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标题:社会科学启蒙:人类社会发展规律[打印本页] Title: Social Scientific

已有 1591 次阅读2011-4-3 22:02 分享到微信

标题:社会科学启蒙:人类社会发展规律[打印本页] Title: Social Scientific
Enlightenment: Human Society [Print]
作者:涪迪元时间: 2011-4-3 15:23 标题:社会科学启蒙:人类社会发展规律 Study: Yuan Fu Di Time: 2011-4-3 15:23 Subject: Social Sciences Enlightenment: development of human society

社会科学启蒙:人类社会发展规律 Enlightenment social science: development of human society

特别提示: 本帖只代表培建的个人观点,不代表人民网观点。 Special Note: This post represents only the personal view of culture building, does not mean People's point of view. 如将本文用于其他媒体出版, 请与作者本人或强国社区联系。 For other media such as the publication of this article, please contact me or the power of community ties.
楼主 社会科学启蒙:人类社会发展规律 Social Sciences landlord Enlightenment: development of human society
[ 培建] 发表时间: 2011-03-31 14:31:32 [Habilitation] Posted: 2011-03-31 14:31:32
社会科学启蒙:人类社会发展规律 Enlightenment social science: development of human society

人类社会发展规律 Development of human society
<<<前言>>> <<<Introduction>>>
鉴于理论界有些小生产知识分子,习惯称小资产阶级知识分子,或曰非工人阶级知识分子,沉醉于对西洋人个人迷信和教条主义错误思想,置身<宪法>之上,长期无情打、圧、人民科学家袁德云:制造寃案,禁言、删帖,掩盖真相,千方百计阻止袁氏为发展社会科学作贡献。 Given that some small-scale production theorists intellectuals, petty-bourgeois intellectuals used to say, or said non-working class, intellectuals, people indulge in superstition and dogmatism of the Westerners erroneous ideas, exposure to <Constitution> above the long relentless fight, pressure- People scientist Yuan Deyun: Manufacturing injustice, gag, delete posts, covering up the truth, do everything possible to prevent the Yuan to contribute to the development of social science.
中国共产党,由农民阶级成员为主体组成的政党,含农民,如陈永贵;城乡手工业者,如李瑞环;及其知识分子,如毛泽东。 Communist Party of China, from the peasant class, composed of members of the main political parties, including farmers, such as Chen Yonggui; urban and rural artisans, such as Li; and intellectuals, such as Mao Zedong.
农民阶级与工人阶级有同一性; Identity of the peasant class and the working class;
毛泽东自投身革命那天起,就选择了: Joined the revolution of Mao Zedong from day to choose:
工业无产阶级是我们革命的领导力量, Industrial proletariat is the leading force of our revolution,
人民民主专政需要工人阶级的领导, People's democratic dictatorship needs the leadership of the working class,
领导我们事业的核心力量是中国共产党。 Force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party.
所以,中国革命和建设事业能从胜利走向胜利。 Therefore, the Chinese revolution and construction from victory to victory.
李瑞环离休后,还将稿费及藏品拍卖款献给人民,这不单是李老个人行为,体现出一种规律;农民阶级是工人级最可靠同盟军。 Li retired after the auction money will be royalties and collections dedicated to the people, not only Li Lao individual behavior, reflecting a law; the peasant class is the class of workers most reliable allies.
农民阶级与地主阶级有同一性,联系落后手工生产力,来自农民阶级的政治代理人、社会活动家、小生产知识分子一旦摆脫工人阶级思想--科学、民主、法制--领导后,就会做出禍国殃民的错事、蠢事与糊涂事。 Peasantry and landlords have identity, contact behind the hand-production, from the political agent of the peasant class, social activists, intellectuals, small producers out of the working class once thought - science, democracy, rule of law - the leadership, you will make a disastrous wrong, stupid and foolish things.
理论界小生产知识分子长期打、圧、人民科学家袁德云,就是做错事、蠢事,科学家是促进社会进步、发展的摧化剂。 Small-scale production of intellectuals theorists long fight, pressure-people scientists Yuan Deyun is wrong, stupid, scientists is to promote social progress and development of a catalyst.
从现在起,袁德云只好编写一些社会科学启蒙资料在网上发表,欢迎批评、指教。 From now on, Yuan Deyun had to write some social science information in the online publication of Enlightenment, welcome criticism, advice.
也是落实<政府工作报告>相关精神; Also the implementation of the "Are Government Work Report> Related spirit;
科技,教育和人才是国家发展的基础和根本,必须始终放在重要的战略位置。 Technology, education and human resources are the foundation of national development and fundamental, must always be placed in an important strategic position.
因为科学发展必须以发展科学为前提,才能更好的认识客观事物的运动规律及其本质;否则,盲目发展,必然出现失误,禍囯殃民! Because the development of scientific development must be based on the premise of science, in order to better understand the movement of the objective and essence of things; otherwise, blind development, there will be mistakes, disastrous!
马克思<1818-1883年>30岁时,以一位既无社会实践经历,又缺严谨逻辑思维的青年,头脑发热,主观设计出来的乌托邦空想,认为人类社会发展规律都必须遵循统一的一种模式,是错误的。 Marx <1818-1883 years> 30 years old, to experience a neither a social practice, and lack of rigorous logical thinking, young, crazy, out of the subjective utopian design that development of human society must follow a uniform model is wrong. <什么是严谨逻辑思维,迟到今天,理论界小生产知识分子尚未解決好,一味骄橫! "What is a rigorous logical thinking, late today, intellectuals, small production theorists have not yet resolved, blindly arrogant! > >
马克思的这一错误, 纯属时代错误,正好比哥白尼以前人类都认为太阳在围绕地球转,是一种时代错误。 Marx's this error is purely anachronism, just before the human race than the Copernican view that the sun around the earth, is an anachronism.
今天,人民科学家袁德云发现了真实的、科学的、经得起实践检验的人类社会发展规律,现公之于众,欢迎审核、鉴定,或推翻、否定,均可。 Today, scientists Yuan Deyun people found the true, scientific, and stand the test of practice development of human society, are made public, welcomed the review, identification, or reverse, the negative, can be.
时下,有理论工作者髙喊,要解放思想,主观愿望是善良的,但不要作秀。 Nowadays, there are theoretical workers Gao cry, to emancipate the mind, subjective desire is good, but do not show.
真正的解放思想,首先要解放禍国殃民对西洋人的个人迷信; The real emancipation of the mind, the first Westerners to liberate disastrous to the personality cult;
以往,由于迷信西洋人的乌托邦空想,我们饿死了多少骨肉同胞;由于迷信覀洋人的无产阶级专政,而把中国人毛泽东<论人民民主专政>束之髙阁,我们又寃死了多少忠诚党员、善良公民。 In the past, the superstitious Westerners utopian, the number of our compatriots starved to death; the dictatorship of the proletariat superstition Xi foreigners, while the Chinese Mao <On the people's democratic dictatorship> beam of Gao Ge, how much loyalty we Aggrieved members, good citizens.
有的理论工作者还痴迷只有覀洋人才能出大科学家,中国人民是培养不出大科学家的,这就为他们长期打、圧人民科学家袁德云推卸责任;因为袁氏圧根儿就不是科学家,只是一个欺世盗名狂徒。 Some theorists also obsessed with only the Xi can be a great scientist foreigners, the Chinese people is to train not a great scientist, and this is their long-term fight, pressure-Yuan Deyun scientists blame the people; because of the Yuan-pressure Gener not scientists, but a phony fanatics.
现将真实情况公之于众: The real situation now made public:
究竟是西洋人设计的<人类社会发展规律>正确,还是中国人社会科学家袁徳云发现的<人类社会发展规律>正确。 What is the design Westerners "Human law of social development> correct, or Chinese Yuan DS cloud of social scientists found" Human law of social development> correct.
<不谋萬世者,不足谋一时>,连人类社会发展规律都不愿意去弄清楚,一味骄橫,怎得不禍国殃民。 <Do not seek Jesus Christ who seek temporary lack of>, and even development of human society are not willing to figure out, blindly arrogant, how Debu disaster.
我们究竟是要用哪一种<人类社会发展规律>去教育广大青少年,使他们从小养成科学世界观,而不墜入禍国殃民个人迷信大染缸。 Whether we are to use what kind of "Human law of social development> to educate the young people so that they develop from small scientific world view, rather than fall into a large vat disastrous personality cult.
珍爱青少年,祖国的未来与花朵,人人有责! Make young people, the future of the motherland and the flowers, everyone's responsibility!
著作证书 Works certificate
编号:BK--071475 Code: BK - 071475
袁德云同志: Yuan Deyun comrades:
您撰写的<在人类社会发展长河中,中国当前所处位置>一文已经入刊<中国新时期思想理论宝库>一书,并被<中国重要会议论文全文数据库>(CPCD) 全文收录,您享有该文的著作权。 You write the <in the long river of human social development, China's current location> Journal of the article has been into the "China New Party Theory" was Written, was "China important meeting full paper database> (CPCD) contains full text, you have The copyright of the article.
特颁此证。 Special award of this certificate.
中国管理科学研究院(印) China Management Science Research Institute (India)
中国未来研究会(印) The future of China Research Association (India)
发现杂志社(印) Found magazine (India)
二00七年十二月 December 2007
人类社会发展长河中,中国当前所处位置 The long river of human social development, China's current location
定位问题,是科学与愚昧的分水岭,也是成功与失败的界碑。 Positioning problem is a watershed science and ignorance is the pillar of success and failure.
当全人类把地球定位为宇宙的中心,太阳和星星都是围绕地球转时,人类经历了漫长的愚昧时代,直到哥白尼,冒死打破了这种定位:否! When mankind is positioned as the center of the universe the earth, sun and stars revolved around the earth, mankind has experienced a long era of ignorance, until Copernicus, risking to break down the position: No! 是地球围绕太阳转,尽管有人因此被投入监狱,有人被活活烧死,但毕竟迎来了天文科学的春天,全人类逐渐知道:原来地球只是太阳系中的一颗行星,而太阳是银河系中千万颗恒星中的一颗砂粒,迷信站不住脚了。 The earth around the sun, though someone is thrown into prison, some were burned alive, but after all, ushered in the spring of astronomical science, mankind gradually to know: the original earth is only a planet in the solar system, while the sun is millions of Milky Way stars in a sand, superstition untenable.
16世纪,欧洲有人把哥白尼投入监狱,有人将布鲁诺活活烧死,但是,欧洲一直没有人能阻止地球围绕太阳转。 16th century, Europe was put into prison Copernicus, Bruno was burned alive will, however, Europe has been no one can stop the earth around the sun.
有些人认为:人类社会的发展规律是: Some people think: the law of development of human society are:
原始无阶级无主义社会--- 奴隶主义社会--- 封建主义社会--- 资本主义社会--- 社会主义社会--- 共产主义 No original classless society --- --- feudal slave society capitalist society --- --- --- communist socialist society
(以上简称第一模式)。 (The above referred to the first mode).
这种模式是个人迷信的产物,它是不科学的,是经不起实践检验的。 This model is the product of the personality cult, it is unscientific and can not stand the test of practice.
大家想想:地球上有那一个社会主义社会是由纯资本主义社会转化而来的,当今所有发达资本主义社会,那一个又会向社会主义社会转化以去,俄国十月社会主义革命的胜利,中国新民主主义革命的胜利,都是得到了该两国为数众多的联系手工生产力的农民阶级的支持与参与才取得的,单靠工业无产阶级一个阶级的力量,该两国都是不可能取得革命胜利的,当时中国工业无产阶级人数不足300万,仅占当时全国总人口的1/220,再看当今发达资本主义国家,那儿联系手工生产力的农民阶级早已退出历史舞台,幻想那儿的农民阶级能够像基督耶苏那样,死而复活,支持工业无产阶级的社会主义革命,是不现实的。 Think about it: the earth there was a socialist society is transformed from the purely capitalist society, and all of today's developed capitalist society to socialist society that transformed a turn to go, the victory of the October Socialist Revolution in Russia, China's new democratic revolution, are a large number of countries have been linked to the productivity of manual support and participation of the peasant class was made to rely solely on the strength of a class of industrial proletariat, the revolution could not be achieved between the two countries are victory, China was 300 million less than the number of the industrial proletariat, the country's total population was only 1 / 220, look at today's developed capitalist countries, where contact has already hand-productivity peasant class from the historical stage, where the peasant class to imagine Like Jesus Christ, as death and resurrection, to support the industrial proletariat of the socialist revolution, is unrealistic.
抬轿子的农民与坐轿子的地主老财,他们之间的矛盾和开轿车的工业无产者与坐轿车的垄断资本家他们之间的矛盾虽都属于剥削与被剥削之间的矛盾,但前者联系落后生产力,矛盾尖锐,而后者联系电器化生产力,矛盾缓和,并且随着生产力水平的再提高(比如电子自动化生产力)甚至矛盾可以消除,企图用一种方式去解决所有剥削与被剥削的矛盾,那会陷入经验主义的泥沼。 Farmers and the sedan chair sedan chair sub-landlords Lao Cai, the contradictions between them and the industrial proletariat and the open car ride car contradiction between monopoly capitalists, although they belong to the exploitation and the exploited the contradiction between, but the former contact backward productive forces, contradiction, and the latter to contact electrification productivity, ease the contradiction, and with further increase the level of productivity (such as electronic automation productivity) or even contradictions can be eliminated in an attempt to exploit a way to resolve all the contradictions and the exploited, it will fall into empirical quagmire.
坚持第一模式,容易突出两大弊端: Adhere to the first mode, easy to highlight the two major drawbacks:
1、盲目认定社会主义比资本主义优越,社会主义已走在时代前列,我们一稍有成绩就滋生骄傲情绪。 1, the blind identify socialism superior to capitalism, socialism has been ahead of the times, we have a slight feeling proud of achievements to breed.
2、容易忘记我们全国人民要彻底摆脱贫穷与落后,根本出路在于国家电气化,所谓电气化不是单指公民家中都有几件电器用具,而是泛指劳动者都能使用电气化生产工具进行生产,大大提高劳动者创造剩余价值的能力,这就需要大量资金和大批人才,单纯强调抓个人财富,极易产生惊人浪费,延缓国家电气化进程。 2, easy to forget that we the people want the country to rid itself of poverty and backwardness, the fundamental way to the national electrification, electrification is not just referring to the so-called citizens of the home electrical appliances have a few pieces, but generally refers to production workers can use electric tools of production, greatly improve the ability of workers to create surplus value, which requires a lot of money and a large number of people, simply focus on the personal wealth grab, easy to produce stunning waste and delay the national electrification process.
那么,人类社会究竟是遵循什么发展规律呢? So, what human society is to follow the development of what law?
只能是我以下要陈述的,第二种模式: I only stated the following to the second mode:
原始无阶级无主义社会--- 奴隶主义社会---封建主义社会--- 分两支发展: Primitive classless society without slavery society --- --- --- sub two feudal society development:
1支:封建主义社会---自由资本主义社会--- 垄断资本主义社会--- 超级垄断资本主义社会--- 无阶级无主义人类更高级社会。 1: the feudal society free of capitalist society --- --- --- Super monopoly monopoly capitalist society, capitalist society, no doctrine of human --- no class more advanced society.
另支:封建主义社会--- 封建主义、自由资本主义并存社会--- 暴力革命---工人阶级(少数)农民阶级(多数)社会主义初级阶段 Another branch: --- feudalism feudal society, the coexistence of a free capitalist society --- --- violent revolution the working class (a few) the peasant class (the majority) the primary stage of socialism
--- 工人阶级(多数)农民阶级(少数)社会主义中级阶段--- 工人阶级科学社会主义社会--- 无阶级无主义人类更高级社会。 --- Working class (mostly) the peasant class (few) intermediate stage of socialism the working class --- --- classless society of scientific socialism was no more advanced doctrine of human society.
这种模式不是我虚构出来的,而是因为我发现了, This model is not out of my fiction, but because I found out
《物质运动双重性规律》: "Dual nature of the motion of matter law":
宇宙间任何运动的物质,它都要承受多方面因素的作用,其中决定这一物质采取何种运动形式,是两个主要因素(见我的近两万字的社科论文,)。 Any movement of the material universe, it must take the role of various factors, which determine what the material form of exercise, are the two main factors (see my recent Liang Wanzi social science papers.)
从第二模式,我们知道,我国还处在社会主义初级阶段,我们要走完社会主义初级阶段、中级阶级到建成工人阶级科学社会主义至少要50—100年。 From the second model, we know that China is still in primary stage of socialism, we need to finish the primary stage of socialism, working class, middle class to the completion of at least 50-100 years of scientific socialism.
换句话说,我们要赶上欧美发达国家现有的生产力水平和人均收入水平,至少得50年以上,而在此期间人家不可能原地踏步走,他们还在向前发展,而且起点比我们高,我们有什么值得骄傲的啊! In other words, we need to catch up with developed countries in the current European and American levels of productivity and per capita income levels, at least 50 years, but in the meantime people can not stand still to go, they are still moving forward, but a starting point than we high, we have nothing to be proud of, ah!
这里,着重提一提:人们的主观认识(简称认识)与客观物质的运动规律(简称规律)的辩证关系: Here, the emphasis on mention: people's subjective understanding (the understanding) with the objective of the movement of material (the law) the dialectical relationship:
人们可以发现规律,可以认识规律,可以利用规律,但是,任何人不能创造规律,也不能改变规律。 People can discover the laws, get to know the law can rule, but any person can not create law, does not alter the law.
中国人民化几十年时间既然培养出一位社会科学家发现了人类社会的真实发展规律,就应该在党的领导下组织相关人员评议核实,去认识它,去利用它,造福人民. People of the several decades since the train a social scientist discovered the true law of development of human society, it should be organized under the leadership of the party verification of the relevant council officers, to know it, to use it to benefit the people.
当前,我们国内的定位是:依法治国,科学发展观,这是完全正确的,前者是硬件,后者是软件。 At present, our domestic position is: the rule of law, the scientific development concept, which is entirely correct, the former is the hardware, which is the software.
硬件:依法治国,宪法、法律都是写在白纸上的黑字,是按一定法律程序出台,是不能轻易更改的,是全国公民严格遵守的。 Hardware: the rule of law, the Constitution, laws are written in black letters on white paper is published by a certain legal proceedings, is not easily changed, is the citizen strictly followed.
软件:科学发展观是可以开发的,不是权威人士说科学就是科学。 Software: scientific development concept is to develop, not authority that science is science.
比如:我所发现的《物质运动双重性规律》任何人都可以站出来否定它,推翻它,只要他能举出一个实例:某一物质,它的性质的构成,它的运动规律,只受一个因素的影响,那么,这个人,他就可以指着我的鼻子骂:“你胡说八道,妖言惑众,毒害人民,该千刀万剐!” For example: I found the "dual nature of the motion of matter law of" any person can stand up and deny it and overturn it, as long as he can cite an example: a substance, the composition of its nature, its law of motion, subject only to the impact of a factor, then this person, he can point to my nose scolded: "You're talking nonsense, necromantic delusions, poisoning the people, the hacked in pieces!"
否则,拿权威来压人,在科学领域是没有效果的。 Otherwise, take the authority to pressure on people, in science there is no effect. 能愚弄人民于一时,但不能愚弄人民于久远。 Can fool the people at one time, but you can not fool the people in the long. 靠权力来控制思想,把科学领域的新发现扼杀在摇篮里,那是对人民极端不负责的做法,也违反我国宪法第20条: By the power to control the thinking of the new discoveries in science strangled in the cradle, it is not responsible for the people of extreme practices, also in violation of Article 20 of our Constitution:
国家发展自然科学和社会科学事业,普及科学和技术知识,奖励科学研究成果和技术发明创造。 National development of the natural and social sciences, disseminates scientific and technical knowledge, rewards achievements in scientific research and technological inventions.
只是我国距完全依法治国还有一段距离,因为关键时刻往往权大于法,应该是权服从于法,天大地大,不如法大。 Only the rule of law in China is still some distance away completely, because the crucial moment is often right above the law, the right should be subject to the law of heaven and earth big, big as France.
法与权的区别是, Law and the right to difference is
法律保障的是全国人民的根本利益与长远利益,只有工人阶级立场坚定的人才会坚持依法治国不动摇,诚如毛泽东早已指出的, Legal protection is the people's fundamental interests and long-term interests, only the working class people will stand firmly and unswervingly adhere to the rule of law, just as Mao had pointed out,
因为只有工人阶级最有远见,大公无私,最富于革命的彻底性。 Because only the working class the most far-sighted, most selfless and most thoroughly revolutionary nature.
权力维护的是极少极少极少人的既得利益,有的还是来路不明的,比如,凭自己手中的权力任意压制人民的言论自由(不含反政府反人民的自由)就说不出是依的何种法。 Very little power is maintained by the vested interests of few people, some still unknown, for example, by any power in their hands to suppress people's freedom of expression (without the anti-government against the people of the freedom) to tell is to depend on what kind of law.
只有非工人阶级立场坚定的人才有时做出权大于法的事。 Only non-working class, people sometimes stand firm above the law and make things right.
非工人阶级劳动者是工人阶级最可靠的同盟军,与工人阶级一道都是国家的主人,如何才能使他们将自己手中的权力自觉的服从国家大法呢,那就只有四个字: Non-working class workers is the most reliable ally of the working class, together with the working class are the masters of the country, how can the power in their hands they will be conscious of the nation's basic law to obey it, it is only two words:
耐心等待。 Patient.
如是而矣,岂有他哉。 The case of the men, Hath the caravan. 作者:袁德云 Of: Yuan Deyun
涪迪元发表于2011-3-28 0 Yuan Fu Di Posted at 2011-3-280
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