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Now Ren Bailong Wang, Southeast Asia Yi Xu Shaofeng metaphysical analysis by Zod

已有 1899 次阅读2015-11-18 04:09 |系统分类:文学| Now, Ren, Bailong, Wang 分享到微信

Now Ren Bailong Wang, Southeast Asia Yi Xu Shaofeng metaphysical analysis by Zodiac Personality characteristics of men and women belong to the dragon

Now Ren Bailong Wang, Southeast Asia Yi Xu Shaofeng metaphysical analysis by Zod_图1-1

Myths and legends that huge, magnificent dragon so that people unlimited reverie. So long that magical quality, whether illusory or not, certainly included in those born in the Year of the Dragon the hearts of people. In China, the dragon symbolizes the emperor or male, it represents power. People born in the Year of the Dragon is said to have with the angle of fate. Dragon kids like picking pick burden, like bear important responsibilities, even the smallest child in the home as well. Older children can often take on more people dependent dragon brother, the sister of responsibility than their parents. Chinese people have long seen as a guardian of wealth and power. The dragon of course is part of the success of zodiac signs, but the dragon who is also the right minded fans of arrogant people.
Long case of weather conditions at birth has a great influence on the future life of the dragon people. In the storm of the birth of the child will take a stormy, full of life's road adventure will through more hardships or suffering. The sea is very calm during the day and day of birth of the dragon people, life will be protected, and so the dragon people will be very lovely temperament.
It is worth remembering: Although Long bewildering, but thought no depth. Only when people can control that comes Long fabled power to create miracles. Dragon people need people to fully trust and understanding.
Dragon people generous, full of life and strength. Of the dragon people, life is colorful flame jump stop. Although the dragon people with me as the center, prejudice, arbitrary, whimsical, demanding or unreasonable, but never lost admirers. Because the dragon people proud, aloof, very frank, very early in life to establish an ideal, and ask other people with the same high standard. Dragon people remarkably positive, the dragon who will not last long sinking, even when the dragon comes in blue, will all break out sooner than others. Dragon people are gay, and oppose Sisiwenwen. The need to do something immediately, the dragon who will personally follow the above, but not by way of a letter or call. When the dragon people present, people's attention will turn to the case of the dragon, the dragon according to the idea of ​​human services. People in contact with the dragon, but also can stimulate everyone's enthusiasm. But the dragon people they do not need someone to inspire, because the dragon people themselves can produce enough energy. Dragon people great energy. Dragon people that impatient, eager and almost religious zeal, burning like a fable, as spoken in Longkou ejected fire. Dragon people have the potential to do great things, because the dragon people like doing something drastic. However, if the person can not control your dragon precocious passion that will burn itself into a wisp of smoke. Dragon personality easily becomes fanaticism, no matter what the situation is always a big way.
Compete with the powerful dragon who is very difficult, if not impossible, is a common means of intimidation dragon to threaten the personal courage to challenge the dragon. An angry dragon will be like a wolf, like someone squatting door, and puff out, until something happens to someone else's house down. If you are the kind of people very brutal dragon, most likely will have a strong destructive power.
Very few people speak obliquely dragon, the dragon who spoke the same law as the royal references. Sometimes people will feel civilized dragon, affectionate and sweet to the dragon who is a great constraint. Undoubtedly the dragon was enraged when, especially rude, rude and totally inconsiderate to others. But others in the same way retaliate dragon people are invalid, unless that person is the dragon people, and decided to use force to solve. Then we can sit down and watch the magnificent fireworks, and people can fight the dragon becomes as lively as birthdays. Although the dragon people a bad temper, but also arbitrary, but still filial elders. Whether the dragon or dragon girl and family what differences, as long as the family needed help when the dragon people, the dragon who will thrown behind the differences, decisively and generously to the family to help. However, after the crisis, family members should have been the dragon who severely criticized. Although the dragon people's feelings erupt like a volcano of love, but can not say who is good emotional dragon, the dragon can not say that people sensitive or romantic. Dragon people to love and adulation for granted, it is the dragon who should get. The dragon is very stubborn person angry, irrational and very imperious, but after the onset of the dragon people will be able to forgive others, the dragon also want others to be able to forgive the dragon people. Sometimes the dragon people might forget to apologize, it seems very slow, in fact, the dragon who really do not have time to do their own interpretation, the dragon who just want to work. Dragon people's feelings are sincere, from the heart. Long time comes people love to others, you can be sure who is really the dragon.

• dragon who is strong, decisive, but the dragon people are not cunning and crafty. Those who care about the dragon delicate negotiations, and if this competition alone power to decide the case, the dragon is very easy to win. But the dragon people are often too self-confident, be fooled by illusions, thus overturning or conspiracy to notice nothing happening all around, but not in time to find countermeasures. Dragon people are very arrogant, and never ask for help, in the balance of power is very poor circumstances refuse to retreat. Because the dragon people move forward, so that people forget to protect the dragon's rear and flanks. Dragon people are very frank, never lie. Anyway, the dragon who is a frank person, others can be like reading the same to know you. The dragon who never disguised his feelings, few bothered to try it. The dragon can not secretive, secrecy, even swear undoubtedly dragon did not say a word, the others certainly dragon angry when people would blurt out the secret, and the word good.
As never accept defeat zodiac, the dragon will ask for it. When you think he did wrong, it will headlong into the abyss of disaster. Others say the dragon who is conceited, self-destruction it? Not that. The reason is simple, such a person must realize the dragon people plan, did not consider the consequences. Dragon people come into the world is to achieve the highest goal, others they want to make people change the course of action the dragon or bypassing trouble, the dragon who becomes more stubborn. The dragon man is indeed a leader, even in the case of the dragon people most unpleasant emotions, it also can live up to expectations.
Dragon people live is targeted, idle, doing nothing for the dragon human health. The dragon must have a cause to fight for, a goal to be achieved. An opportunity to make mistakes, people can imagine how the hearts of the dragon fire burning? No grand plan and regroup after the failure, the dragon is like no fuel locomotive will eventually collapse, become listless. Dragon and snake, like people and has a bond successfully, but the dragon than a snake people are more openly express their views. Dragon people are often due to exhaustion caused by the failure, so even if it will not fail in the case of the dragon people scarred heart. The dragon man is a daring man, the dragon who can single-handedly crusade. Demonstrations to the leadership, to write a newspaper or collect one million signatures on a petition. This violent attack way that people will not suffer from any of the dragon and a spiritual or neuropathy.
The dragon does not mean people do not like to waste. Dragon people are very generous, never cared dragon's bank balance or not, unless the dragon who happened to be combined with Zodiac owe. Dragon person or to marry early, or simply celibacy. The dragon who live alone will be very happy, because of work and career occupy all the dragon people live. There will always be friends or admirers to keep company with the dragon people. Others never lose confidence in the honesty of the dragon people. Dragon rarely wavered, cowardice, or shirk responsibility, never suspicious. Because the dragon people are born with a pioneering spirit, so the dragon attempts fame, but all efforts were in vain possible. The dragon man is less than the Yellow River did not give up the man. Let us try to benefit of the doubt, and pray one day learn to rein in the dragon people skills.
Too little dragon girl dress himself, it is completely natural beauty, without any modification. Long girl's self-esteem is very strong, although there are shelves, but the dragon lady does not want people to be themselves, like sage. Dragon Lady as long as people respect themselves and the Dragon Lady will make every effort to do it. Long girl's clothing by others can also be seen that the Dragon Lady is a serious person. The most practical clothes dragon lady welcome. No frills dragon girl clothes, do not streamers, no more than my buttons, bows. But the minimum requirement is to be, for example: like to wear loose, suitable for activities clothes, dragon girl does not like to wear tight, constrained clothes. In fact, if the dragon lady hobby military or public utilities, the dragon lady would like a uniform. Girls can wear this collar Long straight, neat clothes breezed to work, do not have to decide what to wear every day and worry.
Ms. Long is a lady zodiac, the dragon lady love suffragette, gender equality, discrimination against women will be furious dragon girl. A man can do, the dragon lady might do better. Do not underestimate the dragon lady, dragon girl will beat others, home of death. Dragon Lady never submissive.
Despite the shortcomings of the dragon as many people belong to the strengths of the dragon, but the dragon people brilliant shining everyone. Dragon people very air, never liked envy. Dragon people may grumble, but it will not do nothing about them. This is not because the dragon who genuinely care, compassion to others, but for all the dragon people have a deep sense of responsibility. Dragon people willing to make a significant contribution to others who can count on the support of the dragon, the dragon who will do what. In the case of the dragon people admit defeat Previously, doing everything in their power. The dragon man is a lover of nature oriented people, the dragon people can become an active player, a fan or a tourist talker. Dragon people with quality super salesman, the dragon and his companions always engaged in marketing efforts.
In all of the animal in. The dragon man and a monkey who is most understanding. Dragon people are very dignified, and will form invincible alliance. Long mouse Alliance is a winning combination, since the mouse is very cunning and very powerful dragon, the dragon together people can do big business. Long marriage and calm, venerable snake composition good, snake wisdom can control the dragon abuses. Tigers, chickens, horses, sheep, rabbits and pigs Zodiac dragon people are trying to find a companion, like the case of the dragon's beauty and power. Two dragon people will get along very well together. But Long and cattle leaving two Zodiac because very dignified relationship a little nervous. In all animal, the animal will become only the dog to make the dragon was the biggest headache partner, the dragon people will be closely monitored by a dog person, dog people have been awed by the power of the dragon people become cynical.

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