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《语丝心韵》 (1-10)

已有 10056 次阅读2011-1-19 23:04 分享到微信



1. 白与黑


White and Black

White is the hope of black; black is the home of white.

2. 日与夜


Day and Night

Day is born in night; day vanishes in night, too. Night is pregnant with brightness; night swallows brightness, too.




So long as there’s a lamp by my side, it’s bright in my dream.

4. 鸟的座右铭


Bird’s Motto

Sprays are not a place to perch on for long. You should spread your wings to fly to the sky.

5. 花的备忘录

你不要得意忘形,因为你生得太美, 美有时就是祸根!

Flower’s Memo

You should not be beside yourself because you are too beautiful and beauty is sometimes just a bane.


6. 萤火虫


Direction, no. Aim, no. Hardly fly in the long night. It’s only for the little dots of brightness back at their bodies.

7. 新月



You’re the bow to be pulled. It makes people to think of strength. You’re the mirror to be made round. It makes people expect something.




So long as he has his way, you have yours. Just stride forward. His way is just yours.

9. 机遇



Where is the opportunity? Whoever looking for opportunities is your opportunity.

10. 蜡烛



You’ve brought brightness to night. You’ve also brought happiness to the world. You died in tears, but you told a truth: the cost of happiness is sorrow while the cost of brightness is death.

11. 悲与乐


Sorrow and Happiness

Sorrow is the amulet of whoever sorrow-stricken. Joy at its height is the grave of whoever overjoyed.




Tears are the confession of whoever overjoyed. Tears are the aspiration of whoever sorrow-stricken. Just let your tear fall so long as you have; just let your tears stream so long as you have. Don’t care if it is joy or sorrow. What a grand thing to be in a flood of tears





So long as you want to compose poems, this world would be one of poems and even stars can drip poems.

14. 孤独



No loneliness, no success; great loneliness performs great miracles.

15. 苦与乐


Sorrow and Joy

Sorrow is the source of joy. Joy is the partner of sorrow.

16. 我和月


The Moon and I

There’s an agreement between the moon and me. He’s hanging in the sky, while I’m standing at the window. Face to face we’ve nothing to say but we’ve a tacit understanding. The moon wants to come down to the earth but I want to fly up into the sky.

17. 树梢


Tree Top

The tree top stands at the highest place. He gets the most sunshine, but he’s never satisfied, or why does he always shake head?





The roots go deeply into the earth, silently absorbing greenness for leaves and quietly collecting redness for flowers. They can’t see the sun and the moon for life, but never do they complain.

19. 雨与花


Rain and Flower

Crystalline rain drops are the tears of clouds. They’ve left the sky, but never touch the ground. Sorrow or joy, it’s unnecessary to distinguish them. Since you’ve been infatuated with flower soul, you should leave your lives to the flower hearts.

20. 憧憬



I’m standing before the moon; I’m longing for the scene behind it. What before the moon is the shadow; what behind the moon is the sun.

21. 夕阳


The setting sun

You contribute the remaining heat of the day and turn it into evening glow all over the sky. You quietly go back into the tranquil dark night and brew the brightness for tomorrow.


22. 小径



Avoiding the moon and escaping the stars, it crawled into flowers whereat it was having a taste of the mystery secretly and exploring the depth and serenity alone.




The green rain is moistening the young moss which seems like mottled pattern on marble. It neither extravagantly hopes for brilliant sunshine nor greedily searches for fertile soil. Even if it looks withered after a long drought, it tries to hide its soul in its roots. Once thoroughly watered by a timely rain, it looks hairy like yesterday in deep feelings as usual.

24. 雨中花


Flowers in rain

Keeping your beautiful chest bare and making your honest heart exploded, you gave your simple and honest heart to the rain. Isn’t it that you gave your warmth and sincerity to the ice cold?

25. 雨中叶


Leaves in rain

Innumerable drops of crystal-clearness shattered uncountable dimness. Whatever absorbed turned into green blood; whatever dripping down condensed into clear tears.

26. 荷塘


Lotus pond

The flower dreams are drunk in the water; the dream flowers are floating on the water. The dream flowers are supporting pieces of colorful clouds with palms; the flower dreams turned into wisps of fragrance. The innumerable pieces of green clouds and spells of timely rain are all the feelings and interest of my childhood. 

27. 湖与溪


Lake and stream

However big it is, the lake is only rippling in its original place because it is closed down; however small it is, the stream is flowing away to distant places because it is open wide. Only flowing is hopeful; only flowing is possible to let water pour into the sea.




Struggle to get free off the forest’s obstructing you from advancing; politely refuse the mountain’s persuading you to stay. With the rustling wind, you feel so cold and with the swaying rain, you feel so lonely. How many times are you happy? How many times are you sad? Never complain; never regret. Caring nothing, just do your utmost to flow on rapidly. Whatever which cannot be blocked are the thunder-like expectation and the lighting-like pursuit.

29. 彩云


Colorful clouds

Standing high up and seeing far away, I find that your body and spirit are all excellent with an imposing appearance. Yet placing myself in the midst of you, I find that you are utterly illusory without any momentum. Alas, you are just a beauty who can only be looked at from afar but cannot be observed within a stone’s throw. 

30. 乌云


Dark clouds

Being a dragon in the sky, you do not live up to your appearance, tossing and turning, rolling and gushing, swallowing the sky and covering the sun. Only by coming down to the earth and turning into water, can you be worthy of your true force, crushing dry weeds and rotten wood, swaggering like a conquering hero.

31. 落叶


The falling leaves

What a big tree! So many flowers on a big tree! Just when innumerable flowers are blooming in a profusion of colors, there should be some leaves falling down. The happy groaning declares to me; the miserable laughing reminds me. It is not only in autumn that there are falling leaves; it is not that all falling leaves die natural deaths. Falling leaves are just like dead people; people die as leaves fall. There are quite a few people who die suddenly, because of working too much just like leaves getting withered and falling too soon. This is an admonition.

32. 黑蜻蜓


A black dragonfly

A little black dragonfly firmly grasped my shirt. I tried to drive it away, but it feared nothing; I tried to whisk it off, but it did not panic. A little black spirit was attached to my heart with deep feelings. It was so beautiful that I loved it; it was so agreeable that I cherished it. Owing to being merciful, I could not bear to desert it; due to having pity on it, I brought it home. Yet who could have expected that it suddenly died at night. Examining my own conscience, I felt ashamed. But what was the use to be regret? If I knew early that the end of love should be a tragedy, why not have I driven it away and let it fly!

33. 蟋蟀



Among bleak stones and wild flowers, your appearance is shabby and your sound is like sobbing. But you act diligently to accomplish your mission, for which you are praised. As a messenger to report news about autumn, you are worthy of respect and admiration. But in the beautiful pottery pots, you seem dignified and awe-inspiring, yet you strive for undeserved fame. Absolutely obedient to someone, you are always driven by others just like a dog wagging its tail fawningly. Dear crickets, I’d like to say something to you. At wall feet or among stone chinks, you would be unfettered and gay. There are plenty rooms for you in the mountains or at the stream edges. These places are where you were born and where you live, where you get aged and where you die. Is it OK? That’s enough for you, I think!

34. 热锅蚂蚁


Ant in hot pan

In order to escape hardship, you left the expeditionary army; in order to get free off the cold, you crept into the hot pan. But you finally got easy and comfort or roast and suffering?

35. 行路


On the way

Timid and hesitating, modestly yielding precedence, it was so hard to go ahead! Going with the tide, forging ahead courageously, the way under my feet turned into a thoroughfare.

36. 石子



You threw a pebble into the lake. It’s not only that you have drowned a life which has been lasting millions of millions of years, but also that you have broken a mirror which can observe the sky.

37. 望月

我深情地仰望你,你微微地朝我笑。我们默默无语,但却心心相印。我愿在你的笑脸下,默默地伫立,伫立,伫立 …… 哪怕在伫立中老去。

Looking at the moon

I’m looking at you affectionately and you’re smiling at me. We’re keeping silent but sharing the same feelings. I’m willing to stand silently under your smiling face even I’ll be getting old during my standing.

38. 望霞


Looking at morning glow

You’re the fruit of the love between the sun and the cloud. Without the brilliant sunshine, where does gorgeousness come from? Without the sentimental cloud, where does great tenderness come from? If only the true love in the world is variegated as the colorful morning glow, even if it likes a flash in the pan.

39. 望星


Looking at stars

No one praises that they’re brilliant like the sun; no one praises that they’re bright and clear like the moon; no one praises that they’re graceful as the clouds. The night sky can exist without the sun, without the moon, without the colorful clouds. Yet stars cannot be wanting, because without stars the night-sky must be filled with thick clouds and haze.

40. 雨滴蓓蕾


Rain drop and bud

A rain drop says to a bud, “Good girl, if you want to cry, just do it. If you don’t have tears, I’ll give you so long as you can cry joyfully and burst into flower.”

41. 苔藓梧桐


Moss and plane Tree

Adhering to a big plane tree, the moss grows energetically after a timely rain. Tired after madly growing, the moss says to the plane tree, “Brother, I feel embarrassed. Poor as a church mouse, I always get something to eat and drink from you.” The big plane tree says, “Please don’t stand on ceremony. Since I’m big, I must be generous. It’s my duty given by God to help the distressed and relieve the sufferers. It’s my happiness to carry out the sacred duty. So long as I have my last breath, I should by no means desert you.”

42. 白牡丹红牡丹


White peony n red peony

White peony says to red peony, “Sister, you’re so lucky that all people praise your beauty.” Red peony says to white peony, “Sister, you’re so lucky that all people praise your purity.” Green leave says, “Don’t envy each other. Both beauty and purity are noble. As for me, I’ve got neither the beautiful red color nor the pure white color. But I’m content with my lot.”

43. 蔷薇

娇艳的蔷薇,芳香四溢,秀气可餐。我情不自禁地俯身嗅探爱抚。 Dont touch me! (别碰我!) 哟,她真是刺头!我立即面红耳赤,羞愧难当,简直无地自容!她原来也是只可远观,不可近玩。


The delicate and charming rose sends forth wafts of fragrance. I couldn’t help bending over to smell her and caress her. “Don’t touch me!” Oh, she really is a faultfinder! With shame which I could hardly endure, I got blushing at once. I simply find no place to hide myself! It turned out that she is someone whom I could only look at from afar but could not play with near at hand. 

44. 夜莺

我坐在花丛中,为月亮哼小调。“Shame on you! (无耻!) 娇憨的夜莺怒火中烧,出言不逊,骂我趁她瞌睡偷她的歌。我郁闷!我发晕!


Sitting among flowers, I’m singing a song for the moon. “Shame on you!” The young and ignorant nightingale is very angry. Talking insolently, she scolds me that I’ve stolen her song by taking advantage of her falling into a doze. On hearing this, I feel dull and depressed! I feel muddled!

45. 麻雀

我凭栏与明月隔空对话。“Shut up! (住口!) 被我惊醒的麻雀大发雷霆之怒。他可真牛!我横遭棒喝,旋即噤若寒蝉。


Leaning on railing, I’m talking with the moon far away from each other. “Shut up!” Awakened by me, a sparrow flies into a rage. How haughty he is! Rudely scolded, I’m scared mute as a cicada in the cold.

46. 春风秋雨




Spring breeze and autumn rain

I sowed spring breeze, but I’ve reaped autumn rain.


Ever since coming to New York over 10 years ago, I’ve been working in New York as a TV news editor. But I keep translating books in spare time. In recent years, I’ve translated and published several books including the famous works Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio and Journey to the West as well as the London Scene by Woolf V. and the Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith. Therefore I’ve got the feeling of sowing spring breeze but reaping autumn rain.

47. 玫瑰牡丹




Rose and peony

Seeing rose, I think of peony.


Rose is an important flower in western countries which can be seen everywhere in the America. But while seeing the American rose, I couldn’t help thinking of the Chinese peony. Peony in China is a flower of riches and honors which is both the most beautiful flower in the world and also the national flower of China in my heart.

48. 涟漪波涛




Ripples and waves

Facing the ripples of the lake, I think of the roaring waves of the sea.


There is a big lake near where I live. Under the spring sun, I feel warm and comfortable. The breeze comes slowly and the lake overflows with innumerable ripples, pleasing to both the mind and the eye. Facing the beautiful ripples on the surface of the lake, yet I always associate the roaring waves in the sea.

49. 山前山后



南山悬崖处,每到冬季都会出现美丽的冰瀑。飞流直下,气势恢宏。远望洁白似雪,熠熠生辉,近观晶莹剔透,苍润如玉。 那冰清玉洁、赏心悦目的气质,令人神清气爽,流连忘返。那日,带领一位朋友去观赏,但说来奇怪,如此美妙而罕见的冰瀑奇观,并不能令他心动。他似乎并不在意山前秀气可餐的冰瀑,总想到山后去看个究竟。我告诉他山后是茫茫一片聋哑世界。朋友不解其意,当我告诉他那是一片死寂的公墓时,他才作罢。这次大煞风景的导游,令我颇为不快。我心中似有怨言不吐不快:“站在山前,不要总想山后。”其实做事的道理亦复如此。要想把事情做好,就要脚踏实地,循序渐进,就要集中精力,目标专一。切忌这山望着那山高。站在山前,先把山前的事做好,不要站在山前总想山后的事。否则就会心浮气躁,山前山后的事什么也没有做,最终两手空空,一事无成。

Before and behind the mountain

Since standing before the mountain, you’d better not to always think of anything behind it.


Ice-fall can be seen every winter at the cliff of the southern mountain. The fall flies straight down with a tremendous momentum. Looking at it from afar, you would find it glittering white as snow, while looking at it near at hand, you would find it sparkling, sleek as jade. Ice-clear and jade-clean, its elegant bearing pleases the mind and the eye and makes people, beaming and buoyant, to linger about and forget to turn back. That day, I brought a friend of mine to appreciate the excellent scenery. Yet it was so strange that such a rare ice-fall should fail in touching his heart. It seemed that he did not care about the wonderful ice-fall before the mountain but paid much attention to whatever behind it. Since he persisted in looking at the back of the mountain, I told him that there was a deaf-mute world. He could not understand what I meant. I explained that there was a vast land with innumerable tombs behind the mountain. Only on hearing this did he change his mind. This unpleasant event made me quite unhappy. It seemed that I had something in my heart that I couldn’t but speak out: “Since standing before the mountain, you’d better not to always think of anything behind it.” It’s in fact the same as whatever we do. If you want to do a good job, you must focus your attention on a special goal in a down-to-earth way, following in order and advancing step by step. You should by all means guard against the thinking that the grass is always greener on the other side of the hill. Since standing before the hill, you should firstly do a good job on this side. You should not always think of whatever behind the hill ahead of making things well done before the hill. Or you would be unsettled and short- tempered. And if so, you would make nothing well done either before the hill or behind the hill. At the end you would get nowhere, empty-handed.

50. 山里山外


In n out of mount

Looking at it from afar, you could only get its trace; looking at it near at hand, you could get its shape. Observing it, you could see its bones; thinking about it, you could get its soul. Looking at it far away, you would find that it seems to have no gate; but when you go nearer and nearer, it would open automatically. Once entering it, you would feel that its precipitous momentum disappears; and at the end, when you are at the top of it, you would feel broad-minded.




Supporting the unopened bud with your palm, you give special care in nursing the little life; supporting the flower blooming in profusion with your palm, you highly raise the variegated clouds; fixing the sweet fruit, you happily spread the news of bumper harvest. It’s because of you that the bud is praised; it’s because of you that the flower is eulogized; it’s because of you that the fruit is esteemed. Bud, it’s the meaning of youth; flower, it’s the byname of beauty; fruit, it’s the symbol of success. Yet you, the little receptacle, how should people extol you?





Frost flower

Frost flower, little frost flower, you’re neither graceful as snow flake nor crystalline as ice, but you don’t have the sense of inferiority and do your utmost to decorate the earth instead. You’re weaving silver velvet for the earth, aren’t you? Frost flower, little frost flower, you cannot keep your life as long as ice, but you do not abandon yourself to despair and do your best to win time instead. You’ve already awaked when stars are still winking, haven’t you? Frost flower, little frost flower, you’re the guide of dawn; you’re the precursor of winter. Without you, neither the morning glow nor the red sun can be brought about; without you, neither snow nor ice can be called here to dance beautiful dances or freeze the earth. I’d like to ask: Where can we find you when the earth is in gay dress like a beauty?


Frost flower: it indicates the frost grain which takes the shape of flower.



Old photos

Youth is remained, but that is only a visionary image which spirit has already freed itself from the body. The closed eyes were tightly closed for ever; the window of the soul can no longer be opened. The mouth was widely opened and it can not be closed any longer; the former heartfelt voice is still lingering at ears. The feast which never dismisses has already become tasteless, and whatever on the table have only remained beautiful colors but no delicious tastes at all. These sorts of things can only be used to satisfy one’s hunger with picture cake.  




It can be helpful for the time being but not for ever. Without it, you would still feel dim before your eyes just like being covered by clouds and wrapped in mists.



Dressing mirror

Whatever in it can mix up truth with falsehood. But unfortunately they are just the reverse.




By means of exaggeration, you have revealed the truth of science.



Distorting mirror

Seeking self-perfection, yet we might as well do something to distort ourselves when getting bored.



Back-glancing mirror

Look ahead but don’t forget to look back. The dangers back are more ferocious than tigers.



Silver-star begonia

Each leave with dots is a sky filled with stars. Soaked through in boundless depth, it has casted the ever lasting life. Each flower in blood-red has turned into a bright lamp at heart which light is used to decorate the colorful life.




Oh, the vast sea, you’re my mother. Your sprays in the wind are her white hair. Your innumerable ripples are the wrinkles in her face. Oh, the vast sea, my mother, I want to present you something; I want to repay you for your kindness. But I have nothing other than my footprints which I’ve already engraved on the beach. You put out your tongue and want to express the love of licking shown by cow for its calf. I fear wind; I fear rain. I am reluctant to move but quietly went away. You failed to lick my feet but you licked off my footprints. The sky can testify on my behalf and the gulls can be proofs for me. These footpints are really what I present to the vast sea and what I repaid to my mother indeed.



Thinking in spring

Why am I not a white cloud? Or I would surely fulfill my dream by flying rapidly to the east. In my native place, there are boundless fields which have just turned green; having just broken through the soil, the spring sprouts are thirsty now. There, I would turn into thread-like timely rain and then seep into the black fertile soil so as to moisten the tender green crops.



Two rivers

The beautiful Hudson River is flowing zigzag by me. Reciting poems in the morning and singing in the evening, he is telling me the stories in him ancient dreams. His long lasting dreams have existed for millions of millions of years. In him dreams, he has always met his old brother ? the Great Canal in my hometown.


上一篇: 《梨窗诗韵》






发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 宋德利 2011-6-13 07:15
本想发10首,怎么今天才发现发了这么多!感谢rubin and maryyang的缪夸奖。只是一束小小的思想火花,粗糙肤浅,恭请诸位雅正。
回复 maryyang 2011-6-12 22:36
回复 rubin 2011-1-22 16:19


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