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已有 22103 次阅读2010-10-8 23:55 |个人分类:纽约艺术见闻|系统分类:文学分享到微信

    现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)是年轻人喜欢的博物馆,是纽约时尚的制造者和传播者之一。 纽约MoMA与巴黎蓬皮杜中心、伦敦泰特现代美术馆并称全球三大现代艺术博物馆,其馆藏数量众多的绘画、雕塑、版画、摄影、设计、建筑等作品,吸引着来自全球的观众。




The Starry Night  文森·梵高《星夜》
Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853-1890)

Saint Rémy, June 1889. Oil on canvas, 29 x 36 1/4" (73.7 x 92.1 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest



"This morning I saw the country from my window a long time before sunrise," the artist wrote to his brother Theo, "with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big." Rooted in imagination and memory, The Starry Night embodies an inner, subjective expression of van Gogh's response to nature. In thick sweeping brushstrokes, a flamelike cypress unites the churning sky and the quiet village below. The village was partly invented, and the church spire evokes van Gogh's native land, the Netherlands.


Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973)   巴勃罗·毕加索《阿威农少女》

Paris, June-July 1907. Oil on canvas, 8' x 7' 8" (243.9 x 233.7 cm). Acquired through the Lillie P. Bliss Bequest. © 2010 Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York


The result of months of preparation and revision, this painting revolutionized the art world when first seen in Picasso's studio. Its monumental size underscored the shocking incoherence resulting from the outright sabotage of conventional representation. Picasso drew on sources as diverse as Iberian sculpture, African tribal masks, and El Greco's painting to make this startling composition. In the preparatory studies, the figure at left was a sailor entering a brothel. Picasso, wanting no anecdotal detail to interfere with the sheer impact of the work, decided to eliminate it in the final painting. The only remaining allusion to the brothel lies in the title: Avignon was a street in Barcelona famed for its brothel.


Dance (I)

Henri Matisse (French, 1869-1954)  亨利·马蒂斯《舞蹈》

Paris, Boulevard des Invalides, early 1909. Oil on canvas, 8' 6 1/2" x 12' 9 1/2" (259.7 x 390.1 cm). Gift of Nelson A. Rockefeller in honor of Alfred H. Barr, Jr. © 2010 Succession H. Matisse, Paris / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York


In March 1909, Matisse received a commission from the Russian merchant Sergei Shchukin for two large decorative panels, Dance and Music (now in the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg). This painting was made quickly as a compositional study for Dance, which was intended to hang on a staircase landing at Shchukin's Trubetskoy Palace, in Moscow. The figure at left appears to move purposefully, while the other dancers seem to float weightlessly. The momentum of their movement breaks the circle as the arm of the foreground dancer reaches out. Dance, Matisse once said, evoked "life and rhythm."


Christina's World

Andrew Wyeth (American, 1917-2009)   安德鲁·魏斯《克里斯蒂娜的世界》

1948. Tempera on gessoed panel, 32 1/4 x 47 3/4" (81.9 x 121.3 cm). Purchase


The woman crawling through the tawny grass was the artist's neighbor in Maine, who, crippled by polio, "was limited physically but by no means spiritually." Wyeth further explained, "The challenge to me was to do justice to her extraordinary conquest of a life which most people would consider hopeless." He recorded the arid landscape, rural house, and shacks with great detail, painting minute blades of grass, individual strands of hair, and nuances of light and shadow. In this style of painting, known as magic realism, everyday scenes are imbued with poetic mystery.


Water Lilies

Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926)  克劳德·莫奈《水莲花》

1914-26. Oil on canvas, three panels, Each 6' 6 3/4" x 13' 11 1/4" (200 x 424.8 cm), overall 6' 6 3/4" x 41' 10 3/8" (200 x 1276 cm). Mrs. Simon Guggenheim Fund


Monet's Water Lilies

September 13, 2009–April 12, 2010

In this triptych Monet depicted his Japanese-style pond covered with water lilies, at center, shimmering with reflections of clouds overhead. The water's surface fills the expansive composition so that conventional clues to the artist's—and the viewer's—vantage point are eliminated. Monet wished for the paintings to encompass the viewer: in his designs for the Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris, he specified that the Water Lily canvases be displayed on curved walls.







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回复 天鹅公主 2010-10-9 10:33
喜欢Christina‘s World, The Persistence of Memory,


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