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我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)

已有 6100 次阅读2010-12-9 23:50 |系统分类:家庭生活分享到微信

从二零零八至二零一零年的五月, 好不容易公司才批了我一个二十三天的长假.. 我用了这二十三天的假期, 租了一辆车从旧金山一直驾到犹他州的东北边.. 经过四个非常特别景象的峡谷, 锡安国家公园 (Zion National Park), 布莱斯峡谷国家公园 (Bryce Canyon National Park), 拱门国家公园 (Arches National Park)和峡谷地国家公园 (Canyonland National Park). 我也不知道总共驾了多少个小时路.. 多少天和停了多少个城市, 其实蛮疲倦的..
也很不幸的, 今年五月的天气有一点反常. 气温相当寒冷和强风, 在路上一直都下雪. 对于爱摄影的我来说, 确实算是好坏参半吧.. 幸亏有美丽的景色在路上相伴, 这次的旅程可以说还算不错..

現在非常這幾個峽谷, 尤其是布萊斯峽谷國家公園. 如果將來有機會, 祈望能舊游..

在此, 希望大家也能够和我一起分享以上四个峡谷的部分照片. 谢谢赏图 ~~

Arches National Park l Utah

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-1

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-2

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-3

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-4

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-5

Canyonland National Park l Utah
我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-6

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-7

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-8

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-9

Bryce Canyon National Park l Utah

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我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-11

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-12

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-13

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-14

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-15

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-16

Zion National Park l Utah

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-17

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-18

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-19

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-20

我对摄影的激情之峡谷情缘 (Part 5)_图1-21







发表评论 评论 (15 个评论)

回复 JarrodChan 2010-12-11 21:42
To: Kinchye8 你曾经说:
Jarrod.. sorry for my typing error.. 16 years instead of 18 ~~
Yea 16 yrs. Was wondering where the extra 2 yrs came from !
Did u travel alone through all d parks in a 4WD ? and camped out in the open ?
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-11 11:56
To: Kinchye8 你曾经说:
Hi Jarrod, all these Canyon photos are considered my beginning batch of photos after gave up 18 years in photo shooting. In fact, I just bought my first DSLR camera not long ago.. Honestly, I did not know how to use DSLR camera in May. Ths technogy is very new to me, all my old camera were firm aged.. Haha..
I did very minor touch out, only adjusted the “Brightness and Contrast“

Jarrod.. sorry for my typing error.. 16 years instead of 18 ~~
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-11 11:18
To: JarrodChan 你曾经说:
Hi Kinzie. Is it morning in Chicago ?
For someone only recently starting to use dSLR, u must have natural talent ! :-) What brand of dSLR cam are u using ? Do u think it makes a difference ?

yes Jarrod, it‘s morning here.. I am using Canon 50D with variety of lenses..
回复 JarrodChan 2010-12-11 10:51
Hi Kinzie. Is it morning in Chicago ?
For someone only recently starting to use dSLR, u must have natural talent ! :-) What brand of dSLR cam are u using ? Do u think it makes a difference ?
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-11 10:40
To: 凯莉 你曾经说:
TQ ~~
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-11 10:39
To: JarrodChan 你曾经说:
Your photos of your trip to canyon land in May are as usual amazingly beautiful. Brings back memories of my trip to Utah 20 yrs ago. But it didnt seem that beautiful to me then. Was rather hazy most of the time. Ur colours are clear n crisp. Has the photos been touched up (sorry to have 2 ask !) ?. What cam are u using ?
Hi Jarrod, all these Canyon photos are considered my beginning batch of photos after gave up 18 years in photo shooting. In fact, I just bought my first DSLR camera not long ago.. Honestly, I did not know how to use DSLR camera in May. Ths technogy is very new to me, all my old camera were firm aged.. Haha..
I did very minor touch out, only adjusted the “Brightness and Contrast“
Thanks for liking though~~
回复 凯莉 2010-12-11 09:50
回复 JarrodChan 2010-12-11 04:59
Your photos of your trip to canyon land in May are as usual amazingly beautiful. Brings back memories of my trip to Utah 20 yrs ago. But it didnt seem that beautiful to me then. Was rather hazy most of the time. Ur colours are clear n crisp. Has the photos been touched up (sorry to have 2 ask !) ?. What cam are u using ?
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-11 00:05
To: nhcheung 你曾经说:
回复 nhcheung 2010-12-10 22:04
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-10 17:49
To: 国际盲流 你曾经说:
回复 国际盲流 2010-12-10 16:35
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-10 12:10
To: Kinchye8 你曾经说:
感謝您的支持 !!
謝謝你的讚美 ^^
回复 Kinchye8 2010-12-10 12:10
感謝您的支持 !!
回复 yzfoto 2010-12-10 00:27


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