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已有 544 次阅读2022-4-9 16:21 |系统分类:文学分享到微信


Vol. 1 list

1、The Origin of Chengtoushan City State in the middle Reaches of Yangtze River in China

2、From the Oracle-bone Inscription West Mother to the West Queen Mother Worship

3、The prophecy of the coming of Chairman Mao based on an ancient Chinese book

4、After reading about The prophecy of the coming of Chairman Mao based on an ancient

Chinese book

5、An Interpretation of Xiang(享) in Jinwen of West and East Zhou Dynasties

Vol. 1 Content Summary

1、From P1 to P19

Liu Junnan (1965.6-), male, from Youxian in Hunan province, in china, professor at School of history and society in Chongqing Normal University, doctor, the director of the history department, deputy director and secretary general in “The research center of ancient Chinese civilization and the origin of state ” set up by The Chinese academy of social sciences history research institute and Chongqing Normal University, director of the institute of the Ancient Chinese civilization and the origin of state in Chongqing Normal University, judge of the national social science fund project, judge of humanities and social science research project of Ministry of education, judge of Chongqing senior title appraisal expert database, expert of Administration of cultural heritage in Chongqing, director of Chinese pre-qin history association, vice-chairman of Fuxi culture research board in hunan province.I had hosted two national social science fund projects, one is the “The theory of marxist of state origin and case study of civilization process in the middle reach of Yangtze river”, the other is “comparative study of early civilization of China's north and south two Production area ”,has taken part in a national major project subject to tender, has published two Specialized works and more than 90 papers in Chinese history research, The World Religious Studies, Chinese cultural studiesand Chinese Social Science Newspaper. Central China Cultural Relics ,Chinese Archeology,and Many articles wereXinhua Digest and other publications excerpts or reproduced.

This period extends from the early Daxi Culture to early Qujialing Culture. The productivity progress of this stage is mainly reflected in the manufacture of pottery and jade wares. Black pottery, eggshell painted pottery, early brick-making, rapid wheel ceramic technology appeared quite early, and pottery making had been gradually specialized. Jade and stone manufacturing also appeared in the very high level, The hardness of the stone hoe and the stone axe unearthed at Zhongbaodao site in the Xiajiang Area was from 5 to 6 degree, equivalent to the hardness of normal jade, but in the site the hardness of some stone wares for the production of adze, chisel and so on, can reach 6 ~ 7 degree,1 harder than that of the general jade. Patriarchal polygamous family emerged generally, so did class. Many civilization elements appeared, such as moat, human sacrifice and so on. Buildings of high standards in the early Qujialing culture of Chengtoushan site means social evolution has bred a new civilization. This period can be called the generation period of civilization elements and city-states.

2、From P 20 to P 27

The myths of West Queen Mother originated quite early, which were recorded in Shanhai Jing, Biography of King Mu and the Bamboo Annals. Was West Queen Mother human or deity? The academics have different ideas about it. What’s interesting lies in that there are West Mother and East Mother in the oracle bone inscriptions of Yin ruins. Is there any relationship between West Mother and West Queen Mother? The paper focuses on the careful comparisons between West Mother in the oracle bone inscriptions and West Queen Mother in the ancient books and records. The author finds that there exist both differences and similarities between them, and there may be some sources. The customs of West Queen Mother worship in Zhou Dynasty and beyond may originate in Shang Dynasty.

3、From P28 to P 40

Liu Zheng, Former Renmin University of China and East China Normal University,Professor;Former Japan Aichi Gakuin University and Kyoto University, Researcher;Former World Association for Chinese Studies Archaeological and Historical LinguisticsAssociation,Executive President、Former American Hanna International Writers Association,Executive director and Vice President、International Archaeology and Historical Linguistic Society,President。

Today I want to talk about a very mysterious relationship between Chairman Mao(毛泽东)and the Chinese history.The very first thing I want to claim, and what I am going to be talking about in this lecture is not identical to the topics that other scholars on Chairman Mao and Chinese history development usuallytry to cover. So, this means that I am not going to talk about how did Chairman Mao led the Chinese people to the victory of the Chinese Revolution or how the country developed under his leadership.... even though both are very important topics in modern China. What I’d like to talk about is whether or not the I Ching(易经), or “The Book of Change”, really foretold that Mao Zedong would become the leader ofmodern China.I would assume you are familiar with the Chinese classics, like the I Ching.

4、From P 41 to P 44

Yan Xianjun ,Professor of Marxism, Yunnan University, Doctor of Laws.

After reading about The prophecy of the coming of Chairman Mao based on an ancient

Chinese book

5、From P 45 to P 51

An Interpretation of Xiang(享)in Jinwen of West and East Zhou Dynasties

Wu Zhenyu,doctor of histry, is professor of School of Liberal Arts Jilin University, who undertakes the supervision of research students for the degree of PhD in the areas of the history of Chinese language and ancient Chinese Characters.

Wu Zhenyu’s researches include articles in journals, books and projects. She has publishied more than 80 academic papers, and books, such as The Study on Verbs of LiangZhou Jinwen(两周金文)by the Commercial Press,2017;The Study on Functional Words of Liangzhou Jinwen(两周金文)by Thread-binding Books Publishing House,2010; On the History of Chinese by the Modern Press,2014; Annotations to Shijing(诗经)by Jilin Literature and History Press,1999; Annotations to Mozi(墨子)by The Phenix Press,2009,etc. Projects include finished ones like the National Social Science Funds Program:The Study on Verbs of LiangZhou Jinwen(两周金文);the Social Science Funds program of Jilin Province: The Annotations to Sentences of Liangzhou Jinwen(两周金文);the Social Science Funds Program of Jilin Education Office: The Annotations to Functional Words of Liangzhou Jinwen(两周金文);the Social Science Funds Progam of Jilin University:The Study on Functional Words of Liangzhou Jinwen(两周金文); Jilin University Funds Program:the Study on Chinese Verbs in Xianqin(先秦)under the framework of The Semantic Field , etc.

And at present, the following projects are being carried out:

The National Social Science Fund Program (16BYY112):The study on the Semantic Evolution of Old Chinese Verbs; The Major National Social Science Fund Program(16ZDA201): The Linguistic Study of Inscriptions in the Excavated Objects from Lianghan(两汉) under the Collection and Study of Excavated Objects from Lianghan(两汉);The Social Science Program of Jilin Province(2016B261): The Grammar Study of Liangzhou Jinwen(两周金文);Excellence Textbooks for Research Students Publication supported program of Jilin University(the third group): The Linguistic Materials for Chinese Language History.







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