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养生太极掌 口令 yang sheng tai ji zhang 英文翻译 Translated by Nelson and Theresa Chou

已有 6205 次阅读2009-10-20 22:17 |个人分类:taiji 太极 养生 taichi|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信


1,真人采气 Deity gets energy from Heaven & Earth 

            [zhen ren cai qi]

2,托 梁换柱 Push up the beam & change the column

      [tou liang huan zhu]

3,顺 手牵 Lead the sheep

           [shun shou qian ynag]

4,掌推华山 Push the mountain

      [zhang tui hua shan]

5,白马磨头 Caress the white horse’s head

             [bai ma mo tou]

6,巧女纫针 Mainen Weaves

           [qiao nu ren zhen]

7,春风摆柳 Willow sways in the breeze

      [chun feng bai liu]

8,苍鹰掐嗦 (右)Eagle claws the opponents’ throat (right)

       [cang ying qia suo]

9,苍鹰掐嗦 (左)Eagle claws the opponents’ throat (left)

       [cang ying qia suo]


10,上工诊脉() Feel the pulse (right)

               [shang gong zhen mai]

11,卧龙 藏身 Lying dragon tries to hide

          [wo long cang shen]

12,顺风转舵 Turn the rudder with the wind

             [shun feng zhuan duo]

13,紫燕栖巢 Swallow returns to the nest

        [zi  yan  xi  chao]

14,喜鹊舒尾 Jay bird spreads the tail

        [xi  que   shu  wei]

15,罗汉安眠 Lohan sleeps

              [luo  han  an  mian]

16,野马分鬃 spread the wild horse’s mane

              [ye   ma   fen zong]

17,上 feel the pulse (left)

              [shang gong zhen mai]

18,卧龙 藏身Lying dragon tries to hide

        [wo  long cang shen]

19,顺 Turn the rudder with the wind

        [shun feng zhuan duo]

20,撩衣提袍 flip up the lower past of a cape

        [liao  yi    ti     bao]

21,更鸡独立 Rooster stands on one foot

               [geng  ji    du     li]


22,掩手挑帘 Flip up the curtain

               [yan shou tiao lian]

23,孤雁出群 Lone goose leaves the group

        [gu   yan chu  qun]

24,二龙戏珠 Two dragons play with the pearl

        [er  long xi   zhu]

25,昭君捕蝶 Fair lady tries to catch a butterfly(which flies away)

          [zhao jun bu   die]

26,母鸡护雏 Hen protects its chicks

        [mu   ji    hu   chu]

27,气息归元 Guide energy to lower belly

         [qi   xi   gui   yuan]


28,开合拉气 Open & close hands to guide energy

        [kai   he   la    qi]

29,气息归元 Guide energy to lower belly

        [qi     xi   gui  yuan]

30,宿鸟投林 Tired birds fly into forest

        [su  niao  tou  lin]

31,巧女纫针 Mainden weaves

              [qiao nu   ren  zhen]

32,春风摆柳 Willow sways in the breeze

       [chun feng bai  liu]

33,苍鹰掐嗦 (左)Eagle claws the opponents’ throat (left)

           [cang ying qia suo]      

34,迎 风摆莲 Lotus flower sways in the wind

               [ying feng bai lian]

35,顺手 Lead the sheep

              [shun shou qian yang]

36,推波助澜 Push the wave along its direction

        [tui   bo   zhu  lan]

37,马步单边 Single whip

              [ma   bu   dan  bian

38,母鸡护雏 Hen protects its chicks

        [mu   ji     hu  chu]

39,采气归元 Gather energy into lower belly

              [cai   qi    gui   yuan]

First Translated by Nelson and Theresa Chou from the Senior Center of Piscataway, New Jersey State,USA







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