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10岁华裔女孩Eirene Hope Liu画作参加911纪念展赢得好评

热度 3已有 3612 次阅读2021-9-14 00:54 |个人分类:高娓娓在美国|系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

在由美国酒店华裔协会举行的9/11二十周年图片纪念展上,长岛Jericho Cantigague小学四年级学生Eirene Hope Liu(刘昕媛)同学的参展作品获得好评。

10岁华裔女孩Eirene Hope Liu画作参加911纪念展赢得好评_图1-1


10岁华裔女孩Eirene Hope Liu画作参加911纪念展赢得好评_图1-2

在画展前,美国酒店协会号召华裔艺术家、摄影家积极投稿参加画展,画画艺术爱好者,Eirene Hope Liu同学得知此消息后,立即动笔创意,在2小时内画出《911 We Never Forget (我们绝对不能忘记911)》的素描画,得到展会组委会的赞赏。酒店协会主席黄华清说:如果下一代都记住911这个日子,我们对孩子们和平教育效果就体现出来了。

Eirene Hope Liu出生在一个热爱和谐促和平的家庭,从小经常与姐姐、弟弟一起参加联合国及社区资源者表演。一周前与姐弟及父母一起参加支持预备市长Eric Adams的竞选募捐表演活动,她说:我们不能忘记911的沉痛历史,纽约是个集中世界各族裔不同肤色的大都市,纽约必须和谐,我们更需要一个和谐市长,Adams 是个团结各族裔的和谐好市长。

10岁华裔女孩Eirene Hope Liu画作参加911纪念展赢得好评_图1-3

The Chinese American Hotel Association hold a photo exhibition to commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11 in Chinatown on Saturday, 11 September, calling on the government to reopen Pak Road and revive Chinatown's small businesses.

Huang Huaqing, chairman of the association, said that the association had held photo exhibitions on the fifth, 10th and 15th anniversaries of 9/11, and hoped that this year's exhibition would remind Chinese businessmen to unite and fight against the attacks. "9/11 was the most painful accident in NY history. since that time, The closure of Chinatown Pak Road for 20 years was a painful , blow to Chinatown's economy and blocked economic ties."

Steven wong said the terrorist attacks on government grants the world trade center reconstruction, full of vigor and vitality for today's financial district and Wall Street , but neighbors of Chinatown, was still closed because cypress road which is unreasonable, it cause the serious lack of traffic parking, twenty years inanimate, lifeless, plus Chinatown and the outbreak of the new Covid 19 last year, continue to let small shops, hotel industry has gone down.

Before the exhibition, The American Hotel Association called for Chinese artists and photographers to actively contribute to the art works join exhibition. After learning the news, Eirene Hope Liu, a 10 years old senior student of Jericho Cantigague Primary School, immediately began to create a new painting for 911, she drown in two hours, Its very impressive by Association.  Huang Huaqing, president of the Hotel Association, said: "If the next generation remembers the day 911, We teach our children about peace's education is successful.

Eirene Hope Liu was born in a family that loved "harmony for peace". She often participated in UN and community volunteer performers with her sister and brother since childhood. A week ago, she attended a fundraising performance in support of mayor-elect Eric Adams with her sister and brother. She said: "We can't forget the sad history of 9/11. New York is a cosmopolitan city of all races and colors from the world. New York must be harmony. We must elect a Harmony mayor who Eric Adam is the one!







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