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Feng Shui is a home living environment is very important

已有 1985 次阅读2016-6-26 01:59 |个人分类:风水|系统分类:女性世界| decoration, important, difficult, following, position 分享到微信

Feng Shui is a home living environment is very important, and in some extent, it is mastered, you want good fortune, there are many changes feng shui decoration tips. The following are often guilty of residential feng shui taboos and solutions. 1, balcony is on the door or the kitchen. Access gate position not being on the balcony, which formed the so-called "feedthrough", the home will be difficult to enrichment, there have been things or even bankruptcy. Workaround: do cabinet entrance barrier, or prolonged hang curtains. 2, balconies facing the kitchen. This is also a "mandrel evil" would weaken the cohesion of the family, her husband and easy affair, his wife will affair, a child does not love to go home. Workaround: do pergolas covered with plants avoided, screens and so on. 3, couch, bed placed in the beam. It will make people nervous breakdown, and the body more easily sick. Workaround: wrap the crossbar. 4, avoid hitting the water who can not put the fish tank at home. Not the outside world preaching as long as you can put a fish tank enrichment. Five occupants Xiji shall clearly. Solution: find a knowledgeable person to ask. 5, canopy vertical curved eaves made to avoid the arrow. 6, after the placement of the stove can not be in front of the balcony door or the kitchen door. Otherwise it would be detrimental to regular diners at home healthy. 7, at home, do not install any mirror, so as not to destroy the interior magnetic field. Especially in the bedroom, be careful when loading. 8, the family should choose broadleaf plants sheet, do not kind of elongated leaves of plants, so easily lead to master the tongue strife. Ferns and plants like kudzu best not to species such plants than the female, if the length of the lush, home easily provoke unclean things. 9, the toilet does not work on the palace. The wealth of the family and family health is not good. Workaround: You can swap washbasin and toilet, in the tub or long-term storage can be improved. 10. The exterior of the building should be smooth, Founder. House facades do not change the decoration.

------- White Dragon King Xu Shaofeng

Now White Dragon King Xu Shaofeng White Dragon King is the only worship Taoist care world. 16-year-old master Xu open eye in the sky, as the 36-year-old Philippine South Sea World Palace abbot, he is White Dragon King  incarnate human body where flesh, efficacious Buddha can lead children to his body, that is what we call the Buddha possessed to help worshipers.

From 2010 to 2012, when Xu Bailong princes often sit masters appear gilded temple and tomb to tell, he was one of five of the earliest Chinese Taoist gods, namely the Five Emperors Dragon White Dragon King in West Fang Baidi rather than private people mistakenly believe that Thai Buddha, Thailand Bailong princes went to preach save the world, now Thailand's mission has been successfully completed, he hopes to continue to prop master  Xu, the establishment of the main temple White Dragon King to help worshipers, so that more Chinese people to benefit .

Xu Shaofeng, native of Fujian Province, Jinjiang born Chinese family names, the age of 13 was set for the seventh generation of the family ancestral Chinese medicine unique successors. Outstanding Book of Feng Shui expert, is the first real feng shui master to traditional Chinese medicine, Taoism, feng shui combination. Book proficient, numerology, feng shui, metaphysics five surgery, Chinese medicine, psychology, Master, Taoism, Buddhism, and body prosthetics, etc., inherited the Road Law, the true mass Book two feng shui schools, lessons and school management style situation under 17 Feng Shui martial strengths collection of religious, traditional Chinese medicine, modern medicine, numerology forecasting, astronomy, meteorology, geography, hydrogeology, astral universe, environmental landscape, architecture, ecology and human life information and other disciplines in one system of feng shui truth. Forty years of experience geomancy, feng shui-depth insights.

About the White Dragon King's story has come true fame, women and children. 15 years ago, the Hong Kong entertainment industry because a lot of Big Brother Big Sister class stars have urged the White Dragon Princes to achieve the effect of good fortune. Hong Kong and Taiwan many filmmakers to White Dragon King is the cause or the private consultant. Tencent / micro letter. Eight hundred and seven. Two hundred and four. Zero thirteen. Entertainment among the many artists are white dragon praise, praise he can predict the future, but also in helping the misfortunes and bring good luck. Therefore, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and many worshipers will have formed a delegation made a special trip to visit, hope White Dragon King for their fortune prediction, Ariadne, worries and difficulties.

In 40 years of practice of geomancy, Xu Shaofeng as numerous yin and yang house feng shui layout and gas field repair the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions, Mainland China, etc., have been successfully solved a lot of people in the industry off as "difficult diseases "of the problem, whenever Xu Shaofeng take over, such as the Philippines plumbing magnate, Taipan real estate, real estate villas, shopping malls, five-star hotel is a classic case, both are fast, and with great success, and within a few months between you can see tangible results, micro-channel. eight hundred and seven. two hundred and four. zero thirteen, under the leadership of Xu Shaofeng, Wan Ling Feng created many industry professionals are all unanimous praise, known as "back to life" the story, Xu Shaofeng Feng INITIATIVE Souls also repair a comprehensive school of enlightenment, precision, quick, overseas Chinese community in the Philippines is "beating dragon 18 palms" geomancy genre nickname and famous.

Engaged in years of feng shui fixes most of the shortcomings of feng shui, feng shui has failed to make back to life, whether it is Amityville Horror, mansion, office, home, or feng shui ancestors did not go well, out of the situation, there are ways to repair, repair effect a few days effective the fastest, the slowest months, feng shui year, fixed effect is remarkable.

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