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Death on the Moor2

已有 1026 次阅读2009-11-10 02:29 |个人分类:情感分享到微信

'Why were you worried about Sir Henry?'I asked.

'Because I had invited him to my house.When he did not come I was surprised.Then, Air Jordan Shoes when I heard cries on the moor,I began to worry about him.I wonder'—his eyes went quickly from my face to Holmes'—' did you hear anything else at all?'

'No,'said Holmes.'Did you?'

'No,'said Stapleton.

'What do you mean,then?'

'Oh,you know the stories about the supernatural hound.I wondered if it had been here tonight.'

'We heard nothing of that kind,'I said.

'How do you think this poor man fell to his death?'Staple ton asked.

'I think cold and hunger, Air Jordan 19  and his fear that the police would catch him, drove him mad.He ran round the moor in his mad ness,and fell over this edge,'I said.

'Do you agree,Mr Sherlock Holmes?'asked Stapleton.

'You're quick to guess who I am,'said Holmes.

'We're been expecting you ever since Dr Watson arrived.'

'I have no doubt my friend is right about the way Selden died,'said Holmes.'It' s a sad death,but it will not prevent me from returning to London tomorrow.'

'Before you return, Jordan xix will you be able to explain the mysteries that we've experienced here?'

'I am not always as successful as I hope.I need facts, not stories of the supernatural.This hasn' t been a good case for me.

Stapleton looked hard at him,but Holmes had spoken very seriously and his words sounded true.

We covered the body.Then Stapleton turned to go home,and Holmes and I walked towards Baskerville Hall.

'He's a very clever man,and a dangerous enemy,who will be difficult to trap,' said Holmes.' Look how he controlled his disappointment when he found that the dead man was not Sir Henry.'

'I'm sorry that he has seen you,'I said.

'So am I, Air Jordan 18 but there was nothing we could do about it.Now he knows I am here he may be more careful,or he may act more quickly than he planned.'

'Why can't we give him to the police at once?'

'Because we can't prove anything against him.Sir Charles was found dead because his heart failed.Again,tonight we could not prove that there was a hound.Selden died from a fall.We have no case at present.We shall see Mrs Lyons to morrow,and she may help us.But whatever happens,I have my own plan.There will be some danger,but by the end of tomorrow I hope to have won this battle.'

He would say nothing else.

'Are you coming to the Hall?'I asked.

'Yes,'he replied.'There is no reason for me to hide any longer.But one last word,Watson Say nothing of the hound to Sir Henry. Jordan xviii,Let him think that Selden died from a fall.If he knows about the hound,he will find it harder to face the dan gers of tomorrow.I think you told me in your last letter that he is having dinner with the Stapletons tomorrow evening.'

'And they have invited me,too,'I reminded him.

'Then you must excuse yourself,and he must go alone.That can easily be arranged And now I think we are both ready for some food.'



上一篇: The Trap
下一篇: Death on the Moor






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