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已有 509 次阅读2022-4-14 22:51 分享到微信



1、The first edition of Gui Zhongwu Chronicle

From P3to P18By International Society of rchaeology and Historical Linguistics

2、The Study of Huai Hai Ju Shi Chang Duan Ju, a Ming-Dynasty Ci-poetry of Tianyige Museum

From P19to P30By Luo Hui, Sun Qin and Zheng Weiming

3、The idea of Cosmic Space in the Han Dynasty Reflected in the “Travel Figures”on the Han Stone Relief in Southern Shandong Province

From P31to P41By LiuQian

4、A Review of the Research of "Zi Chan" in Japan Sinology

From P42to P61By LiuZheng

Poems of IAHLS’smembers

1、學刊詩稿:上卷 舊體詩卷

From P62to P76By Members of IAHLS

2、學刊詩稿:中卷 舊體詞卷

From P77to P84By Members of IAHLS

3、學刊詩稿:下卷 現代詩卷

From P85to P113By Members of IAHLS


1、The first edition of Gui Zhongwu Chronicle by International Society of Archaeology and Historical Linguistics

Gui zhongwu was a feudal official in Tang Dynasty. Besides his literary claim to fame,he is also an intimate friend of Han Yu、Liu Zongyuan、Liu Yuxi、Li He. Han Yu and Liu Yuxi had made memorial poetry for him after his death. However, there is no systematic records of his life. The essay studies Gui Zhongwu’s life and his family, based on the genealogy of GUI’s family, the relevant documents of Tang Dynasty and beyond Tang Dynasty and Vietnamese documents as well , in order to make a supplement and textual criticism of Gui’s life ,stage of creation and deeds. By reviewing and collating Gui’s deeds, we can gathering Gui’s materials more complete, while people may get a deeper understanding of him.

2、The Study of Huai Hai Ju Shi Chang Duan Ju, a Ming-Dynasty Ci-poetry of Tianyige Museum by Luo Hui, Sun Qin, Zheng Weiming

The Huai Hai Ju Shi Chang Duan Ju of Tianyige Museum, compiled and printed in Ming Dynasty, is a rarely noticed anthology of Qin Guan’s Ci-poems. Before this study, there was very limited information on the book, mostly from Professor Jao Tsung-i’s poem and his magnun opus Ci Ji Kao. The authors of the paper, who have examined the book at the Tianyige Museum, therefore try to give a thorough study of textual criticism, in particular, its editor-publisher, the author of the preface, the textual construction and the ideas behind. It is found that the book is not only the single existing copy, but also the only known anthology of Qin Guan’s Ci-poems made in accordance to personal viewpoint on Ci-poetry.

3、The idea of Cosmic Space in the Han Dynasty Reflected in the “Travel Figures” on the Han Stone Relief in Southern Shandong Province by Liu Qian

There contains rich idea of cosmic space of the Han people in the “travel figures” carved on the Han stone relief. Studies of the stages of the “travel figures” on the Han stone relief in Southern Shandong Province can reveal the important relation of the pattern with the idea of cosmic space in the Han Dynasty.Besides,the changes and characteristics in different periods just vividly manifest the idea evolution of cosmic space in this area.In the Whole process,the pattern of “travel figures”symbolizes the movement within cosmic space as well as the across-space movement.

4、A Review of the Research of "Zi Chan" in Japan Sinology by Liu Zheng

The research of "Zi Chan" has never been a hot topic in the Japanese academia. However, because he appeared many times in The Lun Yu and Zuo Zhuan. Therefore, to the Japanese academic community, he is just a background figure reading The Lun Yu and Zuo Zhuan.

This article roughly summarizes Japan's research and attention on "Zi Chan" in the past 100 years. It is divided into four parts: literary works, dictionaries, academic works, and bibliographies.







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