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已有 365 次阅读2022-4-16 11:53 分享到微信

IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第二十一卷论文目录和内容提要 如下, 有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com


1、Preface to "Chinese Oracle Osteology" (Updated Edition) From P2to P4By Wang Yuxin

2、Chinese Aesthetics in a Global (Fourth Edition) From P5to P 34 By Xurong Kong


Executive Summary

1、Preface to "Chinese Oracle Osteology" (Updated Edition)

By Wang Yuxin

The now republished version of the updated version of "Chinese Oracle Bone Studies" is much richer than the original version twelve years ago.In this new work, I continue to describe the concept of jade and jade used by people in the Spring and Autumn Period. I think these are quite a distance from the Confucian jade research and jade practice in the Han Dynasty.Scientific excavation of the Shang Dynasty shrine ruins in Tongshan County, Jiangsu Province for the first time; the presumption of the garrisoned border castle near Shijia Village, Huantai County, Shandong Province; why Yin Ruins became a world cultural heritage and its inevitability, etc.And so on. These new topics and research results of Yin Shang culture research, which cover a wide range of areas and are rich in content, have become the new contents of "Chinese Oracle Bone Studies" (updated version) that need to be supplemented and revised with the times.

2、Chinese Aesthetics in a Global (Fourth Edition)

Translation By Xurong Kong

This book explores aesthetic issues on the level of humanistic values, attempts to regard Western theories as coordinate references, focuses on China’s traditions and culture, and constructs a Chinese aesthetic theory with a global perspective. This book also concentrates on the current state of China while absorbing and assimilating relevant Western theories.In terms of research methods, this book demonstrates the unity of past and present, reason and reality. The book illustrates positive factors of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, such as connecting nature and society with the spirit of the integration of humanity and nature, with particular emphasis on materializing human feelings and humanizing material things. This book includes aesthetic activities, objects, relations, characteristics, awareness, imagery, style, and education. Among them, aesthetic activities are the base; aestheticrelationships are the starting point, in which the subject plays a key role; and imagery is the core. On the issue of nature, this book draws and elaborates on the ideas of figural virtue and being rejoiceful of spirit; with respect to life, it emphasizes the unity of the individual and society; concerning art, it highlights the perceptual value of art. Regarding aesthetic style, it pays attention to the unity of grace and magnificence, nature and ornament, and tragic and comedy, and explores the concept of “ugliness” in Chinese contexts. On the issue of aesthetic mentality, this book explores the traditional Chinese thoughts on body and mind, and regards aesthetic activities as a special way of influencing people, and as a basic approach to pursuing spiritual freedom and improving the realm of life.


by Liu Zheng

Now today We’ll talk about pre-Qin history.This’s my hope that this lecture will provide a comprehensive overview of our current understanding of the pre-Qin history and catch the most discussions currently within the discipline.

This lecture is going to be covers ancient China from 2000 BC to 100 BC, it was called Pre-Qin history period.In China when we talk about before 2000 BC, it always belongs to the field of archaeological research, not the research scope of our Pre-Qin history. In other words, it is related to the study of the origin of Chinese civilization before 2000 BC.







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