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谁说天下没有免费的活动, 纽约就有!

热度 20已有 17753 次阅读2013-7-1 13:23 |个人分类:纽约周边吃喝玩乐通告|系统分类:家庭生活| 纽约, 夏天, 免费, 活动, 家庭 分享到微信

纽约的七月是夏天最美的季节, 也是暑假开始的日子。 纽约的很多各种公共活动都会选择七月暑假开始行进,尤其免费的活动, 更让有孩子的家庭跃跃欲试。这里登出来的所有免费活动都是七八两月进行的各种活动,有孩子们的朋友们可以按铡日期和地点参加,真可谓:免费我最爱, 不玩白不玩。喜欢摄影的朋友也可以记录以下这些活动, 看是否要前去拍照。


Monday, July 1 Learn how to shoot hoops in Nelson A. Rockefeller Park. Children ages 5 and up can drop in to this no-cost basketball training program every Monday through October 28. FREE

Tuesday, July 2 Groove to North Carolina alt kiddie rockers Big Bang Boom in Madison Square Park as part of its Madison Square Kids music series. Catch complimentary concerts every Tuesday and Thursday morning through August 8. FREE

Wednesday, July 3 Enjoy hands-on nature fun at the High Line's Wild Wednesday program, which takes place every Wednesday through August 7. FREE

Thursday, July 4 Celebrate Independence Day with two NYC holiday traditions: Macy's annual fireworks display and Nathan's hot dog eating contest in Coney Island. FREE

Friday, July 5 Enjoy no-cost admission to the Children's Museum of Manhattan from 5 to 8pm—a great time to check out its brand-new Red Grooms’ New York City exhibit. FREE

Saturday, July 6 Celebrate the reopening of Wave Hill's historic mansion with live music, a family art project and no-cost admission all weekend. FREE

Sunday, July 7 Enjoy top-notch family entertainment at SummerStage Kids Global Family Day in Central Park. The amazing lineup includes kids' crooner Elizabeth Mitchell, the Carpetbag Brigade Physical Theater Company and Nemcatacoa Teatro, plus face painting, giveaways and other activities. FREE

Monday, July 8 Giggle at the antics of the Story Pirates, who turn kids' stories into laugh-out-loud mini musicals at Hudson River Park’s Pier 25. Can’t make it today? The troupe returns on Monday, August 12. FREE

Tuesday, July 9 Get up close and personal with Arcadia Bird Sanctuary's exotic residents in Bryant Park. The amazing creatures will be on view most Tuesdays through September 24, weather permitting. FREE

Wednesday, July 10 See The Lorax at Chelsea Clearview Cinema as part of its Summer Kids' Club. The theater chain shows no-cost films on Wednesday and Thursday mornings through August 22. FREE

Thursday, July 11 Explore urban nature at Hudson River Park’s River Tots eco-play program at Pier 25, which runs every Thursday through September 26. FREE

Friday, July 12 Bring a blanket and a picnic to an outdoor screening of The Pirates! Band of Misfits as part of Riverflicks for Kids. The free family flicks continue at Hudson River Park's Pier 46 on Friday evenings through August 23. FREE

Saturday, July 13 Head to Governors Island for offbeat interactive games at Come Out & Play's Family Day. FREE

Sunday, July 14 Soak up French culture at NYC’s official Bastille Day celebration. The annual fete features mimes, accordion players, cancan dancers, French language and other fun for les enfants. FREE

Monday, July 15 Catch an interactive show by WonderSpark Puppets at the Rudin Family Playground. The Sandbox Puppets series continues in different Central Park playgrounds every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday through July 22. FREE

Tuesday, July 16 See My City Park, a new musical by Making Books Sing at the New York Public Library's Chatham Square branch. The show plays at libraries throughout the five boroughs through August 30. FREE

Wednesday, July 17 Watch Brooklyn mom rocker Suzi Shelton as she brings down the house—make that playground—in Fort Greene Park. The green space's Music in the Grove kids' concert series continues Wednesday mornings through August 7. FREE

Thursday, July 18 Groove to Trinidadian steel drummers JahPan as part of the Albee Square Summer Concert Series for Kids. FREE

Friday, July 19 Enjoy complimentary admission to the Brooklyn Children's Museum from 4 to 7pm today. FREE

Saturday, July 20 Get arty at the New Museum's Block Party in Sara D. Roosevelt Park. Enjoy a slew of creative activities and then explore the Bowery museum at no cost. FREE

Sunday, July 21 Watch the creative Arm-of-the-Sea Theater perform at Central Park's A Clearing in the Forest series. The no-cost entertainment continues on alternating Sundays through October 13. FREE

Monday, July 22 See TheatreWorksUSA's new musical The Civil War featuring contemporary and period songs. The show runs through Friday, August 16 at the Lucille Lortel Theatre. Visit the website for the complete schedule. FREE

Tuesday, July 23 Dance to live African djembe beats in the Billy Johnson Playground. The Sandbox Dance series continues in different Central Park playgrounds every Monday and Tuesday through August 13. FREE

Wednesday, July 24 Learn about wiggly worms and the role they play in composting at the Steinway branch of the Queens Library. FREE

Thursday, July 25 Sing along to the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at Brooklyn Bridge Park’s Pier I. Syfy Movies with a View no-cost screenings continue every Thursday evening through August 29. FREE

Friday, July 26 Head to Crotona Park for an interactive jazz concert by Get Hip, one of many no-cost SummerStage Kids performances at various NYC green spaces throughout the season. FREE

Saturday, July 27 Enjoy Family Day at Lincoln Center Out of Doors, featuring the Brooklyn Youth Chorus, folk singer Elena Moon Park, Grammy winner Dan Zanes and a play-along concert with the classical Kronos Quartet. FREE

Sunday, July 28 Follow the action (literally) through Battery Park during a roaming performance of The Tempest by New York Classical Theatre. Arrive at 5pm for a no-cost pre-show family workshop. FREE

Monday, July 29 Head to the lovely Carl Schurz Park for a no-cost screening of the Pixar new classic Finding Nemo. FREE

Tuesday, July 30 Enjoy catch-and-release fishing at Hudson River Park's Pier 46 today and every Tuesday through August 27. Kids can also cast their lines at Piers 63 and 84 on Sundays and at Pier 25 on Thursdays. FREE

Wednesday, July 31 Learn how to dance like Isadora Duncan in an outdoor movement workshop at Fort Tryon Park. This drop-in class is offered every Wednesday and Friday through August 2. FREE

Tuesday, August 1 Enjoy yoga, storytime and a Barry G & Ramblin’ Davey concert in Union Square Park. The green space's Kids in the Square Festival continues every Thursday through August 15. FREE

Friday, August 2 Take the no-cost Seaside Trolley to City Island to explore the restaurant and gallery-filled isle. FREE

Saturday, August 3 Bike or stroll through Manhattan's car-free but activity-packed Summer Streets, which kick off today and continue for two more consecutive Saturdays. FREE

Sunday, August 4 Drop a line in Prospect Park Lake at a Macy’s Fishing Clinic. These no-cost fishing lessons are held every Saturday and Sunday afternoon in July and August. FREE

Monday, August 5 Delight in the wacky antics of the Zany Umbrella Circus at Staten Island’s Willowbrook Park, one of many no-cost SummerStage Kids performances at various NYC green spaces throughout the season. FREE

Tuesday, August 6 Stroll through the beautiful Brooklyn Botanic Garden, which offers no-cost admission on Tuesdays all summer. FREE

Wednesday, August 7 Hitch a ride on the Bronx Culture Trolley and explore the vibrant arts scene in the South Bronx.

Thursday, August 8 Borrow a book from the Brooklyn Public Library’s Kidmobile while it's parked in Sunset Park. The mobile library is on the go throughout Brooklyn from July 5 through the end of summer.

Friday, August 9 Drop a line in Central Park's picturesque Harlem Meer for some catch-and-release-fishing today or any day all summer long. FREE

Saturday, August 10 Head to Flushing Meadows Corona Park for the annual weekend-long Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, filled with boat races, kite flying and Chinese culture performances. FREE

Sunday, August 11 Enjoy eclectic entertainment at SummerStage Kids Harlem Family Day featuring Robbie K & Friends, a dance performance by Illstyle & Peace Productions, and live DJ Stormin' Norman. FREE

Monday, August 12 Catch the classic Hollywood soap opera The Women at the Bryant Park Film Festival. See other no-cost screenings in the green space every Monday evening through August 19. FREE

Tuesday, August 13 Hit West Harlem Piers Park for giant tic-tac-toe, lawn bowling, hopscotch, jump rope and other fun games today and every Tuesday and Wednesday throughout August. FREE

Wednesday, August 14 Explore the Staten Island Zoo at no cost today and every Wednesday from 2 to 4:45pm year-round. FREE

Thursday, August 15 Take a no-cost spin on the Prospect Park Carousel. Complimentary rides for children under age 13 are offered every Thursday in August between noon and 6pm. FREE

Friday, August 16 Learn how to spike the ball in a Youth Volleyball clinic at Brooklyn Bridge Parks’s Pier 6. FREE

Saturday, August 17 Head to Coney Island to compete in the nabe's annual Sand Sculpturing Contest, or just gawk at the amazing entries. FREE

Sunday, August 18 Stroll car-free streets in Astoria as part of Weekend Walks. Find out about other Weekend Walks throughout the five boroughs all summer. FREE

Monday, August 19 Bring tissues to see ET: The Extra Terrestrial, the final Bryant Park Film Festival screening of the summer. FREE

Tuesday, August 20 Enroll your little athletes in 300 New York's Kids Club at Chelsea Piers. They'll get two free bowling games every weekday through August 30. Shoe rental costs extra. FREE

Wednesday, August 21 Improve your game at this no-cost chess clinic in Nelson A. Rockefeller Park, which takes place every Wednesday throughout the summer.

Thursday, August 22 Get up close and personal with the critters that call Prospect Park’s Audubon Center home, including Snappy the Turtle. Naturalists introduce kids to their animals every Thursday and Friday through August 30. FREE

Friday, August 23 Groove to the tunes of The Good Ms. Padgett at the Putnam Triangle Plaza in downtown Brooklyn. FREE

Saturday, August 24 Help kick off the U.S. Open at Arthur Ashe Kids’ Day. Families can enjoy free tennis clinics, meet the pros and even play a game or two. Tennis activities are FREE. (Concert costs extra.)

Sunday, August 25 Fly a model airplane with the Staten Island RC Modelers in LaTourette Park in the Greenbelt. FREE

Monday, August 26 Take your tween to an outdoor screening of Jaws at Waterside Plaza. FREE

Tuesday, August 27 Go stargazing with astronomers on the High Line tonight and every Tuesday throughout the summer. FREE

Wednesday, August 28 Explore the New York Botanical Garden—grounds-only admission is free all day on Wednesdays year-round. FREE

Thursday, August 29 Go natural at Staten Island's Salt Marsh Nature Center or one of the other no-cost city-run nature centers. FREE

Friday, August 30 Get arty: Visit the Museum of Modern Art at no cost on Friday nights between 4 and 8pm year-round. FREE

Saturday, August 31 Hit one of NYC's beautiful beaches before they close for the season on Labor Day.











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发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

回复 纽约桃花 2013-7-10 23:32
光头: 中国美文网,欣赏!
回复 纽约桃花 2013-7-10 23:31
王璨: 问好!
回复 王璨 2013-7-6 17:29
回复 PeterCai 2013-7-5 16:07
很多info, 谢谢分享.
回复 光头 2013-7-2 10:20
回复 今又是 2013-7-1 22:10
回复 jiejoy 2013-7-1 21:50
Tuesday, August 27 Go stargazing with astronomers on the High Line tonight and every Tuesday throughout the summer. FREE


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