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LEI NING:Negative value of the currency bubble theory.

已有 1766 次阅读2010-12-21 07:27 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信


Negative value of the currency bubble theory:
Money is the essence of the bubble. Involved in the process of currency exchange, money is always a negative value to negative value of the products to be exchanged into a positive value of the product, while money still does not change the nature of the bubble. This is the currency of the activities of law.
Money is a negative value, the currency was a bubble. The negative value of the currency conversion is always not a positive value, so money is always a bubble.
Money is always the characteristics of the bubble characteristics from the dual currency.
Dual currency characteristics: First, there is no positive monetary value. Second, the currency exchange for most of the positive value.
The formation of the dual characteristics of the currency of money to run some of the inherent laws, typically inflation. Money itself has no positive value, being able to obtain the most value. The rules agreed upon by the people the functions conferred on the money destined to run virtual reality inherent in regulating the formation of non-contradiction.
The negative value of the currency is the foam, foam with a fundamental difference between the negative value, so the value of the currency is a negative bubble.







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