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转帖:社会科学家袁德云的经历 Zhuantie: the experience of social scientists Yuan Deyun 
作者: 袁德云 2010-6-14 08:32:54发表于: 博客中国 Of: Yuande Yun 2010-6-14 08:32:54 Posted: blog China 
转帖:社会科学家袁德云的经历 Zhuantie: the experience of social scientists Yuan Deyun 

<凤凰论坛> 科学前沿社会科学家袁德云的经历 <Phoenix Forum> scientific frontier experience of social scientists Yuan Deyun 
dwidid dwidid 
发表于2010-6-10 20:07 Posted at 2010-6-10 20:07 

社会科学家袁德云的经历 The experience of social scientists Yuan Deyun 

1968年,我(袁德云)眼见武斗四起,国家动乱,向当时<红旗杂志社>投寄万言文章,中心思想是三项建议: In 1968, I (Yuan Deyun) saw four armed fights, national unrest, to the then <Red Flag magazine> articles posted thousand words, the central idea of three recommendations: 
1,端正学习态度,马、列著作是社会科学,不是宗教教条; 1, the correct attitude towards learning, horses, out work of social science, not religious dogma; 
2,中央应坚持集体领导,反对任何个人说了算; 2, the central collective leadership should insist, against any individual words; 
3,严格依法办事,严禁打、砸、抢、抄、烧。 3, strictly according to law, is strictly prohibited beating, smashing, looting, copy, burn. 
就是这篇文章,共产党领导的政权,将我非法逮捕,判以死刑,后改无期,13年牢狱后,1980年才将我无罪放出,恢复工作和政治荣誉。 This article is the Communist-led regime, and my illegal arrest and sentenced to death, later changed to no period after 13 years in prison in 1980 before the release of my innocence, return to work and political honor. 
我无怨无悔,因为,马克思有句名言: I have no regrets, because Marx had a famous saying: 
在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。 In science there is no royal road, and only afraid of hard work along the steep climb of a chance of gaining its luminous summits. 
功夫不负有心人,在中国人民长期呵护、培养下,我终于达到了当前社会科学光辉的顶点<详情见附件>,换句话说,我解决了:包括共产党崇敬的马克思、列宁、毛泽东、均未解决好的科学问题,正是这些先辈们未曾解决好的科学问题,中国和前苏联人民均为之付过出极其高昂的代价。 Hard work pays off in the long-term care of the Chinese people, culture, I finally reached a glorious peak current social science <Annex>, in other words, I resolved: including the Communist Party revered Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong, were not solved scientific problems, it is these fathers have not solved scientific problems, the people of China and the former Soviet Union are the pay off an extremely high price. 
当前的情况是: The current situation is: 
共产党领导的工人阶级立场坚定的知识分子,都力举在书、刊上发表袁氏文章,宣扬袁氏学术成果,但工人阶级知识分子当前人数太少,力不从心,杯水车薪。 Stand firm leadership of the Communist intellectuals working class, Duli cited in the book, Yuan Journal published an article promoting Yuan academic achievements, but the current number of working-class intellectuals, too small, powerless, inadequate. 
共产党领导的教条主义同胞,人多势众,又握有特权,仍对袁氏无情打、压,禁言、删帖,视袁氏学术成果如洪水、猛兽。 Dogmatic leadership of the CPC fellow, mass, and holds the privilege, still relentless fight Yuan, pressure, gag, delete posts, as the Yuan academic achievements such as floods, predators. 
教条主义同胞明显缺点是;言、行不一。 Obvious drawback is the dogmatic compatriots; words, lines vary. 
一方面天天高喊科学发展观,一方面又容不下科学家的重大新发现;没有爱迪生发明电灯,能有今天城市不夜天吗? Shouted one day of scientific development, on the one hand and scientists can not tolerate a major new discovery; not Edison invented the electric light, to have this city never sleeps days? 没有列宁的新发现,能有今天工、农上升为国家主人吗? No Lenin's discoveries are today industry, agriculture rose to national owner? 一句话,没有<发明>与<发现>,我们人类还会一直停留在茹毛饮血时代。 In short, there is no <invention "and" Discovering>, we humans will have to stay in the nascent era. 
大家都知道,工人阶级本身就是自然科学与社会科学高度发展的产物,天底下那有工人阶级不崇尚科学的。 We all know, the working class itself is a high degree of natural science and social science product development, the working class under the sun that has not advocating science. 可在中国大陆,工人阶级先锋队共产党可以长期打、压、一位社会科学家,我真不知道,打着共产党招牌的教条主义同胞,对自己的反科学行为,羞也不羞? In mainland China, the Communist Party of the working class vanguard to fight the long term, the pressure, a social scientist, I really do not know the name of the Communist Party of signs of dogmatism compatriots for their anti-scientific behavior, shame is not shame? 
<公平、正义>,比太阳更有光辉。 "Fairness, justice,>, more brilliant than the sun. 
在中国大陆,如果不能做到: In mainland China, if you can not do: 
在法律面前人人平等; Equality before the law; 
在科学面前人人平等;能有公平、正义吗? Equality before the science; to have fair and justice? 
一些特权人士,可以任意删除、禁止、乃至剥夺其他公民言论自由、学术自由,公平、正义、能天上掉馅饼吗! Some privileged people, which could be deleted, banned, and even deprive other citizens of the freedom of speech, academic freedom, fairness, justice, you can fall in your lap! 
共产党放纵教条主义同胞长期无情打、压、作出了重大发现的社会科学家,这难道不是在给<公平><正义>抹黑吗? Fellow Communist dogmatism long relentless fight indulgence, pressure, made a major discovery of the social scientists, is not that in to the "Fairness> <Justice> discredit it? 
中央<百家讲坛>在大讲孔、孟之道; Central <Lecture Room> in and speak about Confucius and Mencius of the Road; 
孔子曰:今,吾予人也,听其言而观其行。 Confucius said: Now, to my people, hear their words and deeds. 
听,人民曾经是如何歌颂共产党的: Listen, people have is how to praise the Communist Party: 
共产党,说得到,做得到,是人民的好领导,全心全意为人民立功劳。 Communist Party, words are best, is the people's good leadership heart for the people credit. 
打、压、科学家,是功? Play, press, scientists, is the power? 还是错? True or False? 亿万小学生都能正确回答;为什么教条主义是非观连小学生还不如。 Hundreds of millions of students can correctly answer; why the non-dogmatic view of even a child might as well. 
共产党有两种作为: As the Communist Party, there are two: 
其一,较仿中世纪教皇,将袁氏收监,让袁氏和当年哥白尼一样, 在监狱度过晚年; First, imitation of the Middle Ages than the Pope, the Yuan jail, so that, like Copernicus Yuan, and then, spend their twilight years in prison; 
其二,落实宪法第20条依法发展社会科学事业,让袁氏为发展国家社会科学事业,作出应有贡献,减少前进道路上的失误。 Second, the implementation of Article 20 of the Constitution according to the development of social sciences, to the Yuan for the development of national social sciences, and make due contribution to reduce the errors on the road ahead. 
(附件) (Annex) 
<中华知名专家终身成就荟萃> <Chinese well-known experts in the Lifetime Achievement meta> 
书号:ISBN 962-86331-2-0 ISBN: ISBN 962-86331-2-0 
印次:2008年6月第一次印刷出版社:中国文献出版社入编数据号:ZJ0725—2862 Indian times: in June 2008 the first printing Press: Chinese Literature Press compiled data into No.: ZJ0725-2862 
与时俱进写春秋·辛劳铸就成功路记袁德云同志的成功事迹袁德云男,1930年7月出生,汉族,湖南省汉寿县人。 Spring hard times created a successful way to write write success stories Yuande Yun Yuan Deyun gay male, born in July 1930, Han, Hunan Hanshou County. 1955年参加工作,1992年退休,现在是湖南省郴州市农业局一名退休人员。 To work in 1955, retired in 1992, now is the Agricultural Bureau of Hunan Province, Chenzhou City, a retired personnel. 为发展社会科学事业作出了以下新发现、新贡献:1、发现了《物质运动双重性规律》;任何运动着的物质,它都要承受多方面因素的作用,其中决定这一物质采取何种运动形式,是两个主要因素(有一万多字的社科论文),这一发现揭示出宇宙间所有物质都必须遵循的共同规律,具有划时代意义。 For the development of social sciences made the following discoveries of new contributions: 1, found that the "dual nature of the motion of matter law"; any matter in motion, it must take the role of various factors, including the decision taken in this matter forms of exercise are two main factors (there are more than ten thousand words in the social sciences thesis), a finding that reveals all the material universe must follow the common law, a landmark. 2、依据第一发现,给《阶级》下了一个完整正确的定义,开人类进入阶级社会以来约八千年之先河,显示出中国人民也是能够对社会科学的发展作出贡献的,详情见著文《创新乃我中华民族之魂》,由人民网、光明网发表,文化部主编的《创新中国》文献中刊出,其它杂志也转刊了该文。 2, according to the first discovery, to the "class" under the definition of a complete and accurate, open class society of mankind into about eight years since the first of its kind, shows that the Chinese people are also able to contribute to the development of social science, and as detailed in the text "Innovation is the soul of the Chinese I", by the People's Daily, Guangming Wang published, Ministry of Culture, editor of the "Innovation in China" published in the literature, and other magazines turn the Journal article. 3、坚定了工人阶级科学社会主义理念。 3, a firm concept of scientific socialism, the working class. 这一理念至少可以告诉人们两件事。 The idea can at least tell people two things. 第一件事:人类社会的发展绝对不只简单的一种模式:原始社会——奴隶社会——封建社会——资本主义社会——社会主义社会——共产主义社会。 First thing: the development of human society is absolutely more than a simple pattern: the primitive society - the slave society - feudal society - capitalism - socialism - communism. 而是两种以上模式,社会主义、资本主义不是一个胜利、一个灭亡,而是异途同归。 Instead of two or more modes, socialism, capitalism is not a victory, a die, but end by different way. (详情见著文《物质运动双重性规律》。第二件事:在我国离开了工人阶级思想(科学、民主、法制)的领导就不可能取得革命胜利,社会主义事业也会出现失误,走大弯路。详情可见袁氏近两年来在国家级网站发表的一百多篇文章,深得民间好评。有的文章被单位评奖,颁发荣誉证书;有的文章发表在书刊上。 (See the article "dual nature of the motion of matter law." The second thing: left the working class in our thinking (science, democracy, rule of law) of the leadership of the victory of the revolution can not be the cause of socialism will be mistakes, and take big detour. details can be found at the national level Yuan Web site almost two years more than a hundred published articles, won the praise of people. Some articles are unit awards, a certificate will; some articles published in books and on. 

的确是对人类有贡献的科学家,值得社会和全国人民爱载df10821 2009-01-20上午10:14 Indeed contribute to human scientists, deserves the love and all the people set df10821 2009-01-20 10:14 AM 
关于天涯联系我们琼B2-20060032 | (琼)-经营性-2005-0002 End of the World Contact Us About Joan B2-20060032 | (Joan) - operating -2005-0002 

袁德云的传世力作: Yuan Deyun handed down masterpiece: 
<党章治党宪法治国> <Constitution constitution party rule> 
该文荣获世界重大学术成果特等奖,已被多起书卷刊出。 The paper won the Grand Prize the world's major academic achievements, has been published more than books. 
一,党章治党宪法治国是构建和谐社会的行动纲领; First, the constitution constitutional law is the party program of action for building a harmonious society; 
二,党章治党宪法治国是促使我国社会矛盾转化的必要条件; Second, constitutional law is the party constitution to promote the transformation of the necessary conditions of social contradictions; 
三,党章治党宪法治国是结束我国延续了几千年的人治走向法治的坚实保障。 Third, the Constitution party and the end of our constitutional law is the rule of man for thousands of years continued to rule solid guarantee. 

<在人类社会发展长河中中国当前所处位置> <In the long river of human social development, China's current location> 
著作证书 Works certificate 
编号:BK--071475 Code: BK - 071475 
袁德云同志: Yuan Deyun comrades: 
您撰写的<在人类社会发展长河中,中国当前所处位置>一文已经入刊<中国新时期思想理论宝库>一书,并被<中国重要会议论文全文数据库>(CPCD) 全文收录,您享有该文的著作权。 You write the <in the long river of human social development, China's current location> Journal of the article has been into the "China New Party Theory" was Written, was "China important meeting full paper database> (CPCD) contains full text, you have The copyright of the article. 
特颁此证 This special award certificate 
中国管理科学研究院(印) China Management Science Research Institute (India) 
中国未来研究会(印) The future of China Research Association (India) 
发现杂志社(印) Found magazine (India) 
二00七年十二月该文揭示出真实的、科学的、经得起实践检验的全人类社会的发展规律,指出:近两百年来人们认为全人类社会的发展规律只有简单的一种模式是错误的, December 2007 This article reveals the real, scientific, and stand the test of practice laws of development of human society, pointing out that: the past two years people think that laws of social development of mankind as a model only a simple is wrong, 
具有划时代意义。 Epoch-making significance. 
<创新乃我中华民族之魂> <Innovation is the soul of the Chinese I> 
该文由人民网光明网发表,文化部主编<创新中国>文献刊出,多起杂志也刊登了该文。 The paper published by the People's Guangming Wang, the Ministry of Culture editor <Innovation in> literature published, and more from the magazine also published the article. 
该文给<阶级>下了一个完整正确定义,开人类进入阶级社会以来约8000年之先河,彰显出中国人民也是能够为发展社会科学作出贡献的。 In this paper, to <class> under the correct definition of a complete, open the human into the class society about 8000 years since the first of its kind, highlights the Chinese people are able to contribute to the development of social science. 
--------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 
此外,打开电脑主页,点击新浪、网易----------在长方格中输入社会科学家袁德云字样,就可以搜索出社会科学家袁德云的诸多文章,其中有在社会科学领域的新发现新贡献新建议新理念文章的句句字字都体现出作者毕生的言行准则 In addition, open the computer home page, click on Sina, Netease ---------- box, type in long words Yuan Deyun social scientists, social scientists can search out the many articles Yuan Deyun, including new fields in the social sciences the discovery of new contributions to the proposed new concept of a new article every word and sentence are the words and deeds reflect the criteria of life 
1,忠于工人阶级先锋队--共产党, 1, to the working class vanguard - the Communist Party, 
2,忠于全国人民, 2, to the people across the country, 
3,忠于社会科学事业。 3, to the social sciences. 
我之所以希望在社会科学领域的新发现,新贡献,新成果能得到认可,并非单纯为了一己私利,而是因为我已垂暮之年,距火葬场近在咫尺,想在有生之年,为祖国人民做几件利在当代,功在千秋的大好事。 The reason I hope that in the social sciences, new findings, new contributions and new achievements will be recognized, not simply for their own gain, but because I have grown old, from the crematorium in close proximity, like the rest of their life for the motherland and the people do several benefits to the present power future generations of great news. 
比如, For example, 
在党的领导下,组织相关人员,编写出一本社会科学基础知识的科普读本,以落实中央精神----在提高全民族的自然科学素质的同时,也提高全民族的社会科学素质。 Under the leadership of the party, organize relevant personnel, to write a social science knowledge in popular science readers, to implement the central spirit ---- to improve the quality of the nation's natural science, but also to improve the quality of the nation's social science. 
新中国成立后,由于长期沉醉于对外国人的个人迷信,而完全忽视对社会科学基础知识的学习,研究与普及,中国人民为此付出过极其高昂的代价,饿死的,冤死的同胞,数字都惊人! After the founding of new China, due to the long immersed in the personality cult of foreigners, and completely ignore the basics of social science study, research and popularization, the Chinese people have paid a very high price, starvation and abnormal fellow , figures are amazing! 
往者不谏来者可追亡羊补牢犹未为晚建造高楼大厦,首先要夯实地基,同理,发展社会科学事业,首先也要学好,研究好,普及好社会科学基础知识.否则,就会左右摇摆,有时左得出奇,如十年浩劫,有时右得离谱,如全民经商. To those who were admonished not to be too late for a rainy day chasing the construction of tall buildings, we must first lay a solid foundation, the same token, the development of social sciences, first of all have to learn to study well, universal good social science knowledge. Otherwise, about swing, and sometimes surprisingly left, such as the decade-long calamity, and sometimes the right to be outrageous, such as national business. 
左也好,右也罢,所造成的不良社会恶果,都是由全国老百性埋单。 Ye Hao left, right matter whether the adverse social consequences, are a hundred of the bill from the old country. 
这种防患于未然的事,又何乐而不为呢! This proactive thing, and why not do it! 
科学家的天职只是作出新的发现或发明,但,由于科学家一般都是无权无势的,其新成就要得到普遍认可,是需要时间的. Duty of scientists is to make new discoveries or inventions, but, as scientists are generally powerless, and its new achievements to be widely recognized, it takes time. 
500年前,当全人类都认为太阳东升西落,肯定是在围绕地球转时,哥白尼指出,否! 500 years ago, when the ascent of all mankind that the sun goes down, certainly in the time around the earth, Copernicus pointed out that, No! 是地球在围绕太阳转,但由于哥白尼只是一位普通教徒,无权无势,加之,当时科技条件还很落后,他无法说服教皇,皇帝相信他的发现,只好老实在监狱度过晚年。 Is the earth around the sun, but just an ordinary followers of Copernicus, the powerless, in addition, when the technology is still very backward condition, he could not persuade the pope, the emperor believed that he had to spend their twilight years in prison honest . 
500年后的今天,中国人民化几十年时间,培养出一位在社会科学领域作出了新发现,新贡献的科学家,我也只能: 500 years later, the Chinese people of a few decades, cultivated fields in the social sciences to make a new discovery, new contributions to the scientist, I can only: 
摘来<发现>献人民, Abstract to "Discovering> offer the people, 
留取<丹心>照汗青。 Specimens from <loyalty> according to annals. 
社区信箱: qg@peopledaily.com.cn Community mail: qg@peopledaily.com.cn 







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