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(0/732) Enlightenment social science: Do not change the position of Marxist scientists (0 / 732)
涪迪元 Fu Di Yuan
 社会科学启蒙:请勿改变马克思科学家的定位 Enlightenment social science: Do not change the position of Marxist scientists

定位问题,是科学与愚昧的分水岭,也是成功与失败的界碑。 Positioning problem is a watershed science and ignorance is the pillar of success and failure.
当全人类把地球定位为宇宙的中心,太阳和星星都是围绕地球转时,人类经历了漫长的愚昧时代,直到哥白尼,冒死打破了这种定位:否! When mankind is positioned as the center of the universe the earth, sun and stars revolved around the earth, mankind has experienced a long era of ignorance, until Copernicus, risking to break down the position: No! 是地球围绕太阳转,尽管有人因此被投入监狱,有人被活活烧死,但毕竟迎来了天文科学的春天,全人类逐渐知道:原来地球只是太阳系中的一颗行星,而太阳是银河系中千万颗恒星中的一颗砂粒,迷信站不住脚了。 The earth around the sun, though someone is thrown into prison, some were burned alive, but after all, ushered in the spring of astronomical science, mankind gradually to know: the original earth is only a planet in the solar system, while the sun is millions of Milky Way stars in a sand, superstition untenable.
16世纪,欧洲有人把哥白尼投入监狱,有人将布鲁诺活活烧死,但是,欧洲一直没有人能阻止地球围绕太阳转。 16th century, Europe was put into prison Copernicus, Bruno was burned alive will, however, Europe has been no one can stop the earth around the sun.
请看,恩格斯是如何给马克思定位的,他在马克思墓前的讲话(译文),时间;1883年3月17日 See, Marx and Engels is how to locate, and his speech at Marx's grave (translation), the time; March 17, 1883

一生中能有这样两个发现,该是很够了。 Two such life can be found that would be enough. 即使只能作出一个这样的发现,也已经是幸福的了;两个发现,是指辩证唯物史观,剩余价值规律。 To make even one such discovery, it already had happy; two found means of dialectical materialism, law of surplus value.
他作为科学家就是这样。 Him as a science.

中国共产党,由农民阶级成员为主体组成的政党,含农民,如陈永贵;城乡手工业者,如李瑞环;及其知识分子,如毛泽东。 Communist Party of China, from the peasant class, composed of members of the main political parties, including farmers, such as Chen Yonggui; urban and rural artisans, such as Li; and intellectuals, such as Mao Zedong.
农民阶级与工人阶级有同一性;都是个人不占有生产资料;土地、工厂、----的劳动者,都是社会物质、精神、财富的创造者,都是国家主人。 Identity of the peasant class and the working class; are individuals are not the means of production; land, factory workers ,---- are social and material, spiritual, wealth creators are masters of the country.
出身不由己,道路可选择; Involuntarily out of the road option;
毛泽东自投身革命那天起,就选择了: Joined the revolution of Mao Zedong from day to choose:
工业无产阶级是我们革命的领导力量, Industrial proletariat is the leading force of our revolution,
人民民主专政需要工人阶级的领导, People's democratic dictatorship needs the leadership of the working class,
领导我们事业的核心力量是中国共产党。 Force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party.
所以,中国革命和建设事业能从胜利走向胜利。 Therefore, the Chinese revolution and construction from victory to victory.
李瑞环离休后,还将稿费及藏品拍卖款献给人民,这不单是李老个人行为,体现出一种规律;农民阶级是工人级最可靠同盟军。 Li retired after the auction money will be royalties and collections dedicated to the people, not only Li Lao individual behavior, reflecting a law; the peasant class is the class of workers most reliable allies.
农民阶级与地主阶级有同一性,联系落后手工生产力,来自农民阶级的政治代理人、社会活动家、小生产知识分子一旦摆脫工人阶级思想--科学、民主、法制--领导后,就会显现小生产者本色:个人迷信、家长式作风、权大于法,做出禍国殃民的错事、蠢事与糊涂事。 Peasantry and landlords have identity, contact behind the hand-production, from the political agent of the peasant class, social activists, intellectuals, small producers out of the working class once thought - science, democracy, rule of law - the leadership, you Small producers will show true colors: the personality cult, paternalism, right above the law, to make disastrous wrong, stupid and foolish things.

理论界有些小生产知识分子,习惯称小资产阶级知识分子,或曰非工人阶级知识分子,沉醉于对西洋人个人迷信和教条主义错误思想,置身<宪法>之上,长期无情打、圧、人民科学家 袁德云:制造寃案,禁言、删帖,掩盖真相,千方百计阻止袁氏为发展社会科学作贡献。 Some small-scale production theorists intellectuals, petty-bourgeois intellectuals used to say, or said non-working class, intellectuals, people indulge in superstition and dogmatism of the Westerners erroneous ideas, exposure to <Constitution> above the long relentless fight,-pressure, People scientist Yuan Deyun: Manufacturing injustice, gag, delete posts, covering up the truth, do everything possible to prevent the Yuan to contribute to the development of social science.
从今而后,袁德云只編写一些社会科学启蒙资料在网上发表,欢迎批评、指教。 From this day forward, Yuan Deyun only write some social science information in the online publication of Enlightenment, welcome criticism, advice.
下面全面论述马克思是科学家,目的是不要再个人迷信,祸国殃民。 The following is a comprehensive exposition of Marxist scientists, the purpose is not to be the personality cult, disaster.

我在拙文:<历史悲剧,不应该重演> ,有以下 一段话,读者也许一时难理解。 I I argue: "History tragedy should not be repeated>, the following passage, the reader may be a time difficult to understand. <毛泽东晚年,被为数众多小生产知识分子围得水洩不通;有的小生产知识分子能自觉接受工人阶级思想--科学,民主,法制--的领导;有些则不习惯依宪法治国,他们善玩弄<挟天子令诸侯>的游戏,仰仗毛泽东的崇高威望,来兜售痴迷外国人的个人迷信,教条主义错误,做出错事,蠢事与糊涂事,这才是历史真象,是马克思发现的辩证唯物主义观点。 "Mao later years, was the large number of small molecules crowded around the production of knowledge; some small producers to conscientiously accept the working-class intellectual thought - science, democracy, rule of law - the leadership; some are not used to running the country according to the Constitution, they play good <Emperor the nobility of> the game, rely on the high prestige of Mao Zedong, to sell the personality cult obsessed with aliens, dogmatism and error, to make something wrong, stupid and foolish things, this is the historical truth, is found in the dialectical materialism of Marx point of view. > >
下面引用学者李崇富最近的一段文章: The following section refer to scholars Li Chongfu recent article:
李崇富<略论科学社会主义的新形态> Li Chongfu <On the new form of scientific socialism>
(中国社科院学部委员、马克思主义研究院教授,中国历史唯物主义学会会长) (Academician of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Professor, Institute of Marxism, the Chinese Society of Historical Materialism)
中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
一、科学社会主义基本原则的实质和要义 First, the basic principles of scientific socialism, the essence and the essence of
本文只能根据马克思、恩格斯及其后继者的有关论断,仅就科学社会主义基本原则的实质和要义,即中国特色社会主义所应遵循和体现的普遍性和共性,试图作出如下四点概括: This can only Marx, Engels and their successors the relevant conclusions, just from the basic principles of scientific socialism, the essence and the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics that should follow and reflect the universal and common, to attempt to summarize the following four points:
(1)“一、一”:马克思创立的科学社会主义,作为马克思主义理论体系的核心内容,在实质上,既是关于无产阶级革命的一种科学理论,又是关于社会主义建设的一种科学理论,是这两者的内在统一。 (1) "One, One": Marx founded scientific socialism, Marxist theory as the core system, in essence, both on a scientific theory of proletarian revolution, but also on a scientific socialist construction theory is the inherent unity of the two. 马克思恩格斯指出:“工人阶级革命的第一步”,是必须打碎剥削阶级国家机器,建立无产阶级国家政权,“使无产阶级上升为统治阶级,争得民主”;进而,“无产阶级将利用自己的政治统治,一步步地夺取资产阶级的全部资本,把一切生产工具集中在国家即组织成为统治阶级的无产阶级手里,并且尽可能快地增加生产力的总量”[2],就是要不断完善和发展社会主义事业,最终实现共产主义社会。 Marx and Engels pointed out: "The first step in the revolution the working class" is exploiting class to smash the state apparatus, the establishment of proletarian state power, "the ruling class, the proletariat rose, win democracy"; then, "the proletariat will use its political rule, step by step to win the bourgeoisie all capital, to all instruments of production concentrated in the country, the proletariat organized as the hands of the ruling class, and increase productivity as quickly as possible the amount of "[2], is to keep improvement and development of the socialist cause, and ultimately communism. 显然,无产阶级通过领导人民革命,夺取和执掌国家政权,是开创和发展社会主义事业的根本政治前提;而社会主义建设事业的不断发展和巩固,则是无产阶级革命的继续和深化。 Obviously, people's revolution led by the proletariat to seize state power and the helm, is to create and develop the fundamental political premise of the socialist cause; and the continuous development of socialist construction and consolidation of the proletarian revolution is to continue and deepen. 也就是说,无产阶级革命事业既是分阶段有重点的、又是前后相继和统一的社会历史进程。 That is, proletarian revolutionary cause of both focused in phases, but also before and Xiang Ji and unified social and historical process. 在无产阶级革命事业各个发展阶段上,必须在理论和实践的探索中,始终遵循和发展马克思主义,充分发挥其指导作用,才能坚持正确的前进方向。 Proletarian revolutionary cause in various stages of development, we must explore in theory and in practice, always follow and develop Marxism, give full play its guiding role, to uphold the right way forward. 因此,把包括科学社会主义在内的整个马克思主义,简单地截然二分为“革命理论”和“建设理论”,是不正确的,也是没有根据的 Therefore, to include the whole of scientific socialism, including Marxism, simply completely divided into two "revolutionary theory" and the "construction theory" is not correct, there is no basis
(2)“二、二”:马克思以其“两大发现”,所揭示和论证的“两个必然”的结论,是科学社会主义的基本要义。 (2) "b, b": Marxism with its "two discovery", the reveal and demonstrate the "two inevitable" conclusion, is the basic meaning of scientific socialism. 恩格斯指出:“这两个伟大的发现——唯物主义历史观和通过剩余价值揭开资本主义生产的秘密,都应归功于马克思。由于这两个发现,社会主义变成了科学”[3]。 Engels pointed out: "These two great discoveries - through the residual value of materialist conception of history and reveal the secret of capitalist production, should be attributed to Marx. Because of these two found a socialist into a science" [3] . 马克思的“这两个发现”,是支撑科学社会主义的两大理论支柱。 Marx's "The two discovery", is supporting the two major theoretical pillars of scientific socialism. 因为,它们使马克思恩格斯在《共产党宣言》中得出“两个必然”——“资产阶级的灭亡和无产阶级的胜利都是同样不可避免的”[4]基本结论,能够从社会历史发展的普遍规律上,以及同资本主义产生、发展和衰落的客观规律,同其向社会主义转变的客观规律的结合上,得到了科学的论证和深刻的阐明。 Because they make Marx and Engels "Communist Manifesto" to draw "two necessities" - "the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable" [4] basic conclusions can be from a social and historical development universal law, as well as with capitalism, the objective laws of development and decline, with its transition to socialism on the combination of the objective law, scientific evidence has been clear and profound. 而且这种论证和阐明,同工人阶级作为资产阶级“掘墓人”的社会地位、历史使命、革命作用的论证和阐明,以及同工人阶级解放、人类解放的论证和阐明,是紧密地联系在一起的。 And this argument and stated that the working class of the bourgeoisie with the "gravedigger" of social status, the historical mission of the revolution and clarify the role of the argument, as well as with the working class liberation, human liberation and clarify the argument, is closely linked together. 显然,马克思恩格斯关于“两个必然”的这种表述,与我们常说的“资本主义必然灭亡和社会主义必然胜利”的表述,是完全一致和同义的。 Clearly, Marx and Engels on the "two necessities" such statements, and we often say "inevitable demise of capitalism and the inevitable victory of socialism," the statement is entirely consistent and synonymous. 以马克思的“两个发现”作为根本理论支柱的“两个必然”的结论,是科学社会主义最基本的原理和原则,是共产党人确定工人阶级立场,坚定社会主义信念,树立共产主义理想的最为直接的理论基础。 To Marx's "two discovery" as the fundamental pillar of the theory of "two inevitable" conclusion, is the most basic principles of scientific socialism and the principle is the Communists stand to determine the working class, a firm conviction in socialism, establishing the ideal of communism the most direct theoretical basis. 对工人阶级和一切共产党人而言:“没有这样的信念,就没有一切。”[5] In terms of the working class and all the Communists: "There is no such faith, no nothing." [5]
毛泽东仙逝几十年了,今天,在中华大地上,仍有人痴迷外国人,视其著作句句是真理,一句顶一万句,不管时间,地点,条件,照搬照抄,无视中国国情。 Mao passed away a few years, and today, in the land of China, people are still obsessed with aliens, as the sentence is the truth of their work, a top ten thousand, regardless of time, place, conditions, copy the disregard of China's national conditions.
按常理讲,要强国富民,就应该切实做到; Logically speaking, to national strength and prosperity, we should earnestly;
在法律面前人人平等; Equality before the law;
在科学面前人人平等。 Equality before the science.
当前,社会上存在以下部分不应有现象: Currently, the community should not be part of the phenomenon of the following:
只许个别专家放火, Individual experts can only fire,
放个人迷信,教条主义错误思想禍国殃民的火,而且这种火沒有消防队即时扑灭; Put the personality cult, dogmatism erroneous ideas disastrous fire, and this fire is not immediately extinguished the fire brigade;
不许科学家点灯, Scientists are not allowed to light lamps,
点亮工人阶级科学社会主义利国益民的灯,而这种灯,反而遭到禁言删帖,风雨飘揺,人民群众难以看到。 Yimin Quo scientific socialism the working class lit the lamp, which lights, but was banned to delete posts, floating 揺 rain, the people hard to see.
我们的国家,在强国富民征途上,要尽可能减少失误,就应该下决心消除以上不良现象。 Our country journey in the national strength and prosperity, to minimize the errors, it should be determined to eliminate the above undesirable phenomenon.

工人阶级 Working class
中,俄革命胜利,工,农上升为国家主人后,人类社会才有真正意义上的<工人阶级>,马克思(1818--1883)年生活的德国只有工业无产阶级与自由资产阶级,认为在资本家工厂做工的工人群众就是工人阶级,这是表靣看问题,不可取也。 China, Russia, revolution, engineering, agriculture rose to national masters, the human society have a real sense of <working class>, Marx (1818--1883) years of life and freedom in Germany only the industrial proletariat, the bourgeoisie, that the capitalist factory work is the working class and the masses of workers, this is the table Mian of view, undesirable as well.
无产阶级 Proletariat
无产阶级是一个抽象名词,人类社会具体的无产阶级只有; The proletariat is an abstract noun, only the proletariat specific human society;
奴隶制社会的奴隶阶级--联系原始生产力; Slavery society, the slave class - contact the original production;
封建社会的贫雇农阶级--联系手工生产力; The class of feudal society Pingu Nong - Contact Hand productivity;
自由资本主义社会的工业无产阶级--联系大机器生产力; Free capitalist society, the industrial proletariat - Contact big machine productivity;
垄断资本主义社会的现代无产阶级--联系电气化生产力; Monopoly of modern capitalist society, the proletariat - Contact electrification productivity;
------------------ ------------------
(一)、马克思的伟大科学发现与主观、空想、错误认识马克思(1818-1883)是德国民间一位穷书生,由于勤奋好学,刻苦研究,毕生作出了两大具有划时代意义伟大科学发现: (A), Marx's great scientific discoveries and subjective, fantasy, wrong understanding of Marx (1818-1883) is a German folk a poor scholar, the work hard, study hard, and made his life a great two landmark scientific discoveries:
辩证唯物史观; Dialectical materialism;
剩余价值规律。 Law of surplus value.
诚如恩格斯:<在马克思墓前的讲话>中所指出的: As Engels: <Tomb of Marx speech> pointed out in:
《一生中能有这样两个发现,该是很够了。 "Two such life can be found that would be enough. 即使只能作出一个这样的发现,也已经是幸福的了。 To make even one such discovery, it already had happy. 》 "
正是由于马克思的上述两大科学发现,第一次把对人类社会的认识变成了科学。 It is precisely because of these two major scientific discoveries of Marx, the first time the understanding of human society into a science. 为新兴的社会科学奠定了坚实的基础,后人可在此基础上营造<社会科学>大厦。 For the emerging social sciences and laid a solid foundation for future generations on this basis can create "Social SCIENCES" building.
当全人类都认为:太阳是在围绕地球转时,哥白尼发表<日心学说>指出:是地球在围绕太阳转。 When all of humanity that: the sun around the earth at the time, Copernicus Publishes "heliocentric theory> that: is the earth around the sun. 哥白尼太伟大了,他能够纠正全人类的一个时代错误。 Copernicus is too great, he can correct the error of an era for all mankind. 然而,哥白尼当时的天文科学知识还不如今天的一位小学生,如果我们因为哥白尼伟大而迷信他的<日心学说>句句是真理,那末,天文科学还能发展吗? However, knowledge of astronomy Copernicus was not as good as a primary school today, if we are superstitious because of his great and Copernicus <heliocentric theory of> every word is truth, then, the development of astronomy can it? 直到今天,我们还会停留在哥白尼的认识,太阳是宇宙的中心,就不可能有天文科学发展的春天。 Until today, we will remain in the understanding of Copernicus, the sun is the center of the universe, there can be development of astronomical spring.
同样的道理,马克思虽然作出了上述两大科学发现,但马克思是吃人间烟火,有血有肉,有情有欲的人,是科学家,马克思不是万能的上帝,他的著作不可能句句是真理,一句顶一万句。 Similarly, although Marx made the above two major scientific discoveries, but Marx is to eat from the reality, of flesh and blood, sentient beings are like people, scientists, Marx was not the Almighty God, not every sentence of his book is the truth, a top ten thousand.
马克思一生没有过社会实践经历。 Marx never had experience in social practice.
通常所谓人才,必须具备两大要素:1、知识的积累;2、社会实践经历。 Usually the so-called talent, you must have two elements: 1, the accumulation of knowledge; 2, the social practice experience.
以当今国家副主席习近平为例,他除了有知识的积累外,还因为他在延安插队时,就是从村支书干起的(相当今日大学生村官),不可能短时间平步青云就当上了国家副主席。 An example to today's Vice President Xi Jinping, who in addition to the accumulation of knowledge, but also because when he cut in line in Yanan, that is, from the village party secretary and began the (very today Student Village), not short meteoric rise to become the Vice President.
马克思孤陋寡闻,知识面狭窄,终其一生,他只研究了德国的两大阶级:自由资产阶级与工业无产阶级,对人类社会的诸多阶级,他并没有逐一去研究,特别是对中国这历史攸久,人口众多伟大的国家,他都没有研究过。 Marx ignorant, narrow range of knowledge, his life, he studied in Germany only two classes: the freedom of the bourgeoisie and industrial proletariat, many classes of human society, he did not one by one to study, especially the history of China that Yau long, populous great country, he has not studied.
上述弱点,使得马克思在其著作中还存在一些主观、空想、错误认识。 These weaknesses, making Marx in his book, there are still some subjective and utopian, erroneous understanding.
社会主义只有当全世界各国的工业无产阶级都起来革命,才能赢得胜利。 Only when the socialist countries around the world are up industrial proletariat revolution to win victory.
马克思的这一错误认识,来源于: This erroneous understanding of Marxism, from:
1、他只片面的看到工业无产阶级与自由资产阶级由于对生产资料的占有情况不同,一个无产、一个有产,因而存在着对抗性、斗争性,而没有看到上述两个阶级都是联系大工业生产力的,存在着同一性。 1, he only saw one-sided industrial proletariat and the liberal bourgeois possession of the means of production is different, a non-production, a production, so there is confrontational, combative, and did not see the above two classes are contact large industrial productivity, there is identity. 因此,工业无产阶级推翻自由资产阶级的统治是绝对不可能的,正好比封建社会,农民阶级不可能推翻地主阶级的统治,已为我国2000年封建史证明的。 Therefore, the industrial proletariat and the bourgeoisie to overthrow the rule of freedom is absolutely impossible, just in feudal society, the peasantry can not overthrow the landlord class rule, has been the history of feudal China in 2000 proved.
2、他没有看到农民阶级的力量,因为他没有研究过农民阶级,正如毛泽东所说的,要知道梨子的滋味,必须亲自尝一口,他也看不到工、农联盟的力量;农民阶级只有接受工业无产阶级(经过共产党)的领导,才有可能翻身作主人,而工业无产阶级只有依靠农民阶级的积极参与才能赢得社会主义性质革命的胜利。 2, he did not see the power of the peasant class, because he has not studied the peasant class, as Mao said, to know the taste of a pear, you must personally taste, he can not see the workers, farmers of the alliance; peasant class Only accept the industrial proletariat (through the Communist Party) leadership, be possible to turn over the hosts, while the industrial proletariat can only rely on the active participation of the peasant class to win the socialist revolution.
马克思的这一错误,被列宁学说发展了。 Marx's this error doctrine developed by Lenin.
阶级斗争必然要导致无产阶级专致。 Proletarian class struggle necessarily leads to the special cause.
马克思的这一错误认识,来源于: This erroneous understanding of Marxism, from:
1、错误认为工业无产阶级可以推翻自由资产阶级的统治,胜利后,理所当然是一个阶级专政了。 1, the error that the industrial proletariat to overthrow the rule of the liberal bourgeoisie, after the victory, of course, a dictatorship of one class.
2、马克思没有看到只有工、农联盟,才能有所作为,而工、农联盟胜利后,新社会当然会存在两大阶级:工人阶级与农民阶级。 2, Marx did not see only the workers, peasants alliance, can make a difference, and engineering, agriculture League victory, of course, there will be two new social classes: the working class and peasantry.
马克思的这一错误被中国毛泽东的<论人民民主专政>所纠正。 This error is Marxism of Mao Zedong in China s "on the people's democratic dictatorship> of the correction.
马克思在30岁时,以一位既无社会实践经历,又无严谨逻辑思维的青年,头脑发热,主观设计出来的乌托邦空想,共产主义是错误的。 Marx's 30 years old, to a social practice neither experience, nor the rigorous logic of the young, hot-headed, subjective designed by utopian communism is wrong.
马克思的这一错误被中国人民化几十年时间培养出来的社会科学家袁德云新的发现所彻底纠正。 Marx's error is the Chinese people of the several decades of social scientists trained in the discovery of the new Yuan Deyun completely corrected.
详情见附件。 Annex.
(二)、迷信马克思曾经给中国人民(和前苏联人民)造成过的深重灾难。 (B), superstition Marx to the Chinese people (and the former Soviet people) had caused great disaster.
在以往的岁月里,由于迷信马克思的乌托邦空想,共产主义是天堂,人民公社(苏为集体农庄)是桥梁,饿死了多少苍生。 In previous years, the superstition of Marx's utopian communist paradise, communes (the Soviet Union and collective farms) of the bridge, the number of common people starved to death.
由于迷信马克思的无产阶级专政,而把毛泽东<论人民民主专政>束之高阁,又冤死了多少忠诚的党员和善良的公民。 Marx's dictatorship of the proletariat as superstition, and Mao Zedong <On the people's democratic dictatorship> shelved, and the number of loyal party members killed unjustly, and good citizens.
上述时代错误,已由时代负责,任何组织与个人均负不起责任。 The anachronism, by the time responsible for any organizations and individuals can not take responsibility.
共产党人员只容许山呼万岁,而听不得讲真话的,不过我要奉劝共产党人。 Shan Hu Long live the Communist Party only allows officers, and to listen to tell the truth, but I have to advise the Communists.
历史不可能像写在黑报上的字,可以任意擦掉的。 History can not be written in black newspapers like the word, can be arbitrarily disregarded.
更何况,君子之过,如日月之蚀,其过也,人皆见之,及其更也,人皆仰之。 Moreover, the gentleman before, such as the sun and the moon eclipse, and its been too, all to be found, and more also, everyone Yang it.
我们指出和承认历史上犯过的错误,并不是要眨低或指责任何组织与个人,而是要以史为鉴,今后不再重犯类似错误,对于那些一错再错的,也是很好的鞭策! We point out and acknowledge the mistakes made in history, not to blink or accuse any organization of low and individuals, but to learn from history, not repeat similar mistakes in future, for those same mistake again, and it is a good encouragement!
(三)、共产党人继续迷信马克思,意欲何为? (C), the Communists continue to superstition Marx, trying to do?
与剥削阶级掌控国家机器6-7000年相比,我们工、农上升为国家主人还不到100年,年轻的工、农政权出现错误,在所难免,犯错误并不可怕,可怕的是一错再错。 Control of the state apparatus and the exploiting class compared 6-7000, we work, agriculture, masters of the country rose to less than 100 years, young workers and farmers government error is inevitable, making mistakes is not terrible, terrible same mistake again.
上面已经讲得清清楚楚了,马克思只是作出了两大科学新发现: As already speak clearly, and Marx made only two major new scientific discoveries:
辩证唯物史观; Dialectical materialism;
剩余价值规律。 Law of surplus value.
这是放之四海而皆准的普遍真理,正好比在常温条件下,水有自高向下流一样,地球上各个国家,地区都是如此。 This is a universally applicable truth, just more than at room temperature, the water is lifted up to the dirty, as all countries on earth, areas are true.
马克思以65岁的短暂生涯,能作出两大科学发现,并创建新兴的社会科学,够伟大的了。 Marx, 65, a short career, to make two scientific discoveries, and create new social science, a great enough.
然而马克思是科学家,其著作绝对不可能句句是真理,特别那些在社会实践中早已证实是完全错误的词句: But Marx scientists, his work is absolutely impossible sentence is the truth, especially those in social practice has long been proved totally wrong words:
什么乌托邦空想共产主义? What utopian communism?
什么阶级斗争必然要导致无产阶级专政呀,没有必要再去坚持。 What is class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat Yeah, no need to insist.
中国人民既然选择了中国共产党的领导,这是历史的必然,没有什么可后悔的,共产党也应该对得起人民。 Since the Chinese people chose the leadership of the CPC, which is a historical necessity, there is nothing to regret, the Communist Party should also be fair to the people.
俗语云:百年修得同船渡,中国人民和共产党朝夕相处快近一个世纪了,特别是在头30年腥风血雨的年代,人民曾经用生命和鲜血保护共产党员,有的妇女还曾经用自已甘甜的乳汁喂养受伤的共产党员,可是共产党羽翼丰满后,又是怎样对待人民的呢? The saying goes: a hundred years of cultivation with the boat crossing, the Chinese people and the Communist Party from morning till evening fast for nearly a century, especially in the first 30 years of the reign of the era, the people have with their lives and blood of protecting party members, some women also had to use their own sweet milk feeding Party members were injured, but after the Communist Party of full-fledged, but also how to deal with people from?
长期痴迷于对马克思的个人迷信,所造成的对人民的伤害及把国家现代化推迟100年的时代错误,已如上述。 Long-term obsession with the personality cult of Marx, the people caused by the injury and delay the country 100 years of modern anachronisms, has as mentioned above.
当前,中国人民还并不富裕,可是,共产党却豢养出数以万计的贪官污吏和数以千计窃巨资外逃人员,那些都是民脂民膏啊! At present, Chinese people still is not rich, but the Communist Party has fed tens of thousands of corrupt officials who flee and thousands of stealing huge amounts of money, those who are flesh and blood ah!
中国的科学尚来就不发达,几千年来在科学领域能作出新的发现或发明,名符其实的科学家更是屈指可数,可是共产党内顽强坚持个人迷信、教条主义错误,只从集团和少数个人利益出发,置宪法相关条文不顾,长期迫害和无情打压,作出重大发现的社会科学家袁德云。 Still come to China's science developed, thousands of years in science to make new discoveries or inventions of scientists is truly one of the few, but the Communist Party tenaciously adhere to the personality cult, dogmatism and error, only from the groups and interests of a few individuals, regardless of the relevant provisions in the constitution, long-term persecution and ruthless suppression of social scientists made important discoveries Yuande Yun.
人民如果要求共产党在短期内就实现现代化和使全国人民都富裕起来,那是:挟泰山以朝北海,是不能也,非不为也。 Communist Party of the people in the short term if required to modernize and make all the people rich, that is: to rely on North Mountain in North Korea is not also, not that I do too.
可是有些事是共产党能够做,而又不去做,那就是:为长者折技,是不为也,非不能也。 But the Communist Party can do some things, but not to do, and that is: off technology for the elderly, is not also, can not and will not.
比如说:停止对社会科学家袁德云的无情打压,落实宪法第20条,保护袁德云的学术成果,使之为现代化作贡献。 For example: social scientists Yuan Deyun stop the relentless pressure from the implementation of Article 20 of the Constitution to protect Yuan Deyun academic achievements, so as to contribute to modernization.
俗语云:不知者不罪,而今天,有社会科学家已经发现了人类社会发展规律,指出:马克思主观设计出来的乌托邦空想共产主义,是错误的,宜命名中国青年团,中国少先队,十年树木,百年树人;树立公民<囯家>,<宪法>意识,从青少年抓起,而共产党人还是要继续用错误的共产主义,去影响亿万青少年,真不知意欲何为? The saying goes: He who does not sin, and today, there are social scientists have discovered the law of development of human society, said: Marx's utopian subjective designed communism is wrong, should be named the Chinese Youth League, Young Pioneers of China, ten trees , takes a hundred years; establish citizen "State", "Constitution of> consciousness, from the young people start, but the Communists still have to continue to use the errors of communism, to influence millions of young people, I really do not know trying to do?

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