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The Trap2

已有 1036 次阅读2009-11-13 02:46 |个人分类:情感分享到微信

I was very surprised by all this.Holmes had told Stapleton that he would return to London,but he had not said that I was going too.And I was very worried that neither of us would be with Sir Henry when he walked across the moor that night. Air Jordan Shoes ,But we had to obey Holmes' orders.

Holmes and I left Baskerville Hall immediately after break fast and went to the station at Newtown.A small boy was waiting on the platform.

'Any orders,sir?'he asked Holmes.

'You will take the train to London,my boy.When you get there,you will send a telegram to Sir Henry in my name.It will ask him to send to me at Baker Street the pocket book I left at the Hall.'

I began to understand some of Holmes' plan.When Sir Hen ry received the telegram sent by Holmes' boy,he would think that we had arrived in London.He would tell Stapleton,who would then also believe that we were far away from Baskerville Hall.In fact, Air Jordan 18 we would be very close in case Sir Henry needed us.

We left the station and went to see Mrs Laura Lyons.I in troduced Holmes to her.After they had shaken hands,he said:'Dr Watson has told me everything,Mrs Lyons.We see Sir Charles'death as a case of murder.Both Stapleton and his wife are suspects.

Mrs Lyons jumped from her chair.'His wife!'she cried.' He has no wife.He is not a married man.'

'I have come here ready to prove that he is married,and the woman calls herself his sister is really his wife,'said Holmes.He took some photographs and papers from his pocket,and showed them to Mrs Lyons.She looked at the photographs and read the papers.When she put them down,I could see that she had accepted the truth.

'I thought this man loved me,' she said,'but he has lied to me.Ask me what you like,Mr Holmes, Jordan xviii and I will tell you the truth.I never thought any harm would come to Sir Charles.He was a dear old gentleman who was very kind to me.I would do nothing to hurt him.'

'I believe you,Mrs Lyons,'said Holmes.'Now,let me tell you what I think happened.You can tell me If I'm right or if I'm wrong.First of all,I think Stapleton told you to write the letter to Sir Charles and to ask him for help.He also told you to ask Sir Charles to meet you at the moor gate.Then,after you had sent the letter,Stapleton persuaded you not to meet Sir Charles after all.'

'Stapleton told me that he could not allow any other man to give me the money for my divorce,'Mrs Lyons said.'He said he was poor,but he would give all his money to bring us to gether.Then,after I heard about Sir Charles' death,Stapleton told me to say nothing about my letter and the meeting.He said I would be a suspect.He frightened me into staying silent.'

'Yes,'said Holmes.'But you wondered about him?'

She said nothing for a moment,and looked down.' Yes,'she said.' But since he has lied to me about marrying me,I will no longer keep his secrets.'

'You are lucky that you have escaped him,'Holmes said.'You know too much But I hope you are safe now.Good morning,Mrs Lyons,and thank you.You will hear from us soon.'

'So one by one our questions are answered,'said Holmes as we left Newtown.'When it is over,this will be one of the most famous cases of our time.And now it has nearly ended.We must hope that it ends safely and successfully.'


上一篇: The Hound of the Baskervilles
下一篇: The Trap






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