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已有 1050 次阅读2020-6-23 05:50 |系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信




     3月以来驱逐近4万移民 美媒批美国“有意识地”对外输出新冠病毒。               https://www.toutiao.com/a1670267611279367

      To provide an epidemic response recommendation to the United States and other severely affected countries around the world

If relevant UN departments find this proposal meaningful, please translate and forward it to US President Trump and politicians of all countries. Thank you.

We are concerned that the epidemic is getting worse in the United States, Brazil, India, Russia and other countries. Although China has overcome the epidemic, the world is still in mourning, and China is still not immune from it. 

The hope lies in not working at home isolation, wearing masks, hoping that vaccines and so on are not the only way. Humans must find new ways.

1. In terms of making vaccines against the clock, although China has already made the vaccine successfully and entered the experimental stage, there is still a long way to go before it can be applied effectively on a large scale. It is estimated that it will be the end of the year. 

2. The anti-epidemic efficacy of the vaccine is also limited, and the virus itself is also improving its ability to adapt and survive, and constantly changing. Similarly, the vaccine made by Wuhan virus may not be able to "kill" the foreign mutated virus when it is introduced from the outside.

That is to say: mankind is a community, can not be immune. 

Why do most people become infected early but have no symptoms? In Wuhan, for example, when the city was closed for a long time, most people wore masks with ventilation on both sides of the nose. Virulent viruses can emerge from gaps on both sides of the nose, and non-virulent viruses can be inhaled from gaps on both sides of the nose. Are your hair, clothes, trousers, neck, face, eyes, eyebrows, forehead, hands and feet exposed to the air? Express delivery, fish, vegetable market, fruit, rice noodles, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, elevators and so on, it can be said that the virus is flying everywhere, anyone, as long as not closed in a vacuum, you can carry the virus everywhere. Why the trick is very few, death is even more rare. That means the virus is harmless to most people. A lot of people already have antibodies in their blood against the virus, so they are exposed to the virus without being harmed! 

That being said, why not think differently: when we test for viral infections, we find a lot of people with the virus but no symptoms, so why not use the blood of genetically powerful people to benefit others? 

In California, for example, 100 infected but asymptomatic people were found to have antibodies in their blood. The experiment started with 100 non-toxic volunteers. Take this blood with antibodies and give it to an uninfected person. Start from 100 young people, extend to 100 middle-aged people again, extend to 100 old people again. Note matching: Each blood type matches the corresponding blood type. Quarantine for, say, 14 days. If the law is successful for people of all ages, spread it all over California. A large number of samples of non-infected patients with virus were collected, and a large number of asymptomatic anti-virus blood was quickly obtained through high bonus. Soon it will spread to all of California, and all of America; The same goes for any country in the world with a serious epidemic. We in China can also experiment in this area. 

I put this proposal out to the world for politicians to follow.

Instead of waiting passively in isolation, wearing masks or hoping for a vaccine, mankind should take the initiative. The most efficient, fast and safe way is to make full use of the blood of those who are infected with the virus and do not get sick, and transfer it to others, so as to generate immunity and fight against the coronavirus.

Suggestion person: Ordinary Chinese citizen: Bashan Shushui. June 23, 2020 in Beijing.







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回复 巴山蜀水 2020-6-23 08:32


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