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What is feng shui?philippines fengshui master Co

已有 1058 次阅读2014-10-4 09:45 |系统分类:文学| master, philippines, fengshui 分享到微信

philippines fengshui master lucio co

What is feng shui?  

This is a simple question that can be difficult toanswerPhilippines fengshui master Dr. Co said,Fengshui is an ancient art and sciencedeveloped over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body ofknowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assurehealth and good fortune for peopleinhabiting it. 

Feng means wind and shui means waterIn Chinese culture wind and waterare associated with good health, thus good fengshui came to mean goodfortune, while bad fengshui means bad luck, ormisfortune. 

Feng shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding ofnature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Qi(chi) , or energy. 

Explore theHistory of Feng Shui

The ancient Chinese believed thatspecific land's energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak. Thetheories of yin and yang , as well as the five feng shui elements , are some of the basic aspectsof a fengshui analysis that come from Taoism.

How To Get Started with Feng Shui

The main tools used in a fengshuianalysis are the Compass and the Bagua. The feng shui energy map, or Bagua , is an octagonal grid containingthe symbols of the Yijing ( I Ching易經) , the ancient oracle on which fengshuiis based. Knowing the Bagua of your home will help you understand theconnection of specific fengshui areas of your home to specific areas of your life.

How To Apply the Bagua of Your Home or Office

The fengshui compass , also called Luo-Pan, is used toaccess deeper information about a site or a building. It consists of bands ofconcentric rings arranged around the magnetic needle. 

Luo means everything and Pan means bowl, which can be interpreted as abowl that contains all the mysteries of the universe.

How To Take the Compass Reading

Fengshuioffers a variety of cures to improve your life. From the fengshui use of paintings to attract prosperity to thefengshui use of greenery or garden  , from the lucky PIXIU(bravetroops貔貅) to master co’s Fengshui Bao(許大師風水寶) , there are many ways you can improve the energyin your home or office with a solid and good fengshui. 

It is important to understand that there areseveral different
 factions of fengshui WanLingFengShui(萬靈風水)is concentrated allthe advantages of the different factionsas well as astrong culturally specific symbolic aspect of fengshui that is your wisest choice

Once you master the basic levelof fengshui, you will start seeing powerful results. You will also understandwhy fengshui is extensively used in both homes and offices all over the world. What is feng shui?philippines fengshui master Co_图1-1







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