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DX Earthquake Alarms
Treasure Your Life Pretect You from Earthquake
DX Earthquake Alarms have passed the test by China Earthquake Administration Bureau, and has been approved by the Science and Technology Bureau of Sichuan Province of China, and certified by Sichuan (China) Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. They are the first earthquake alarms in the world which have the functions of wireless network to suppress false alarms, of the wireless SOS function and of the Drilling function for earthquakes or fire drill functions.
DX Earthquake Alarms have their own patent right in China. DX Earthquake Alarms have studied and designed with the direct of experts from MIT, China Earthquake Administration Bureau and Sichuan Earthquake Administration Bureau, and have gotten high praise. DX Earthquake Alarms have been well tested by the after-attacks of the “5.12 Earthquake ” in China.
DX Earthquake Alarms are a perfect combination of micro-electro-mechanical systems. DX Earthquake Alarms (System) can simultaneously detect the P and S waves and possess wireless SOS function, emergency flashlight and “Voice Help” function.
DX-6Y2 is one type of the DX Earthquake Alarms. DX-6Y2 has a LC screen, with the functions of sound& flash alarm, emergency flashlight, SOS signal and wireless internet. DX-6Y2 alarms can be connected by wireless internet between Only Two DX-6Y2 alarms, and must be used with Only Two pieces together! Thus false alarm can certainly be avoided! The offer for a DX-6Y2 alarm is US$200/piece FOB at Shenzhen, China. Of course, DX-6Y2 alarms also can be used in Office or some other places as your will.
DX-1Y alarm has a LC screen, with the functions of sound & flash alarm, emergency flashlight, SOS signal, wireless internet and Drill for earthquakes or for fire(remote controlled). DX-1Y alarms must be used with Two pieces or above together! DX-1Y alarms can be connected by wireless internet among DX-1Y alarms as many as your will. DX-1Y alarms are usually used for public places, such as offices, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, hotels, stadiums, supermarkets, bars, banks, etc. The offer for DX-1Y alarm is US$300/piece. FOB at Shenzhen, China. Of course, DX-1Y alarms also can be used in villas or some other places as your will.
DX-1Y and DX-6Y2 Earthquake Alarms are of 160x80x31mm.
DX-1Y and DX-6Y2 Earthquake Alarms have rechargeable batteries inside and they can detect and alarm earthquakes 24 hours a day.
DX Earthquake Alarms are advanced, reliable, small and easy to install and to use.
DX-1Y and DX-6Y2 Earthquake Alarms can be used as a portable earthquake alarms on business trip, and they can also be used as gifts for friends and for business partners.
Minimum order quantity is at least 5 sets (10 pieces). Any order, 50% deposit must be paid first! Before delivery of any order, the payment for the order must be Wholly Paid. If any order with large quantity, some discount can surely be given.
If you have any request, please be free to contact with us! Thank you very much for your attention!
To Make Our Life Safe !
让 我 们 的 生 活 更 安 全 !
Contact person: Mr. Gao
Mobile Phone: (86)18923792329
Tel: 86-0755-86196767 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: 86-0755-26645947
E-mail: tophonest@126.com
Address: Shenzhen Top Honest Technology Co., Ltd.
Rm14A6, Guangcai Newworld, Guimiao Rd.,
Nanshan Destrict, Shenzhen, China
Post code: 518054
珍爱生命 防患未然
Treasure Your Life Pretect You from Earthquake
DX Earthquake Alarm
俺是唯一通过了中国地震局检验的、唯一通过了中国四川省科技厅鉴定的、唯一得到四川(中国)质量技术监督局认可的地震报警器,同时也是世界上第一个具有联网报警、地震求助、逼真地震求救和防火演习功能的地震报警器! 俺是在地震报警方面具有完全的自主知识产权,在研发期间也得到了美国麻省理功学院、中国地震局和四川省地震局等专家们的指导并获得好评,并且经过了5.12地震余震的实地检验! 俺是微机械系统和微电子技术的完美结合,可以同时检测地震的P波(纵波)和S波(横波),并具有声光报警、无线互联、SOS求救信号、应急照明和语音“救命”呼救功能!
DX-6地震报警器适用于小型家庭; 当然也可以适用于办公楼、学校、银行、医院、商场、体育场、工厂、集体宿舍和别墅等人员较为集中的地方;其联网报警功能避免了误报的情况!
"地震预报"是对尚未发生但有可能发生的地震事件事先发出通告。地震预报要指出地震发生的时间、地点、震级,这就是地震预报的三要素。完整的地震预报这三个要素缺一不可。 地震预报按时间尺度可作如下划分: 长期预报 指对未来10年内可能发生破坏性地震的地域的预报; 中期预报 指对未来1~2年内可能发生破坏性地震的地域和强度的预报; 短期预报 指对3个月内将要发生地震的时间、地点、震级的预报; 临震预报 指对10日内将要发生地震的时间、地点、震级的预报。
地震波主要包含纵波和横波。振动方向与传播方向一致的波为纵波(P波),来自地下的纵波引起地面上下颠簸振动;振动方向与传播方向垂直的波为横波(S波),来自地下的横波能引起地面的水平晃动。横波是地震时造成建筑物破坏的主要原因。由于纵波在地球内部传播速度大于横波,所以地震时,纵波总是先到达地表,而横波总落后一步。这样,发生较大的地震时,一般人们先感到上下颠簸,过数秒到十几秒后才感到有很强的水平晃动。这一点非常重要,因为纵波给我们一个警告,告诉我们造成建筑物破坏的横波马上要到了,快点作出防备。 地震发生时,最基本的现象是地面的连续振动,主要特征是明显的晃动。极震区的人在感到大的晃动之前,有时首先感到上下跳动。这是因为地震波从地内向地面传来,纵波首先到达的缘故。横波接着产生大振幅的水平方向的晃动,是造成地震灾害的主要原因。
俺实际上是一种地震烈度报警器,通过检测墙壁或地板的晃动的加速度、速度和位移,来测定地震烈度,并与标准地震烈度表进行比较来检测纵波(也称P波)和横波(也称S波)判断是否需要报警, 并在需要时进行语音报警,使我们能够对更具破坏性但速度较慢的横波有更多预警时间, 使房间内的人在地震发生时及时采取适当的避险措施。俺主要是在地震的强烈破坏到来之前,提前起到提醒,使人能够争取到求生的时机!因为危机时刻,人们的反应会因突发事件而变得迟缓,有了地震报警器的提示,人们则会反应迅速,特别是对夜间睡觉的人来说,地震报警器的提醒则更加重要和有利啦!
当然预警时间依赖于与震源的距离。举例来说,若该距离为200千米,则预警时间大约为25秒。地震烈度是衡量地震引起的地面震动及其影响的强弱程度的指标,地震后快速评定烈度分布情况是评估震害后果、评估灾情、确定灾区范围、组织抗震救灾的重要依据! 俺在地震模拟台上和实际地震中都经过了测试,尤其是因为距离5.12四川地震的余震中心很近(只约92公里),地利的方便使得产品得到了实际地震的充分检验。
俺在地震来临时会进行声光报警!为进一步增加对使用者安全的考虑,俺内置有免维护的可充电电池, 即使在停电的情况下也可以得到报警提示,可以24小时检测和预警地震!在处于紧急情况和特殊环境下,俺还可以当手电筒照明使用,按下俺的“多功能键”,就会发出高亮度的光,以作为紧急情况下的照明光源;俺还具有语音“救命”呼叫功能,以便帮助人们脱险。俺的无线联网功能可以避免误报的情况!
To Make Our Life Safe !
让 我 们 的 生 活 更 安 全 !