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已有 1418 次阅读2009-12-1 02:42 |个人分类:情感分享到微信

Mid-autumn Festival is also known as “Harvest Festival”, which is one of the most well known Chinese Festival none other than the “moon festival”

The date of Mid-autumn  Festival also known as Chinese Moon Festival is on the 15th moon day of 8th Chinese lunar month (Chicken month). Since the new moon day is the first day of a Chinese Lunar Month .The first day of 8th lunar month in the year 2008 is 31st August 2008, cheap jordan shoes the Moon Festival is on 14 September 2008.

This is a day to worship the moon god. According to folk legend, this day is also the birthday of the earth god (T'u-ti Kung). This festival signals that the year's hard work in the fields will soon come to an end, with only the harvest left to attend to. Nike Air Jordan Shoes, People use this opportunity to express their gratitude to heaven (represented by the moon) and earth (symbolized by the earth god) for the blessings they have enjoyed over the past year.

The Chinese believe in praying to the moon god for protection, family unity, and good fortune. The round "moon cakes" eaten on this festival are symbolic of family unity and closeness. Pomelos are also eaten on this day. The Chinese word for "pomelo" or "grapefruit" is yu,
which is homophonous with the word for "protection," yu, expressing the hope that the moon god give them protection. Moon gazing is another essential part of this festival. On this day, discount Air Jordans the moon is at its roundest and brightest. This is also a time for lovers to tryst and pray for togetherness, symbolized by the roundness of the moon. Unlike most other Chinese festivals, the Mid-Autumn Festival is a low-key holiday, characterized by peace and elegance.


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