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磁場 來自你的心靈會相互汙染,心靈磁場會相互污染或凈化。菲律宾风水,算命佛事,八 ...

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磁場 來自你的心靈會相互汙染












































  白龙王中国道场:0086-13599222408 阮助理.白龙王菲律宾道场:0063-9178534408  腾讯:807204013 微信:wlfs505


Magnetic field from your heart will contaminate each other

Why do some people thinking very agile, however, to the front of another person, his mind suddenly disorder or halt it? Everyone have a kind of magnetic release and absorption features, if often dirty and magnetic compare human contact, he will give us the magnetic field and staining.

If the magnetic field with a relatively clean people together, he exudes a magnetic field we can give purification.

Mind magnetic fields interfere with each other

We often say more than a dozen mobile phones, mobile phone frequency radiation can interfere with us. In fact, can interfere with the magnetic field of the soul, like the mobile phone frequencies, but we do not perceive.

Between people like sitting together, if you say so, I fight, or talk to me, you resist, sensitive people can feel each other's magnetic field and atmosphere emit very strong.

So, some people are quick thinking, but in front of some people, his mind suddenly disorder or halt, largely because of his magnetic field is another field wrapped his skill no other field is large, so the other party the magnetic field can penetrate him, his interference, even covering his entire field, his consciousness locked in a certain range, causing his thinking stops or disorder.

Vent body and mind, do not let the other soul magnetic interference

A man, if he could put his magnetic field amplification, the other can not put his magnetic lock or overwritten. So put your mind and body are empty out. Your body and mind a blank out, it means you do not have the target opposite me, my magnetic radiation in the past, there is no way to embrace your field include, because the empty range is the largest.

The reason we sometimes physical discomfort, but also because the individual consciousness too strong, self-target, the target was too vertical, and it is easy to collect on the planet, as well as information about the people around us live issue.

If you state is good, the whole body and mind were empty out, people around the information sent, there is no way to penetrate you.

The other information sent, good, and bad, in his reckoning, you're like a target, he thought consciousness inside you, it means that his soul consciousness magnetic radiation to your body, this radiation to you the human image, even through you. Good state, may hold up; bad state, it can not afford.

Mind magnetic fields can contaminate or purify each other

There is a man, his features looked round, very successful, but why he is not doing well, it has been unsuccessful?

There is a saying in the learning phase, not a fortune teller to see the fine facial features, but by charm. Usually batch character only to see facial features.

There is a man, although his features looks not very good, but he comes out of the magnetic field and the atmosphere is very quiet, clear, no aggregate (which in spirit to sense), as such a person will be good luck.

Conversely, if his features looked good, but dirty field comparison, is one kind of aggregate enveloped, then he will not do anything well, it will not blossom.

Everyone have a kind of magnetic release and absorption features, if often dirty and magnetic compare human contact, he will give us the magnetic field and staining. If the magnetic field with a relatively clean people together, he exudes a magnetic field also can take us to clean out.

In our daily life, such as usually with friends, co-workers together, why some people with him you easily relax and feel comfortable it? Because he comes out of the magnetic field is not the same.

And some people you sit with him, they will somehow upset, there is no way to relax. This is also because of his soul comes out of the magnetic field affect you. Sometimes his mind would also like trying to change themselves, purify their hearts, but because it was his initial to bring information, so therefore there is no way of quickly purify their hearts.

To learn to purify their bodies

Intrinsic magnetic field to be purified. (Network Graphics)

Who for many years to help people heal doctor, specialist, not a good look. why? As are his daily contact with the patient, the patient's field went to his body, he went to field the patient, the patient's illness released from the gas and magnetic field made him give up the metabolic cycle.

So doctors long to patients, especially the mind unclean treat patients, their magnetic fields will certainly be swapped.

However, after the change, you have to learn to purify their bodies. If you do not purge, poor information accumulated more, you fell, your luck is bad, you will have a face like rust the same thing, there is an aggregate of your body will be enveloped in.

Magnetic field strength is the soul comes out

If you are sensitive, relatively pure heart, then you can feel the strength of aggregate. Some people looked black, but very cute. Some people looked white, but he stood next to you, will feel his body exudes a kind of aggregate.

Some people dressed cleanly, but we think this person is dirty. And some people still wear clothes with mud, but we think this person is very refreshing. This is a kind of magnetic field.

We say that this person is very attractive, very temperament, refers to his soul comes out of power. There is no edge, also emanating from inside the soul between people.

A relatively pure human soul, comes out of the magnetic field is like, it is possible to purify the people around you, people around will feel very comfortable, said affinity with him. If a person is not clean body and mind, comes out of the atmosphere is very good, the next person can feel.

If your hand stretched it out, can not feel the next flower comes out of the magnetic field, indicating your body and mind has not been opened. If you open your mind and body, a person next to you to stop, you can feel his diffusion out of the field, he does not speak, you know where his body is sick, his body has recently what the situation.

That does not wash with him wash, wash bathing does not matter. The past, many living in the mountains old monk, bath several times a year did not wash, nor clothes, but you feel good around him, but this is because his soul comes out of the magnetic field is relatively clean.

Meditation can purify the magnetic field

In the confused world, everyone should learn, "clear your mind."

Today you go out to see those poor people who comes out of a bad atmosphere, magnetic field absorbed by you, you go home at night, eyes closed, a meditation, took five minutes to clean out their field, and this time that you can go out to work; if you are in contact during the day the bad atmosphere and magnetic field, back to repair for several days yet clean out, you'd better go out less.

A practitioner can practice the frequency of vibration, the memory of the bad things done cleansed. So that's why we meditate every day!

When you are in a low frequency level, you'll be disturbed; when you increase the frequency, everything you have done on the lower level and you out, will not be karma catch up.

磁場 來自你的心靈會相互汙染,心靈磁場會相互污染或凈化。菲律宾风水,算命佛事,八 ..._图1-1

                             ------- Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng

    Now Ren Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng is the only Taoist worship Buddha Bailong princes care world. 16-year-old master Xu open eye in the sky, as the 36-year-old world South Sea Palace abbot, he is Bailong kings incarnate human body where flesh, efficacious Buddha can lead children to his body, that is what we call the Buddha possessed to help worshipers.

From 2010 to 2012, when Xu Bailong princes often sit Masters appeared gilded temple and tomb tell, he is one of the five most early Chinese Taoist gods, namely the Five Emperors Dragon White Dragon King in West 方白帝rather than private people mistakenly believe that Thai Buddha, Thailand Bailong princes went to preach save the world, now Thailand's mission has been successfully completed, he hopes to continue to prop master Shi Xu, Wang Bailong main temple to help establish good faith, so that more Chinese people to benefit .

Xu Shaofeng, native of Fujian Province, Jinjiang born Chinese family names, the age of 13 was set for the seventh generation of the family ancestral Chinese medicine unique successors. Outstanding Book of Feng Shui expert, is the first real feng shui master to traditional Chinese medicine, Taoism, feng shui combination. Book proficient, numerology, feng shui, metaphysics five surgery, Chinese medicine, psychology, Master, Taoism, Buddhism, and body prosthetics, etc., inherited the Road Law, the true mass of two Book of Feng Shui schools, lessons and school management style situation under 17 Feng Shui martial strengths collection of religious, traditional Chinese medicine, modern medicine, numerology forecasting, astronomy meteorology, geography, hydrogeology, astral universe, environmental landscape, architecture, ecology and human life information and other disciplines in one system of feng shui truth. Forty years of experience geomancy, feng shui-depth insights.

About the White Dragon King's story has come true fame, women and children. 15 years ago, the Hong Kong entertainment star level because a lot of Big Brother Big Sister was pointing up to the White Dragon Princes effect of good fortune. Hong Kong and Taiwan many filmmakers to White Dragon King is the cause or the private consultant. Entertainment among the many artists are white dragon praise, praise he can predict the future, but also in helping the misfortunes and bring good luck. Therefore, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, all have many worshipers delegation made a special trip to visit, hope White Dragon King for their fortune prediction, Ariadne, worries and difficulties.

     White Dragon King master Xu Manila has a well known local Chinese temple, called [Nanyang World Palace]. The first is known as the Temple of fiscal Philippines. In the Philippines, Quezon City man Banaue Street Banawe eight hundred sixty One, opposite Cantonese seafood restaurant, Figaro coffee shop next to the pasta Huang upstairs on the third floor, called [Nanyang World Palace]. White Dragon Temple (Souls Sanqing) position in China's Fujian Xiamen Convention and Exhibition Center Road 7 106, called Xiamen Feng Yi Xuan Culture Communication Center.

  White Dragon King Chinese temple: 0086-13599222408 Nguyen assistant White Dragon King temple Philippines: 0063-9178534408 Tencent: 807 204 013 micro letter: wlfs505

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Magnetic field mula sa iyong puso ay mahawa sa bawat isa

Bakit ang ilang mga tao iniisip napaka maliksi, gayunpaman, sa harap ng ibang tao, ang kanyang isip biglang disorder o ihinto ito? Ang bawat tao'y may isang uri ng magnetic release at pagsipsip tampok, kung madalas marumi at magnetic ihambing tao contact, bibigyan niya tayo ng magnetic field at paglamlam.

Kung ang magnetic field na may isang relatibong malinis bayan, siya exudes isang magnetic field maaari naming bigyan pagdalisay.

Isip magnetic field makagambala sa bawat isa

Madalas nating sabihin higit sa isang dosenang mga mobile phone, mobile phone frequency radiation ay maaaring makagambala sa amin. Sa katunayan, ay maaaring makagambala sa magnetic field ng kaluluwa, tulad ng mga mobile phone frequency, ngunit hindi namin maramdaman.

Sa pagitan ng mga taong katulad upo magkasama, kung sabihin mo ito, rin ako'y sumusuntok, o makipag-usap sa akin, kayo nilalabanan, sensitive mga tao ay maaaring sa tingin ng bawat isa magnetic field at kapaligiran naglalabas napakalakas na.

Kaya, ang ilang mga tao ay mabilis na pag-iisip, ngunit sa harap ng ilang mga tao, ang kanyang isip biglang disorder o lumpo, higit sa lahat dahil sa kanyang magnetic field ay isa pang larangan balot ang kanyang kasanayan walang iba pang mga patlang ay malaki, kaya ang ibang partido ang magnetic field ay maaaring tumagos sa kanya, ang kanyang panghihimasok, kahit na sumasakop sa kanyang buong field, ang kanyang malay-lock sa isang tiyak na hanay, nagiging sanhi ng kanyang pag-iisip hinto o disorder.

Vent katawan at isip, huwag mong pabayaan ang iba pang mga kaluluwa magnetic panghihimasok

Ang isang tao, kung siya ay maaaring ilagay ang kanyang magnetic field amplification, ang iba pang ay hindi maaaring ilagay ang kanyang magnetic lock o-overwrite. Kaya ilagay ang iyong isip at katawan ay walang laman out. Ang iyong katawan at isip ng isang blangko out, ito ay nangangahulugan na hindi mo na kailangang ang target laban sa akin, ang aking magnetic radiation sa nakaraan, na walang paraan upang yakapin iyong larangan kabilang ang, dahil ang walang laman na hanay ay ang pinakamalaking.

Ang dahilan dito namin minsan pisikal na paghihirap, ngunit din dahil ang mga indibidwal na kamalayan masyadong malakas, self-target, ang target ay masyadong vertical, at ito ay madaling upang mangolekta sa planeta, pati na rin ang impormasyon tungkol sa mga tao sa paligid sa amin ang live isyu.

Kung ikaw estado ay mabuti, ang buong katawan at isip ay walang laman out, ang mga tao sa paligid ng impormasyon na ipinadala, na walang paraan upang tumagos sa iyo.

Ang iba pang mga impormasyon na ipinadala, mahusay, at masama, sa kanyang pagtutuos, ikaw ay tulad ng isang target na, naisip niya malay sa loob mo, ito ay nangangahulugan na ang kaniyang loob kamalayan magnetic radiation sa iyong katawan, ito radiation sa iyo ang mga tao na larawan, kahit na sa pamamagitan mo. Magandang estado, maaaring magkaroon ng hanggang; masamang kalagayan, hindi ito kayang bayaran.

Isip magnetic field maaaring mahawa o linisin ang bawat isa

May isang tao, ang kanyang mga tampok ay tumingin round, tunay matagumpay, ngunit kung bakit hindi siya ay mahusay na gumagana, ito ay hindi naging matagumpay?

May sinasabi sa pag-aaral phase, hindi isang manghuhula upang makita ang mga pinong pangmukha mga tampok, ngunit sa pamamagitan alindog. Karaniwan batch karakter lamang upang makita facial tampok.

May isang tao, kahit na ang kanyang mga tampok mukhang hindi masyadong magandang, ngunit siya ay dumating sa labas ng magnetic field at ang kapaligiran ay napaka tahimik, malinaw, walang pinagsama-samang (na sa espiritu sa kahulugan), bilang tulad ng isang tao ay magiging good luck.

Sa kabaligtaran, kung ang kanyang mga tampok ay tumingin mabuti, ngunit marumi patlang paghahambing, ay isang uri ng pinagsama-samang enveloped, pagkatapos hindi siya ay gumawa ng anumang bagay na rin, hindi na ito ay pamumulaklak.

Ang bawat tao'y may isang uri ng magnetic release at pagsipsip tampok, kung madalas marumi at magnetic ihambing tao contact, bibigyan niya tayo ng magnetic field at paglamlam. Kung ang magnetic field na may isang relatibong malinis bayan, siya exudes isang magnetic field ay maaari ring gumawa ng sa amin upang linisin out.

Sa aming araw-araw na buhay, tulad ng karaniwang mga kaibigan, katrabaho magkasama, kung bakit ang ilang mga tao na may kanya mong madaling mag-relaks at pakiramdam kumportable ito? Dahil siya ay dumating sa labas ng magnetic field ay hindi ang pareho.

At ang ilang mga tao umupo ka sa kanya, sila ay sa paanuman mapataob, walang paraan upang magpahinga. Ito ay din dahil sa kanyang kaluluwa ay dumating sa labas ng magnetic field epekto sa inyo. Kung minsan ang kanyang isip ay rin tulad ng sinusubukan na baguhin ang kanilang mga sarili, linisin ang kanilang mga puso, ngunit dahil ito ay ang kanyang unang upang dalhin impormasyon, upang sa gayon ay walang paraan ng mabilis na linisin ang kanilang mga puso.

Upang matuto nang higit upang linisin ang kanilang mga katawan

Tunay magnetic field na purified. (Network Graphics)

Na para sa maraming mga taon upang matulungan ang mga tao pagalingin doktor, espesyalista, hindi isang magandang hitsura. Bakit? Bilang ay ang kanyang araw-araw na contact na may mga pasyente, ang patlang ng pasyente napunta sa kanyang katawan, siya ay napunta sa field ng pasyente, sakit ng pasyente inilabas mula sa gas at magnetic field na ginawa sa kanya bigyan up ang metabolic cycle.

Kaya mga doktor long sa mga pasyente, lalo na ang isip marumi gamutin mga pasyente, kanilang mga magnetic field ay tiyak na swapped.

Gayunpaman, matapos ang pagbabago, kailangan mong malaman upang linisin ang kanilang mga katawan. Kung hindi mo purgahin, mahirap impormasyon naipon higit pa, ikaw ay nahulog, ang iyong kapalaran ay masama, magkakaroon ka ng isang mukha tulad ng kalawang ang mga parehong bagay, diyan ay isang pinagsama-samang ng iyong katawan ay enveloped sa.

Magnetic field lakas ay ang kaluluwa ay dumating sa labas

Kung ikaw ay sensitibo, medyo malinis na puso, at pagkatapos mo ay maaaring pakiramdam ang lakas ng pinagsama-samang. Ang ilang mga tao ay tumingin itim, ngunit napaka-cute. Ang ilang mga tao ay tumingin puti, ngunit siya ay nakatayo sa tabi mo, ay huwag mag ang kanyang katawan exudes isang uri ng pinagsama-samang.

Ang ilang mga tao bihis nang malinis, ngunit sa tingin namin ang taong ito ay marumi. At ang ilang mga tao pa rin magsuot ng mga damit na may putik, ngunit sa tingin namin ang taong ito ay napaka-refresh. Ito ay isang uri ng magnetic field.

Sabihin namin na ang taong ito ay talagang kaakit-akit, napaka-uugali, ay tumutukoy sa kanyang kaluluwa ay dumating sa labas ng kapangyarihan. Walang gilid, din na nagmumula sa loob ng kaluluwa sa pagitan ng mga tao.

Isang relatibong dalisay na kaluluwa ng tao, pagdating sa labas ng magnetic field ay tulad ng, ito ay posible upang linisin ang tao sa paligid mo, ang mga tao sa paligid ay pakiramdam napaka-kumportable, sinabi ng mahigpit sa kanya. Kung ang isang tao ay hindi malinis na katawan at isip, pagdating sa labas ng kapaligiran ay tunay mabuti, ang susunod na tao ay maaaring pakiramdam.

At kung ang kamay stretched ito, ay hindi maaaring pakiramdam ang susunod flower nanggagaling sa labas ng magnetic field, na nagpapahiwatig sa iyong katawan at isip ay hindi pa nabuksan. Kung binuksan mo ang iyong isip at katawan, ang isang tao sa tabi mo upang itigil, maaari mong pakiramdam ang kanyang pagsasabog mula sa bukid, hindi siya ay makipag-usap, alam mo kung saan ang kanyang katawan ay may sakit, ang kanyang katawan ay may kamakailan kung ano ang sitwasyon.

Iyan ay hindi hugasan sa kanya maghugas, wash bathing ay hindi mahalaga. Ang nakaraan, maraming nakatira sa mga bundok lumang monghe, paliguan ilang beses sa isang taon ay hindi hugasan, at hindi rin mga damit, ngunit sa tingin mo magandang sa paligid sa kanya, ngunit ito ay dahil ang kanyang kaluluwa ay dumating sa labas ng magnetic field ay relatibong malinis.

Meditation maaaring linisin ang magnetic field

Sa nalilito mundo, lahat ng tao ay dapat na malaman, "i-clear ang iyong isip."

Ngayon mong pumunta out upang makita ang mga mahihirap na mga tao na nanggagaling sa labas ng isang masamang kapaligiran, magnetic field hinihigop ng sa iyo, pumunta ka sa bahay sa gabi, mga mata sarado, isang pagninilay, kinuha limang minuto upang linisin ang kanilang mga field, at oras na ito na maaari kang pumunta out upang gumana; kung ikaw ay nasa contact sa panahon ng araw ng masamang kapaligiran at magnetic field, back para maayos para sa ilang araw pa linisin out, gusto mo mas mahusay na pumunta out mas mababa.

A practitioner ay maaaring pagsasanay ang dalas ng panginginig ng boses, ang memorya ng masasamang bagay tapos nalinis. Kaya na ang dahilan kung bakit binubulay-bulay natin araw-araw!

Kapag ikaw ay nasa isang mababang antas kadalasan, kayo ay nabalisa; kapag ikaw dagdagan ang dalas, lahat ng bagay nagawa mo na sa mas mababang antas at out ka, hindi magiging karma abutin ang.

                             ------- Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng

    Ngayon Ren Bailong Wang Xu Shaofeng ay ang tanging Taoist pagsamba Buddha Bailong princes care mundo. 16-taon gulang na master Xu bukas na mata sa kalangitan, pati na ang 36-taon gulang na mundo South Sea Palace abbot, siya ay Bailong hari magkatawang-tao katawan ng tao kung saan laman, mabisa Buddha ay maaaring humantong sa mga bata sa kanyang katawan, iyon ay kung ano ang tawag namin sa Buddha nagmamay ari para matulungan mananamba.

Mula 2010 hanggang 2012, kapag Xu Bailong princes madalas umupo Masters lumitaw ginintuan templo at libingan sabihin, siya ay isa sa limang pinaka maagang Chinese Taoist diyos, namely ang Limang Emperors Dragon White Dragon King sa West 方白帝sa halip na pribadong tao nagkamali naniniwala na Thai Buddha, nagpunta Taylandiya Bailong prinsipe upang ipangaral-save ang mundo, ngayon misyon Taylandiya ni ay matagumpay na nakumpleto, pag-asa niya sa patuloy na itayo master Shi Xu, Wang Bailong pangunahing templo sa tulong magtatag magandang loob, upang mas maraming mga Intsik mga tao upang makinabang .

Xu Shaofeng, katutubong ng Fujian Province, Jinjiang ipinanganak Chinese pangalan ng pamilya, sa edad na 13 ay na-set para sa ikapitong henerasyon ng pamilya ancestral Chinese medicine natatanging mga kapalit. Outstanding Book of Feng Shui expert, ay ang unang tunay na feng shui master sa tradisyonal na Tsino gamot, Taoism, feng shui kumbinasyon. Book marunong, numerolohiya, Feng Shui, metapisika limang surgery, Tsino gamot, sikolohiya, Master, Taoism, Budismo, at katawan prosthetics, etc., minana ang Road Batas, ang tunay na masa ng dalawang Aklat ng Feng Shui mga paaralan, mga aralin at pamamahala ng paaralan style sitwasyon sa ilalim ng 17 Feng Shui martial lakas koleksyon ng mga relihiyon, tradisyonal na Tsino gamot, modernong gamot, numerolohiya forecasting, astronomy meteorolohiya, heograpiya, hydrogeology, astral universe, environmental landscape, architecture, ekolohiya at pantao buhay impormasyon at iba pang mga disciplines sa isang sistema ng Feng Shui katotohanan. Apatnapung taon ng karanasan geomancy, feng shui malalim na pananaw.

Tungkol sa kuwento ng White Dragon Hari ay matupad katanyagan, mga kababaihan at mga bata. 15 taon na ang nakakaraan, ang Hong Kong entertainment star level dahil may maraming mga Big Brother Big Sister ay pagturo up sa White Dragon Princes epekto ng magandang kapalaran. Hong Kong at Taiwan maraming filmmakers sa White Dragon King ay ang sanhi o ang pribadong consultant. Entertainment kabilang sa maraming mga artist ay puti dragon papuri, purihin siya ay maaaring mahulaan ang hinaharap, ngunit din sa pagtulong sa mga misfortunes at dalhin good luck. Samakatuwid, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, ang lahat ng magkaroon ng maraming mga worshipers delegasyon ginawa ng isang espesyal na paglalakbay upang bisitahin, Umaasa White Dragon King para sa kanilang kapalaran hula, Ariadne, alalahanin at paghihirap.

     White Dragon King master Xu Manila ay may isang mahusay na kilala mga lokal na Tsino templo, na tinatawag na [Nanyang World Palace]. Ang una ay kilala bilang ang Templo ng fiscal Pilipinas. Sa Pilipinas, Quezon City man Banaue Street Banawe 860 One, kabaligtaran Cantonese seafood restaurant, Figaro coffee shop sa tabi ng pasta Huang sa itaas na palapag sa ikatlong palapag, na tinatawag na [Nanyang World Palace]. White Dragon Temple (Souls Sanqing) posisyon sa China Fujian Xiamen Convention at Exhibition Center Road 7 106, tinatawag Xiamen Feng Yi Xuan Kultura Communication Center.

  White Dragon King Chinese templo: 0,086-13599222408 Nguyen assistant White Dragon King templo Pilipinas: 0063-9178534408 Tencent: 807 204 013 micro sulat: wlfs505

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