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已有 6145 次阅读2011-12-14 00:05 |个人分类:时事政治|系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

最近胡总书记敦促海军准备战斗, 美国网民竟然这样评论, 从这篇文章可以看出部分美国网民对自己国家指责干涉他国内政不满,包括世界各地的军事行动。还有就是本国的经济、华尔街、纳税、就业等问题。赞成中国说法的都有很高的点击支持

RichardW    ?  Tampa, United States   ?  15 hours ago 转自米尔军情网 http://www.junshijia.com

  A powerful Chinese Navy - brought to you by the Walmart shopper!



  Sharon  ?  Dallas, United States   ? 15 hours ago

  Meanwhile, O is golfing and taking vacations.  We elected him to lead and, unfortunately, he has not done that.



  Tom   ?  Fort Myers, United States   ?   15 hours ago

  Where is that Puss Puss Obama? Oh yeah, vacationing again.

  娘娘腔的奥巴马在哪里? 噢耶,又在度假中。

Larry  15 hours ago

  I guess Obama didn't bow deep enough. 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com



  Alan    ?  Monterey, United States   ?   14 hours ago

  Well the Obama administration succeeded in making the world view us ( the U.S.A. ) in a different light, was this the goal when you guys got him elected? In the eyes of the Chinese leadership we look weak! Again, is this what you were aiming for?



  Jacksdad       15 hours ago

  Obama is leading the US into world war 3 and the Obama media refuses to cover it. Syria and Iran and backed by China and Russia and both have said an attack on either nation is an attack on them.



  Ken     11 hours ago

  Actually the largest standing army in the world is the USA.  There are over 90 million gun owners in this country and is a primary reason we have never been invaded.


Meiko      11 hours ago


  The Obama administration is now making the top secrets of our drones very, very transparent to the Iranians and its friends.  Well done, Mr. President.  Of course, he will blame Bush on the technology developed during the Bush era.

  奥巴马政府让绝密的无人机现在对伊朗和它的朋友非常,非常透明。干得好,总统先生。当然,他会指责布什在布什时代开发了这个技术。Steve   ?  Walnut Creek, United States   ?  13 hours ago


  The Muslim in the WH will have a news conference on how the US has offended our creditor and as debtors, we should be ashamed of ourselves...

  白宫的穆斯林将有一个关于美国如何得罪我们的债权人和债务人的新闻发布会,我们应该感到汗颜... ...

  www.junshijia.com 爱国交流理性平台

  netserfernick   ?  Tularosa, United States   ?   14 hours ago

  China wants to rule the world and my Government is helping them. They have sold us out to china. Time to take America back fro both china and Washington.




  – Sat Apr 9, 6:24 pm ET 转自米尔军情网 http://www.junshijia.com

  BEIJING (Reuters) – China said it was willing to discuss its differences on human rights "with mutual respect" with the U.S. on Saturday after rejecting a recent official report from Washington as interference in its internal affairs.



ny ny 13 hours ago Report Abuse

  can we mind our own business for maybe 4 years and get our selves back on our feet .PLEASE




  SteveT 14 hours ago Report Abuse


  Forget China, we go a load of corrupt, maniacal sihtheads here to deal with.


  不要管中国了,我们这里有一堆的腐败要处理。 米尔网 www.junshijia.com



  scieducator Sat Apr 09, 2011 05:03 pm PDT Report Abuse

  Our government is not truly an advocate of human rights. The issue is only used as a means of irritating China. If we were truly concerned about human rights why have we never made the same criticism of Saudi Arabia?

  我们的政府不是一个真正的人权倡导者,这只是用于激怒中国的手段罢了。如果我们真的关心人权,我们为什么不同样批评沙特阿拉伯? 米尔网 www.junshijia.com



  FemmeBaby2k1 14 hours ago Report Abuse

  Hillary Clinton is talking about freedom internet, and human right but other hands she tried to shutdown the Wikileaks, and bombard Lybia in the name of Freedom. This is a double standard. I’’m confused.




  KeeptheShuttle 10 hours ago Report Abuse

  I’’m an American and I’’m sorry but I have to laugh at this. China is absolutely right I’’m ashamed to admit. We are NOT the rulers of the world and have no right to tell countries what to do. I’’ve said it before and will say it again. I LOVE this country. It’’s the people in it I can’’t stand. Particularly the politicians.


Boomshakalaka Sat Apr 09, 2011 07:14 pm PDT Report Abuse

  Lemme get this straight...we can’’t afford to keep our government open...but we have the time and resources to bother another nation? There are bigger problems currently at hand Uncle Sam.




  Joyserve 8 hours ago Report Abuse

  like it or not,china does have a point,what’’s that saying "people in glass houses shouldn’’t throw stones"




  Tom Sat Apr 09, 2011 04:36 pm PDT Report Abuse

  Yeah, there is no free election in China. 转自米尔军情网 http://www.junshijia.com

  But considering what America and the West have, are the elections really free...of money and corruption? What a mess is what I see.





  terry Sat Apr 09, 2011 04:57 pm PDT Report Abuse

  wake up washington, please,,,,,mind your own business,our schools are losing teachers, social security is in jeopardy, and medicare will be gone soon,,, need to say more?




  b Sat Apr 09, 2011 04:12 pm PDT Report Abuse

  Good Ole USA. Lets see, 10s of millions cannot afford health insurance, the media is controlled by plutocracy, millions cannot find a decent job, education is becoming un-affordable, our justice system is a sham where the rich get off the hook and the poor go to jail, and we have overthrown more democratically elected governments than anyone else in history and the US of A is going to lecture other countries on human rights issues. WHAT A JOKE! Let’’s worry about our problems at home before preaching down to the rest of the world.

  美国以前很好。现在,咱们来看看,成千上万的人买不起健康保险,媒体被富人阶层控制,几百万人不能找到合适的工作,教育也变得 负担不起了,我们的司法系统是骗人的,富人犯罪就没事,穷人就进监狱,我们有史以来,把民主选举政府推翻,干得比任何人都多,美利坚却要教导其它国家人权 问题,真是个笑话!在贬低其它国家前,先担心一下我们自己的问题吧。

Urthstripe 18 hours ago Report Abuse

  Most of the American people don’’t want another war against China, cold or otherwise. Politicians need to give peace a chance and remember that others could end up paying the ultimate sacrifice for their mistakes.




  tootsie 7 hours ago Report Abuse

  America needs to concentrate on America.

  Bring all our soldiers home. End the madness.





  valentino 22 hours ago Report Abuse

  maybe the u.s. wants also to teach china how to tax their citizen,,,,,,lol,,,,,,




  unforgiven 10 hours ago Report Abuse

  Enough with your diversions D.C., fix this country.




  Boomer 7 hours ago Report Abuse

  Now that elections can be bought, are we really free? The things the Chinese are saying are true.



  Patrick E 22 hours ago Report Abuse

  All we really need to do to make this country great again is to outlaw lobbying, tax the hell out of companies that outsource jobs and stop meddling in other countries affairs.




  Paul Sat Apr 09, 2011 04:21 pm PDT Report Abuse

  You have to be kidding !!!! The only rights the US government knows about is the right of corporations to rape the American public, the rights of lobbyists to influence policy, the rights of the top 400 richest people in the Us to make as much as the bottom 100 million, the rights of Wall Street to call the shots defraud America and the world and be paid huge salaries and bounusses instaed of going to jail. When Hillary Clinton and the congress of the United States wants to start addressing the real issues in this country maybe then they can start telling other countries how to behave BUT until then......................!!!!!

  开玩笑!!!!美国政府知道的唯一权利就是:企业强奸民众的权利;游客影响政策的权利;美国最富的400人从底层1000万人 中赚更多的钱的权利;华尔街操纵美国和世界,还能得到高薪和奖金,而不是下监狱的权利。到希拉里和美国国会开始想解决这个国家的实质问题那会,也许,他们 就能开始告诉别的国家要怎么做,要到那个时候……………!!!!!!



  Dying in the USA 9 hours ago Report Abuse 转自米尔军情网 http://www.junshijia.com

  Sorry, China, our elected officials are too stupid to mind their own business. They’’re too stupid to handle the problems in the USA so they have to take attention away from how stupid they are by pointing fingers at everyone else.




  bobby 9 hours ago Report Abuse

  we need to clean our own back yard up before we stick our nose in some one elses. time to take back america.




  paulie297 9 hours ago Report Abuse

  "The United States ignores its own severe human rights problems, ardently promoting its so-called ’’human rights diplomacy’’, treating human rights as a political tool to vilify other countries and to advance its own strategic interests,"

  That is the best thing I have read in a long time. Our country is a train wreck and China makes it obvious. www.junshijia.com 爱国交流理性平台




  The Original Frank Sat Apr 09, 2011 05:00 pm PDT Report Abuse

  China is China leave them and the rest of the world be. It’’s none of our business how they run thier countries or thier governments. We don’’t want Chinese, Arabians, Africans, Russians, South Americans or anybody else telling us how to run our country, we proved that when we kicked the Brits @#$%, so stay out of thier business. www.junshijia.com 军情第一站

  中国是中国,随他们和其它国家去。他们怎么管理他们的国家,他们的政府怎么样,跟我们没有关系。我们不想要中国人,阿拉伯人, 非洲人,俄国人,南美洲人,或者其他任何人,告诉我们要如何管理我们的国家,我们在以前就证明了这点,因此我们把英国人给踢了出去,现在,我们也不要管他 们的事情。



  greg Sat Apr 09, 2011 06:45 pm PDT Report Abuse

  We Americans are great ones to talk about human rights. In this country you are free to do about anything except have a decent paying job or any job. The Chinese have 3 people to every one of us. We can’’t properly take care of 300 million, I don’’t think we are expert enough to tell the Chinese what to do inside their borders. In case US Officials haven’’t picked up on this --we are sick of never ending wars and politicians that ignore the concerns of average Americans. When we get our act together--we then can critisize others. I don’’t think we have a clue --beside if you want to talk about human rights--better get rid of the Pairoit Act first and we can start there.

  我们美国人谈论人权最好了。在这个国家,真自由,可以做任何事,就是不能有一份合适的工作,甚至随便一份工作都没有。中国比我 们的人口多3倍,我们连3亿人都照顾不好,我不认为我们是专家,可以告诉中国人,他们应该在他们自己国家怎么做。为了防止美国官员没有注意到这个,我想提 醒说,我们对没完没了的战争,还有那些忽略美国民众的政客,烦透了。到我们自己能团结一致的时候,再去批评其他人吧。我不认为我们现在就可以,要是想谈人 权,最好把爱国者法案搞定先,我们可以从那里开始做起。



  A PILGRIM 8 hours ago Report Abuse





  Dianna 10 hours ago Report Abuse

  Having read these comments I feel a lot better. I thought that the people of this country were sleeping. Now that we are all inagreement, what do we do to get the politicians to understand that we are Mad and want them to do the job that we have hired them to do. They seem to forget that they work for us.




  Jen~ 12 hours ago Report Abuse

  Ha ha. China called us out. Apparently we haven’’t been tending our own backyard. Surprise.



  ikihi 12 hours ago Report Abuse

  I agree with china that we are hypocrites and that we also should stop policing the world.




  ikihi 12 hours ago Report Abuse

  i agree with China.




  Muskie Pee Dee 10 hours ago Report Abuse

  I actually totally agree with the Chinese.




  Wizzard S 11 hours ago Report Abuse

  Not big fan of China, but in this case: Chinese, you’’re @#$% right about that!


  www.junshijia.com 爱国交流理性平台


  John 9 hours ago Report Abuse

  Yes, the Chinese are right. Let’’s close our doors for a few centuries and ignor the rest of the world,just like China did. 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com



  dude. 9 hours ago Report Abuse

  It’’s funny that we think a two party state is so much better than a single party state. One party is an efficient one party. Two party is an in-efficient one party...




  JD 11 hours ago Report Abuse www.junshijia.com 爱国交流理性平台

  I agree with China. Our government officials should just shut up about human abuse elsewhere in the world, and concentrate on such abuse here at home. We are not responsible for what other countries do to their people, nor do we have to comment or take action against those countries. Let’’s just mind our own business, which would include bringing our military forces home from all over the place!





  USAMP 5 hours ago Report Abuse

  China is a total joke in so many ways..........this aint one of them. For the first time in my life I totally agree with the Chinese statement. Wow, I can’’t believe I have to agree....

  Perhaps we need a timeout in order to recalibrate our constituion and the current direction our misled/confused politicians are leading us.

  @#$% this is embarrasing. We need change.


  也许我们需要暂时休息一下,重新调整我们的宪法和目前的方向,那些迷糊的政客把我们带错的方向。 米尔军事论坛 bbs.junshijia.com




  Stuck in the 60’’s 9 hours ago Report Abuse

  Learn to say ’’Ni Hao’’ Ya’’ll.

  China will define ’’The New Order’’

  I’’ll bet you 1,000,000 RMB’’s










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