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The calculator permits the user to calculate the body mass index and determine whether you are obese, overweight, underweight or normals. BMI provided a simple numeric measure of a person's "thinness" or "fatness", you can use your calculation to develop a fitness plan that's right for you.
The calculator permits the user to calculate the Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and the Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) based on gender, age, weight and height. BMR and RMR are estimates of how many calories you would burn while at rest. The calculator will help you determine how this relates to your food intake and your weight loss or weight gain.
The calculator permits the user to estimate the number of daily calories your body need to maintain your current body weight based on your BMR/RMR and physical Activity.To lose weight, you must burn more calories than your daily calorie intake.
The calculator permits the user to calculate the ideal body weight based on gender, body frame and height. Studies have shown that keeping a ideal body weight can improve your health. You can use your ideal weight calculation to develop a fitness plan that's right for you.
The calculator permits the user to estimate the body fat percentage for Men and Women. It can also determine your body fat stutas. You can set realistic fat loss targets when establishing your weight loss plan according to your fat status.
The calculator permits the user to determine the target heart rate zone (training zone) . Training heart rate zone is a critical element in exercise. Working within this zone gives you the maximum fat-burning and health.
The calculator permits the user to calculate waist to hip ratio(WHR) to determine your overall health risk.The WHR has been used as an indicator or measure of the health of a person.