2024), celebrating the 25th anniversary of The Met’s Arts of Korea gallery; Ganesha: Lord of New Beginnings (through February 25, 2024), highlighting the many depictions of Ganesha through 24 works; A Passion for Jade: The Bishop Collection (through February 17, 2025), showcasing over 100 remarkable objects representing the sophisticated art of Chinese gemstone carvers and Mogul Indian craftsmen; and Embracing Color: Enamel in Chinese Decorative Arts, 1300–1900 (through February 17, 2025), featuring works that reveal the aesthetic, technical, and cultural achievement of Chinese enamel wares during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The full list of Asian art exhibitions is available on The Met’s website.
















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回复 Lucian 2024-2-2 11:33
rubin: Bishop捐赠的玉器展览,过去十多年一直都在展出,位于亚洲部三楼。不过书画作品通常是没几个月就要轮换,纸质作品比较脆弱,无法长期陈列。 ...
回复 rubin 2024-2-2 11:20
回复 Lucian 2024-2-2 11:13
rubin: 不用担心,里面的策展人都是全球海选,万里挑一的。下一个特展在这里。
https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/the-harlem-renaissance-and-transatlantic-mode ...
这个也很有意思: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/passion-for-jade
回复 Lucian 2024-2-2 11:13
rubin: 不用担心,里面的策展人都是全球海选,万里挑一的。下一个特展在这里。
https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/the-harlem-renaissance-and-transatlantic-mode ...
这个也很有意思: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/passion-for-jade
回复 Lucian 2024-2-2 11:12
这个有很有意思: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/passion-for-jade
回复 rubin 2024-2-2 10:50
Lucian: 伟大的志向。感动。希望不会哪天又出来个什么“弱势群体”把哪部份闹到撤掉了吧。
回复 Lucian 2024-2-2 01:49
rubin: 官方自称要打造一座“百科全书”式的博物馆,也可以说是一个艺术与文化的“联合国”。
回复 rubin 2024-2-2 00:31
Lucian: 纽约大都会博物馆最好地体现了世界文化的交汇融合。
回复 Lucian 2024-2-1 17:11


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