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THE CHARM OF CULTURE //www.sinovision.net/?3266 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] Film Documentary made by a journalist and a picture photographer


分享 文化纪录片:天杰地灵
2009-9-19 11:36
Privileged Land of Mystery天杰地灵 @The Charm of Culture Brazil 2008 color digital 112min English/Português/汉语 cinematographer, edition writers YANJUNZHANG music LINJIE XIAO producer production RevistaRECURSO 资源杂志 2005年11月至2006年5月,资深记者和图片摄影师张彦君身负向 ...
个人分类: 电影|3892 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 文化纪录片:巴西・爱之诗
2009-9-18 21:49
Poemas de Amor do Brasil巴西・爱之诗 @ The Charm of Culture Brazil 2008 BW digital 179min English/Português/汉语 cinematographer, edition writers YANJUN ZHANG music LINJIE XIAO producer production RevistaRECURSO资源杂志 这部影片是资深记者和图 ...
个人分类: 电影|4396 次阅读|1 个评论

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