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List 9

Making a User-Friendly Bilingual Dictionary for Chinese Translators: On the Revision of A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary

It gives an account of how a dictionary project, the revision of A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary (2003) with Hui Yu and Du Ruiqing as editors-in-chief, is currently being undertaken. The focus of the discussion is on how the revisers have followed the three major principles of dictionary revision, that is, addition, deletion, and modification, to improve the user-friendliness of the new edition. The purpose of the discussion is not only to offer our international colleagues a picture of the development of Chinese bilingual lexicography, an area not adequately represented in international lexicographic literature yet, but also to give a detailed account of the actual revision of the said dictionary, which serves the practical needs of Chinese translators and writers who use English for language production purposes.

Translation in Bilingual Dictionaries: The Intertextuality Perspective

It examines how intertextuality as a literary theory can be applied to the lexicographic text to assist in dictionary making and, particularly, translation in bilingual dictionaries. Lexicographic borrowing and innovation can be approached from macro and micro perspectives. Lexicographers should base any innovative efforts on the type of the dictionary they make and on the needs of the dictionary user. And they can follow three methods to avoid illegitimate borrowing and make innovations in translation.

The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (6th Edition)

It is the sixth edition of The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (henceforth CCD6) published in 2012, with Jiang Lansheng, Tan Jingchun, and Cheng Rong as the editors-in-chief. The review consists of two main sections. The first section discusses the five major improvements the CCD6 has made as against the CCD5; the second section focuses on four weak points. All the English glosses (mostly given in brackets) of the Chinese words and expressions are the author’s.

New Age Chinese-English Dictionary (2nd Edition)

It introduces that New Age Chinese-English Dictionary is a large-size bilingual dictionary. The NACED was designed mainly for language production, i.e. translation from Chinese into English. Meanwhile, it has also strived to help native speakers of English, or native speakers of other languages who use English as a lingua franca, to try to understand (or learn) Chinese and learn about Chinese culture. To fulfill these functions, it had included as many new words and new senses as possible, continuously improved its definition and translation, and made itself more practical and user-friendly. The NACED2, obviously, has inherited these features and carried them forward. In sections 1–3 below, improvements in the new edition are discussed, whereas section 4 raises some points of criticism.

The Chinese-English Dictionary (Unabridged, Volume 1)

It attempts to answer the questions: how does The Chinese-English Dictionary differ from other C-E dictionaries? does it deserve such compliments? How will it affect Chinese bilingual lexicography as a whole? The most distinct characteristic of the CED is its innovativeness. This is reflected in its entries of diverse origins, its examples of both Classical and Modern Chinese, its efforts to produce highly original translations, its principle of seeking translations that are ‘beyond equivalence’, its examples which are translated using equivalents other than those given in the definitions, and its supply of etymological information for a small number of character entries.

The Chinese Broken Marks Dictionary

It introduces that The Chinese Broken Marks Dictionary (henceforth CBMD) is a bilingual decoding dictionary designed specifically for speakers of English. This dictionary has various strengths. First, it is based on an extensive study of users’ needs. Second, it uses a very user-friendly and efficient character indexing system. Third, the CBMD has incorporated other noteworthy innovations which should ameliorate some difficulties of learner users of dictionaries. In addition, the illustrative examples are skillfully designed. Finally, this dictionary prepares the learners for the HSK, a Chinese proficiency test equivalent to the TOEFL.

Lexicography in China (1978-2008)

It reviews that Lexicography in China (1978-2008), 445 pages in total, consists of five chapters, an introduction, conclusion and an appendix. The introduction outlines the research background, purposes, methodology, and methods and tools of the statistical analysis. It also illustrates the two reasons for dividing the dictionaries published in this period into three stages: the initial development stage (1978-1987), the rapid development stage (1988-2000), and the steady development stage (2001-2008).







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