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Sir Henry Baskerville1

已有 1275 次阅读2009-10-29 03:12 |个人分类:情感分享到微信

Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry Baskerville arrived at exactly ten o'clock the following morning.Sir Henry was a small,healthy,wellbuilt man.His face showed that he had a strong character.He wore a country suit of thick, Jordan Shoes redbrown material,and his skin showed that he spent most of his time in the open air.

'I am glad this meeting was already arranged,'Sir Henry said, after we had shaken hands with our visitors.'I need your help,Mr Holmes.A strange thing happened to me this morning.Look at this letter.'

He put a piece of paper on the table.On it were the words: 'Do not go on to the moor.If you do,your life will be in danger.' Air Max 90 ,The words had been cut out of a newspaper.

'Can you tell me,Mr Holmes,what this means,and who is so interested in me?'Sir Henry asked.

'This is very interesting,'said Holmes.'Look how badly it has been done.I think the writer was in a hurry.Why?Perhaps because he did not want somebody to see him.I think the address was written in a hotel. ,The pen and the ink have both given the writer trouble.The pen has run dry three times in writing a short address. Women Air Max 87 ,There was probably very little ink in the bottle. A private pen and bottle of ink are never allowed to get into that condition.Hullo,what's this?'

He was holding the letter only a few centimetres from his eyes.

'Well?'I ashed.

'Nothing,'he said,and threw the letter down.'Now,Sir Henry,have you anything else to tell us?'

'No,'said Sir Henry.'Except that I have lost one of my shoes.I put a pair outside my door last night.I wanted the ho tel to clean them, Air Max 87 ,but when I went to get them this morning,one had gone.I only bought them yesterday,and I have never worn them.But I wanted a good shine on them.'

'One shoe seems a useless thing to steal,'said Holmes.'I am sure the shoe will be found in the hotel and returned to you.But now we must tell you some things about the Baskerville family.'


上一篇: Sir Henry Baskerville2
下一篇: The Problem3






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