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Sir Henry Baskerville2

已有 962 次阅读2009-10-29 03:13 |个人分类:情感分享到微信

Dr Mortimer took out the old Baskerville papers and read them to Sir Henry.Holmes then told him about the death of Sir Charles.

'So this letter is from someone who is trying to warn me,or frighten me away,'said Sir Henry.

'Yes,'said Holmes.'Women High-Dunk SB ,And we have to decide if it is sensible for you to go to Baskerville Hall.There seems to be danger there for you.'

'There is no man or devil who will stop me from going to the home of my family,'said Sir Henry angrily.'I want some time to think about what you have told me.Will you and Dr Watson join me for lunch at my hotel in two hours'time?By then,I'll be able to tell you what I think.'

Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry said goodbye,and decided to walk back to their hotel.

As soon as our visitors had gone, Holmes changed from the talker to the man of action.

'Quick,Watson.Your coat and hat. Jordans Shoes,We must follow them.'We got ready quickly and went into the street.Our friends were not far ahead of us and we followed.We stayed about a hundred metres behind them.

Suddenly Holmes gave a cry.I saw a taxi driving along very slowly on the other side of the road from our friends.

'That's our man,Watson!Come along!We'll have a good look at him.'

I saw a man with a large black beard looking out of the taxi window.He had been following and watching our friends.But when he saw us running towards him,he shouted something to the driver, Women Low-Dunk SB and the taxi drove off quickly down the road.Holmes looked round for another taxi,but could not see one.He began to run after the first taxi,but it was soon out of sight.

'Well,I got the number of the taxi,'said Holmes.'So I can find the driver.He may be able to tell us something about his passenger.Would you recognize the man if you saw him again?'

'Only his beard,'I said.

'He wanted us to recognize the beard,'said Holmes.'I think it was a false one.'



上一篇: More Mystery
下一篇: Sir Henry Baskerville1






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