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Alizee - Laisla Bonita

已有 3059 次阅读2011-2-8 19:45 |个人分类:歌唱分享到微信

Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song
A young girl with eyes like the desert
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature, wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
You Spanish lullaby
I fell in love with San Pedro
Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me
Te dijo te amo
I prayed taht the days would last
They went so fast
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature, wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
You Spanish lullaby
I want to be where the sun warms the sky
When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by
Beautiful faces, no cares in this world
Where a girl loves a boy
And a boy loves a girl
Last night I dreamt of San Pedro
It all seems like yesterday, not far away
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature, wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
You Spanish lullaby
Tropical the island breeze
All of nature, wild and free
This is where I long to be
La isla bonita
And when the samba played
The sun would set so high
Ring through my ears and sting my eyes
You Spanish lullaby







发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 听雨潇潇 2011-2-9 03:30
回复 princebuyi 2011-2-8 22:14
回复 princebuyi 2011-2-8 22:14
我最爱听的歌, 歌手又美又性感!


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