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Manifesto of China War Party
By Sun Tianxi
The 72nd from Sun Tzu
卷首语 .......................................1
第一章 中国主战派
(Chapter1. China War Party).............................7
1. 中国主战派不同于中国鹰派
(China War Party is not the same as China hawk.....................7
2. 中国主和派历来得势
(The Doves in China has always got the upper hand....................9
3. 中国主战派历来悲壮
(China War Party was historically tragic).........................12
4. 收复失土是中国主战派梦寐以求的最高追求
(To regain lost territory is the highest pursuit of China War Party)..............12
5. 有了条约的永久性失土还能失而复得吗
(Can we regain our lost territories signed by some perpetual treaties?)............13
6. 只有主战才能收复失土
(Only actively fighting to be able to regain our lost territories)................15
第二章 中国主流朝代的扩张史及屈辱史
(Chapter2. The expansion and the humiliation history of China mainstream dynasties) ..........................................17
1. 西周
(The Western Zhou Dynasty)............................17
2. 秦朝
(The Qin Dynasty) ................................21
3. 汉朝
(The Han Dynasty)................................29
4. 唐朝
(The Tang Dynasty) ...............................31
5. 宋朝
(The Song Dynasty)................................33
6. 元朝
(The Yuan Dynasty) ................................37
7. 明朝
(The Ming Dynasty) ................................41
8. 清朝
(The Qing Dynasty) ................................43
9. 中华民国
(The Republic of China)...............................50
10. 中华人民共和国
(The People's Republic of China)...........................53
第三章 中国收复失土三原则
(Chapter3. China's three principles for regaining his lost territories)............63
1. 仅台湾回归还不能算大一统
(No unification yet only liberating Taiwan).......................63
2. 只收复被所有不平等条约夺走的中国故土
(Only to recover China’s lost territories which were taken away by all the unequal treaties).64
3. 必须充分尊重作为世界领袖的美国及其核心利益
(We must fully respect the United States as the world leader and his core interests).....70
第四章 当今中国有权收复失土
(Chapter4. China nowadays has the right to regain his lost territories) ..........76
1. 美国从13个州扩张至50个州有谁抗议过吗?
(Who has protested the United States from its 13 states to 50 states? ).........82
2. 俄罗斯从500Km2 扩张至1,710万Km2有谁抗议过吗?
(Who has protested Russia from its 500Km2 to 17 100 000 Km2? )..........85
3. 美俄扩张模式及其区别
(Expanding modes and their differences of the United States and Russia) .........98
4. 忘记俄罗斯的侵略就意味着背叛
(Forgetting Russia's aggression means betrayal)
第五章 中美全面结盟是中国收复失土的必要前提
(Chapter5. China's close alliance with the United States in all fields is absolutely necessary for regaining his lost territories successfully) ..........................................104
1. 中国结盟的三种组合
(Three combinations of China’s alliance with)......................104
2. 清朝末期「中美结盟」的早期呼声
(Early voice about an alliance between China and the United States during the late Qing dynasty) ..........................................107
3. 只有中美结盟才能解开中国面临的太多死结
(Only a close alliance between China and the United States can untie much more encased knots that China faces) ..........................................113
4. 美中结盟确保解决美国经济危机
(American economic crisis would be overcome through the US-China alliance)........114
5. 中美结盟的死结是中国国内的政治改革
(Fast knot on the close alliance between China and the United States is China's domestic political reform)
6. 英明领袖的应时而出则是一切的关键
(Arise of a wise leader is the key to everything).....................118
1) 中国当代英明领袖必须具备的特质
(The characteristics of contemporary wise leader in China must having)...........118
2) 期望习近平
(Great expectations of Xi Jinping)............................118
(About the author) ...................................122