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埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)正式加入纽约市长竞选 Eric Adams to officially jump i ...

热度 3已有 9009 次阅读2020-11-22 07:14 |个人分类:高娓娓在美国|系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

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11月18日,埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)正式宣布竞选纽约市长。埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)是一位渴望致力于建设城市的布鲁克林政治家,今日在市镇大厅外向发表讲话,呼吁推动绿卡居民在市政选举中投票的权利。

NOV 18th, Eric Adams Officially Announces His Candidacy For NYC Mayor, who are a Brooklyn politician with aspirations to run the city addressed a small crowd outside Borough Hall about a push to allow residents with green cards to vote in municipal elections.

“当我们在面对数以百万的美国人仍然活在脱离政府的种植园中时保持沉默的时候,我们怎么可能从一个偏执且充满仇恨的前总统那里庆祝我们的解放呢?” 埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)说,“自由不是给部分人的,自由是给所有人的”。

“How dare we celebrate our emancipation from the bigotry and hatred of the previous president when we are still silent where millions of Americans are still living on the plantation of not participating in government,” Adams said. “So freedom must not be for some. Freedom must be for all.”

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周三将有一位60岁的政治家宣布埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)候选人的资格,以此接替比尔·德布拉西奥(Bill de Blasio)的位置成为纽约市的第110位市长。亚当斯是布鲁克林的本地人,也曾经是位警察,他的出现给这场竞争带来了戏剧的特色---一个素食主义的王者,并且自称可能会做一位偶尔带枪的市长。

On Wednesday the 60-year-old politician is expected to announce his candidacy to succeed Bill de Blasio as the city’s 110th mayor. A Brooklyn native and former police officer, he brings a dramatic flair to the race — a champion of veganism who said he would sometimes carry a gun as mayor.

Signifying the challenge in campaigning for office amidst a deadly pandemic, he is planning to announce his campaign over Zoom rather than at a customary rally alongside supporters.


In an interview Tuesday, Adams said his campaign will zero in on public safety and reinvigorating the economy.


亚当斯说:“我们必须使经济运转起来,确保搭乘地铁系统的安全也同样至关重要”。 “我们的商业社区必须再次开放。如果我的办公室里没有会计师,那么他们就不会去当地的熟食店消费,也不会去到Dunkin Donuts。”他还说到,“那些没有技能或没有受过教育的人,他们也必须重新工作,而我们必须通过再次开放经济来做到这一点。”

“We have to get our economy up and running, and feeling safe to get on our subway system is crucial,” Adams said. “My business communities, they have to open up again. If I don’t have that accountant inside that office, then they’re not going down to the local deli, they’re not going down to the Dunkin’ Donuts.”

亚当斯(Adams)目前在筹款活动中处于领先地位,竞选帐户已有200万美元。亚当斯的众多捐助者中更有布鲁克林民主党附属律师弗兰克·卡隆(Frank Carone),该党很可能会支持亚当斯.

Adams and Stringer are currently leading the pack in fundraising, with more than $2 million each in their campaign accounts.

埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)表示:“是时候我们的城市需要一位曾跟每个人有过一样处境,并且深入了解人民真实处境的市长,” 他说,“我准备好了。”

“We’re at a time now where we need a mayor who has gone through a lot to understand people who are going through a lot,” he said. “The city is ready for me.”

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回复 ImYoona 2020-11-22 12:26
回复 ImYoona 2020-11-22 11:57
living on the plantation of not participating in government
回复 ImYoona 2020-11-22 11:12
How dare we celebrate our emancipation from the bigotry and hatred of the previous president
回复 ImYoona 2020-11-22 10:33
a champion of veganism
回复 ImYoona 2020-11-22 10:27
If I don’t have that accountant inside that office
回复 ImYoona 2020-11-22 10:19
周三将有一位60岁的政治家宣布埃里克·亚当斯(Eric Adams)候选人的资格
On Wednesday the 60-year-old politician is expected to announce his candidacy


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