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热度 1已有 1356 次阅读2018-12-28 01:26 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信





摘要:目的探讨中医学理论与现代医学和现代科学理论是、否相融及其意义。 方法 从中医学经典理论《皇帝内经》中的有关记载结合现代医学和现代科学理论分析和探讨。  结果 中医学理论认为人和宇宙等一切事物是由无形气和有形气相互运动形成的气形互变组成的。无形气在特定条件下能够变化出特定的有形气,特定条件是在气形互变时形成的。现代科学和医学证明看得见和看不见的气是原子、分子和基本粒子等和其运动。力是在气形互变时产生的。有形物质的时间有开始和终结,空间是有界限的,二者随着有形物质变化而变化;无形物质的时间没有开始和终结,空间是无限大的。气形互变作用产生了对称和自发对称破缺。人神是天地之气在人体内自然产生的。结论 气就是永恒的变化和存在的事物,它是不生不灭的,只能在气形之间变化;存在形式分为看得见、看不见和大气、气两大类,它们产生了人和地球、太阳及宇宙等一切事物。人神是无形之气(物质)在人体内特殊组合后自



摘要目的 研究两千多年中医学的核心理论与现代科学的关系。  方法对中医经典《内经》等相关内容进行现代科学分析。。结果  中医认为人是由天地的气合成的两者都包括现代已知的和未知的物质元素气是物质与功能的统一。中医学用气体来阐述人体的结构和功能从组织和功能到自然和生物圈以及人类健康、疾病和健康以及其他健康事业共同形成中医药天人合一的理论。以气的理论为指导把自然界、生物界和人、人的思想意识、人类社会联系在一起形成了中医理论和中医学模式:天体(自然界)、生物、人类-心理、思想意识和社会的医学模式。结论 气:是看不见形状事物永恒的和阶段性的运动变化,运动的阶段性合散成无限多的和无限大、无限小的事物,运动的永恒性造成事物生成和毁灭的变化周期。气就是运动变化(简称动变),是一切大小事物产生、存在和毁灭根源。这些与现代科学有相同的认识。其不同看法可供现代科研和开发。

Abstractpurpose To study the relationship between the core theory of TCM and modern science in the year more than 2000. Methods modern scientific analysis of traditional Chinese Medicine classics "Emperor Inner Sutra" and other related content. Results TCM believes that people are synthesized by the qi of Heaven and earth, both of which include modern known and unknown material elements, and that Qi is a unity of matter and function. Chinese medicine uses gas to expound the structure and function of the human body, from the organization and function to the natural and biological circles and human health, disease and health and other healthy undertakings linked together to form a Chinese medicine theory of the unity of Heaven and Man. Under the guidance of the theory of QI, the thought consciousness and human society of Nature, biology and man and man are connected to form the theory of TCM and the mode of TCM: The medical model of celestial Bodies (nature), biology, human-psychology, ideology and society. Conclusion Qi is the eternal and periodic movement of things that cannot be seen in shape, and the stages of movement are scattered into infinitely many and infinitely large, infinitely small things, and the permanence of movement causes the period of change of the generation and destruction of things. Qi is the change of movement (abbreviated as motion), which is fundamental to the creation, existence and destruction of things of all sizes. These have the same understanding as modern science, which can be used for modern scientific research and development.


关键词 中医学 /中医学 运动 变化 合散 时空

Key words: Traditional Chinese medicineTCM);QimovementchangeuniverseSpace-Time


The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Core theory and modern science

Qin MapleQin Xiaokang























阴阳学说是以气的阴中有阳,阳中有阴1.2,阴阳平衡,阴平阳秘,1,阳生阴长,阳杀阴藏。阴阳相互消长与转化 1.2(寒极生热,热极生寒1)和决离1.2等阐发气无休止的变化及其在变化过程中具有的阶段性(四季的更替1即事物的产生与毁灭)等。


阴阳学说以二分法把气分为有形气为阴和无形气为阳两种等1。无穷无尽地把气分割下去直无限小到所有方法都看不到的气,反之为无限大。阴阳相互作用产生出无限多的事物等1. 2. 3























人诞生后即产生了个体和个体活动的时间和空间,人死亡后二者即消失。生物空间的出现和消失与人类相同。各种天体和宇宙的产生和存在其空间亦存在,毁灭后它们的空间即消失。时间是记录空间存在的,随着各种空间存在和消失而存在与消失。时间与空间是同一的,空间消失了时间也不存在了。 气运动的阶段性诞生了事物,事物的存在与毁灭产生了是时空,故而时空是气动而不已产生的。是一件事物的两个方面。














[4]  阴阳、五行与气的意义及其相互关系--对中医学中气的探讨之一,中华现代临床医学杂志, 2012107):642643


[5]. 陆埮.解开宇宙之谜的十个里程碑《中国国家天文》, 2009(2):10-19   http//www.sina.com.cn.2009-01-21.


 Traditional Chinese medicine and Modern Medicine and science

Maple Qin Xiaokang Qin



AbstractObjective to study the Chinese Medicine theory and Modern medicine and modern science theory have, have no similarities and significance. Method  From the Classical Chinese Medicine theory "Huangdi Neijing" in the relevant records combined with modern medicine and modern science theory analysis and to explore's. Results the theory of TCM believed that all things such as man and Universe were composed of qi-shaped Mutual change formed by invisible Qi and tangible qi. Tangible Qi can change the specific tangible qi under certain conditions, and the specific conditions are formed when the qi-shaped Mutual changes. Modern science and medicine proves that the Qi of tangible and invisible is molecule, Atomic and elementary particle and its movement. Force is generated when qi-shaped Mutual Change. Tangible matter time has the beginning and the end, the space has the boundary, the two changes with the tangible matter change; Intangible material the time does not has the beginning and the end, the space is Infinite. Qi-shaped Mutual Change produced symmetry and spontaneous broken symmetry. Human-deity is naturally produced in the human body by the Qi of Heaven and Earth. Conclusion Qi is the eternal change and the existence of things, it's deathless, can only change between Qi and Shape., the existence form is divided into Qi of tangible and invisible and great qi and  qi, Two categories, they It Produces everything from Mans to Earth, Sun and Universe. Human-god is naturally generated after a special combination of qi of tangible and Invisible (matter) in the Human body.


KeywordTraditional Chinese medicineTCM);great QI/ TCMQi/TCMQi-shaped Mutual change/TCMHuman-deity/TCMmaterialSpace Timeforce



Chinese medicine has made great contributions to the health cause of the Chinese nation, and has provided an important summary of medical practice for the Chinese Nation's long-term fight against disease, which has a practical and unique theoretical system. Because of the different ways of development of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and Science in the past 2000 years, there are great differences in theory. This paper attempts to analyze and discuss the similarities between the two theories so as to promote their integration and common Development. Solicit comments in the medical profession and the scientific community Gentlemen.


"Plain conversation": "Human is the qi of heaven and earth according to the law of the seasons give birth1." "The heaven food is summed up as five kinds of food qi, earth to people to sum up five taste diets1." "qi of heaven and earth through the lungs and pharynx into the it body 1". "Miraculous Pivot": "Celestial Qi and earth Qi synthesis man's true Qi2". People are synthesized by celestial qi and Earth qi, Celestial Qi is the air of human breath, the earth Qi is the human diet, both synthesis man ' s true qi,. True Qi in accordance with human body laws to generate human tissue, tube and various functions, and so on2. Modern science has proved that air and diet are made up of elements, atoms and other substances, and that people are the same group as the Earth, the sun and all the heavenly bodies in the universe. These are the material bases of harmony between the heaven and human theory.



"Plain conversation":" Qi give birth to shape; Shape regression to Qi1". "The success or failure of things depends on the movement, exercise non-stop, resulting in changes continue1". All that can be observed is the form, called tangible qi or tangible matter, such as the Earth, the universe and various celestial bodies, biological and non-living and various things, etc Observe no to the matter is gas, called invisible Qi or intangible material. Invisible Qi in a variety of special conditions can be combined, scattered out of various tangible Qi (things) is Invisible birth tangible (Qi combine and has shape, qi scattered and has Shape). Tangible Qi destruction/death fter still regression for Invisible Qi is tangible regression for invisible. The mutual change of the Qi-shape is the motive force of the creation and destruction of all things, the creator of special conditions, its function is eternal, this perpetual change of things is called qi-shaped Mutual changing. The Combine and scattered forms of the universe and all celestial bodies are: accretion, merger, explosion, expansion, stellar particle stream emission or injection, atomic decay, light decay, blackbody radiation, etc. The Combine and dispersion of biology and human body are manifested by the metabolism of diet and air.



"Plain conversation""in the days for QI, in the ground into Shape, qi and shape induction and give birth to all things1." "Ten thousand is the universal metaphor is infinitely large1". Qi-shaped Mutual change come into being infinitely many things, with the advent of infinitely many things come into being time and space. Space is changed with the existence and change of tangible and intangible things, the former space has the boundary, the latter is without boundary.

A tangible thing has birth and the cycle of destruction, birth is the beginning of their time, destruction is its end, so the time of the tangible things is limited. Invisible Thing-qi has no birth and destruction cycle, only the eternal qi-shaped Mutual change and existence, Invisible Qi has no cycle of generation and destruction, only the eternal qi-shaped Mutual change and existence, so its time is beginningless.



"Plain conversation""the globe at the foot of humanity, in the universe, the great QI make it in to orbit run 1". The reason Globe can move regularly in Taixu is great Qi's role in force, quite modern scientifically gravitation. Various force is tangible and intangible matter in different qi-shaped Mutual change produced, such as modern science four kinds of force and yet to find force.  June 2014 in China by a falling meteorite body, the study found that the natural self-existence of the four basic interaction forces3.


In summary: Traditional Chinese medicine is called Qi4 is the modern science refers to the material and material never cease to change movement, but also produced time and space. There are two kinds of classification: first, according to the existence form divides into invisible qi and tangible qi; second, according to the whole and part divides into Great qi and qi. Great Qi is the sum of all qi masses and eternal exist, so its quality is infinitely large, eternal, qi-shaped Mutual change Material movement produces Unbounded space and beginningless perpetual forward time; its energy is infinity, can produce an infinite number of single-qi, and Granted qi-shaped Mutual change, So that infinitely's single-qi in the Great Qi Infinity Great of the space in a regular operation. Qi refers to the Single-qi, which is the constituent part of Great Qi, its mass, energy and space-time are limited, can only qi-shaped Mutual change, according to Great Qi control in its own orbit. Qi is the unity of material and material movement, harmony between the heaven and human theory, is the abbreviation of material and movement, its theory is called Qi theory.



Qi-shaped Mutual change come into the new things in being still abide by to produce, growth, existence, decay and destruction regression invisible as the law. qi-shaped Mutual Change is the inner motive force for the build and destruction of things, and therefore everything has the ability to destroy itself. Yin and Yang theory, "Yang Metaplasia qi, yin become Shape1". Yang is invisible thing, yin is tangible things, in the case of any transformation, Yin Yang is from balance to imbalance. The law of mutual promotion and mutual restriction in Five elements Five phases theory exists in the change of everything. These theories are similar to what modern science calls symmetry and spontaneous broken.



"Plain Conversation": "Diet entrance, hidden in the intestines and stomach, the essence produced after metabolism is hidden in the five internal organs to nourish five kinds of qi, qi reconciliation and come into being, the body fluid is mature, the human-deity automatically generate1"."The person's spermatozoon and ovum combine come into being deity 2"" human-deity is essence of the Water Valley. 2". The semen of men and women and the qi of heaven and earth in the human body after the metabolic reordering and the combination became Human Qi, The human- deity  produced. human-deity is a special combination of people's understanding of things, with the gradual accumulation of knowledge human- deity the function of expanding and strengthening, resulting in individual differences. human-deity is called the soul after death, and the disappearance of the corpse is always earlier than the disappearance of the soul (coul attachment), so there is no conclusive scientific understanding of the disappearance of the soul.



Brief talk try out mathematics and physics to explore the fusion of Chinese Medicine with modern medicine and science.

In mathematics: Set up Qi of invisible and Yang Qi for 0,qi of tangible and Yin Qi are 1. With the binary system can simulate an endless number of cosmic, biological, human society, medicine and science and technology, etc. confirmed qi-shaped Mutual change. The study of Qi theory, Yin Yang and five elements and the heaven and Human theory with the theory of aggregation and dispersion, etc, can not only make modern scientific explanation to the theory of Chinese medicine, but promote its development. It can also provide research methods, ideas and some progress for modern medicine and science.


In physics: Great Qi, qi, and qi-shaped Mutual change is an whole, is also a combination of quality, energy time and space integration. Its mass is infinitely large and constantly qi-shaped Mutual change engender out to gravitation Main various force and infinite things. Einstein’s special theory of relativity e=mc² that if mass m is moving at the speed of light, its value is the same as the energy of great qi, because great qi is the eternal movement and the mass is infinitely large; modern scientific theory is already partially proven. Tangible QI's mass and energy are less than great QI's mass and energy, because the former is a constituent part of the latter, according to QI theory the two are unified, can provide another idea for the unification of four kinds of forces. The use of modern scientific theory and methods such as quality, energy and other theoretical discussion traditional Chinese medicine in particular Qi theory can be deduced to calculate human organs, and other physiological and pathological conditions of the energy changes to expound Yin Yang and five Elements theory, adding new methods to modern medicine.


The theory of Chinese medical theories, especially gas, gas and human, can provide new ideas, new methods and discoveries for modern medicine and modern scientific research.




1. Huangdi Neijing Suwen Beijing People's Health publishing house 1963 31508


2. Huangdi neijing Miraculous Pivot (Ling Shu) Beijing People's Health press 1963 73~141.


3. Encyclopedia scientific entries fundamental interaction Internet


4. Qin Feng, Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Qi, Chinese Journal of Modern Chinese Medicine, 2010, 6 (1): 6-8







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