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LEI NING:Economic theory.

已有 1660 次阅读2010-12-18 21:16 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Constant value theory:
 Value is a thing of the role, value is constant.
 For a role, the role of the size and extent of how to determine? Such as the invention of electric light on the great progress of mankind, or the invention of the aircraft big progress of mankind? Or the invention of electric light is a positive thing for sure that the value of this thing is worth?
 So many questions about the role of a value, the role of value precisely because the key to pricing, the following description of each of these questions.
 First, the size and extent of the value of the role of how to judge? To solve this problem, we must first understand the value of classification.
 Value Category:
 I think that, at present, there are three human values, according to order of importance, one spiritual values, and second, demand value, the three is the product value. These three values are mutually independent.
 Spiritual values: the role of people awareness activities.
 Demand value: Demand is a standard. Demand value is the description of the state in which the demand.
 Product Value: Describe the role of products.

Increasing demand for value theory:
 Demand will always be a constant. Demand the same size to meet the needs of the possibility of being lower, the demand under the same law of demand, demand more and more value.
 Increasing the value of the core of the law of demand: demand for increasing the value, but reduced the scale of demand, and this with the "value of the previous law of the traditional economy" just the opposite. When the "demand value " becomes large, then the amount of demand tends to zero. At this time there will be alternatives, or also, or this needs to go away and stop.
 Law of increasing demand in the value of a phenomenon: with the increasing phenomenon. When the possibility to meet the demand is reduced, increasing the value of demand, was to meet the needs of the value of products is also increasing.

Negative value of the currency bubble theory:
 Money is the essence of the bubble. Involved in the process of currency exchange, money is always a negative value to negative value of the products to be exchanged into a positive value of the product, while money still does not change the nature of the bubble. This is the currency of the activities of law.
 Money is a negative value, the currency was a bubble. The negative value of the currency conversion is always not a positive value, so money is always a bubble.
 Money is always the characteristics of the bubble

characteristics from the dual currency.
 Dual currency characteristics: First, there is no positive monetary value. Second, the currency exchange for most of the positive value.
 The formation of the dual characteristics of the currency of money to run some of the inherent laws, typically inflation. Money itself has no positive value being able to obtain the most value. The rules agreed upon by the people the functions conferred on the money destined to run virtual reality inherent in regulating the formation of non-contradiction. The negative value of the currency is the foam, foam with a fundamental difference between the negative value, so the value of the currency is a negative bubble.

Currency atavistic theory:
 Large negative value of the money supply, the performance is one of the negative value of the currency deposit products, while money is the currency of the birth of the predecessor product, the currency of this phenomenon is called currency atavism.
 In reality, when a negative value of the large amount of money supply, the negative value of the product deposition, is actually a form of currency products that people use, once again, this time, instead of money invested large amount of product in part the negative value of the currency. Money from the currency is the currency of products to the birth of money from money to re-use the product, when the currency is the currency atavism.

Negative value theory:
 In use, the number and extent of the use of a difference, then produced a surplus, that is, had a negative value. Negative value everywhere.
 The purpose of the negative value is converted to a negative value or positive value.

All currency 1:1 exchange system theory:
 1:1 in all countries to achieve foreign exchange system, will address the current field in the currency and foreign currency generated a lot of contradictions. All national currencies are converted to 1:1 theory, the fundamental solution to most of the countries of the currency.
 From the current foreign exchange system changed to 1:1 for all currency exchange system, in theory, is very simple to change the exchange rate issue. There are no speculative interest and profit and loss and increase the problem because each country's currency is domestic, foreign currency has always been a symbol of a symbol, then changed to 1:1, does not change any substantial monetary economy Between the interests of trade relations and the trend is currency speculation that people from countries without the chance of currency speculation, the result is the regulation of international currency markets, the best choice.
 Among all countries imposed the currency 1:1 exchange, will enable the international money markets and trade between the orderly operation of the market.

"Principles of baseline GDP" and the "principle of incremental GDP"

Benchmark GDP principle:
The total production in human society, it also can be said that the total consumption in humans, the total production of all, there must be some basis for the production part, this part of the production is one of the lowest survival bottom line, which can sum up the baseline GDP. in accordance with the total number of simple low-cost food, clothing, housing, education, health care needs of the total production volume of the total production volume is calculated is the amount of baseline GDP. This part of the baseline GDP is that everyone must be a minimum level of benefits in the form can be used directly to each person, so it can be called the welfare of GDP. Of course, you can not get people to get welfare in the form of these living conditions.
Various periods of baseline GDP in humans should be a constant, and will not change. If there is a change, then, becomes just the human value of currency in determining changes in the standard, modern and ancient people ate an apple an apple to eat exactly the same role, that is exactly the same value, the ancient people to eat directly from an apple pluck and eat them on it, do not go to exchange money, but most of the modern apple to go through a lot of people work many times, picking, packing, transportation, placed in charge of the stores have a booth, but the actual added a lot of unnecessary waste chain, from ancient times to the present price of an apple is showing increasing trend does not prove that the increasing value of an apple, and can prove it is now increasingly the economic bubble big. From zero price to the price higher and higher prices proved to be infinitely more times to zoom, then the bubble must be a more infinite.

Baseline GDP statistics is like an apple on the ancient and the modern role of the same size as those generated output.Baseline GDP, also known as welfare GDP, is human food, clothing, housing, education, health care standards must be a minimum consumption of total production. If this part of the baseline GDP being achieved with the needs of people, also known as welfare GDP, can also be called directed quantitative GDP.

Principle of incremental GDP:
In addition to baseline GDP, there are scientific, technical, social progress in the production, this part of the GDP is called the increment of GDP.
Incremental calculation of GDP, the sum of per capita consumption of 1 / 4 calculation. The results of running the calculation, in accordance with the principles of the implementation of the system of thirds. Example, 10,000 people, the amount invested in the automotive industry is the amount of about 800. In 1600 after 6 years the amount of vehicle consumption around and began to recover the amount of the previous run.
GDP incremental delivery of new technologies to new science, based on a new science in the germination of new technology, has begun running standards in accordance with the corresponding amount of money to complete the delivery in accordance with the principle of thirds system output to reach the scale of production. Similarly, no new technology, new science, not increase the money supply, which is not to increase GDP, and in accordance with the delivery system of three equal portions and recovery operations.
Scientific, technical, and social progress of the additional increment of GDP produced by the currency, called the incremental GDP. If there is no new science, technology, social progress, the content can not be additional money to increase the GDP, and the timely issuance system in accordance with three equal principle of operation of launch and recovery. Two-thirds of the additional requirements, we began to recover the additional amount of graded until fully recovered and destroyed. At this point, completion of the new technology replaces the old technology, the process of exclusion, usually a period of about three years. Or, when a new science, technology, social progress, not additional money can be, this way of social progress faster.

The law of diminishing GDP:
 Out from the law of diminishing the value of extending, the law of diminishing GDP can be drawn. A law of diminishing the value of products consistent with the above, all categories of products in line with the above mentioned law of diminishing. Although the law of diminishing each product are different, but broadly in line with the articles mentioned in law. The sum of the whole community products mentioned above comply with the law of diminishing.
 Products in all societies, for the law of diminishing the total value of production, there is a more unique products, such products are food products, food products, people eat every day, and the relatively short shelf life of food, but food There are a lot of products in categories, such as rice and wheat products can replace each other, radish and cabbage, tomatoes can replace each other, so the specific products in the food category for each species are still found on the article belongs to the principle, but in Specific food products, a quarter of the principle of the 1 / 4 value may be about to get bigger, for example, is closer to

 1 / 3 is also possible. GDP of the entire community showed the higher capacity the lower the value of the total value of the law of diminishing toward the negative value has been reduced.
These are the law of diminishing GDP, or the law called the decreasing trend of GDP.

Value sort of three theories:
 There are three values of human values, in accordance with the order of importance: First, spiritual values, and second, demand value, c is the product value. These three values are mutually independent.
Spiritual values: the role of people awareness activities.
 Demand value: Demand is a standard. Demand value is the description of the state in which the demand.
 Product Value: Describe the role of a product.
These three values, spiritual values and the value of product value through requirements to performance. For example: a person like math, do math activities that he is a spiritual value. His spiritual values are independent. However, his demand for the value of spiritual values to the performance through, for example, he taught math classes, get paid, salary is money, everyone must currencies, the value of this demand by the performance of the currency of his spiritual values. Can not help from the spiritual values of his value to the performance requirements, such as math class to pay school fees, the value of this spirit is not only the value of this demand can not get money, but also to pay a monetary value of this demand. Spiritual values, of course, in many cases can not by demand for value performance, it is often said that the spirit of the priceless truth, "Money can not buy ready" to illustrate the spiritual values of the image is independent,is the first important.

Constant demand theory:
 Demand, is the premise of not damaging the environment more than one hundred percent of something many people need and use of standards. Environment, including natural and social environment. Demand will always be a constant. The needs of different states is a constant, the existing demand - the supply curve, demand is a variable description is wrong, the error is ignored the most critical needs of this important can only be a constant reality.

Negative value of the inflationary theory:
After the exchange of money are generated each time a new bubble. Function is to participate in the currency exchange process, so, in a market, how to control the amount of money?
When trading in a market the more frequent exchange of money involved the more the number, the more new bubble generated. Generate a new number and volume of the bubble the more so the higher the utilization rate of the currency, then the less the demand for money, that is, the smaller the money supply needs. This is the currency in the exchange process caused by the law.
This shows that a more frequent trading market, the exchange process requires less amount of money, the higher the utilization rate of the currency. That is, when less money supply, the market exchange rate is relatively high, trading more active.
Most people here may have a "number of frequent exchange of the money supply needed to be big," this misunderstanding. This is due to neglect an important feature of money: Money can be repeated to generate new bubbles. This feature has already been discussed before. Money can be repeated to generate new bubbles, that is, the exchange continued to complete the new process, then in a market exchange frequent, repeated use of the currency increase in the number, then the currency requirements will be reduced, the formation of the negative value of the deposition.
Sedimentary formation of the negative value of inflation.
Previous discussion shows that the amount of money invested less, the market will often times some of the exchange. Then when put in the amount of money increases, the number of exchange market will become less, the market appears deserted.
When increasing the money supply, the time the currency exchange rate will inevitably decline, will form a negative value of the currency deposits. Through the exchange of currency in exchange for the vast majority "are value", this time, the negative value of the products the market will have to increase accordingly, and currency deposits, which is negative relative surplus-value products will become a positive value of anticipated future product variable length of time, money itself has caused some negative relative surplus value is still early into the negative value of the actual product but the surface appears to be a false positive value of the product exchange, the exchange process in a false, one people with a negative value of the currency a negative value of the product purchased, but not to the negative value of the product is converted to positive value, but is used to hold until the future use and then converted to a positive value, the actual deposition process, when people can not buy back the actual conversion is the value of "negative value of the product", in fact, to achieve the money part of the deposition, the second is the formation of a negative value of the currency products deposition. These two deposits give "not involved in negative exchange-value products" to "positive value" products is expected to get longer, and time is longer, the mean value of the growing trend of demand, then the negative of these have not yet exchanged value to measure the value of products with demand for its value to become larger when. Demand for increasing the value of law has already been discussed before, the fewer the number of products, the demand will be higher value, according to people often judgments, the longer the case, the greater the amount of product exchange, that is, the negative value into positive value the more the number of products , then the remaining "not become a positive value," the negative value of the fewer number of products, with "demand value" to measure the negative value of the higher expected value of the product. This form of "negative value and negative value products and negative currency value products," the deposition of increased demand for products with negative value when measured against the expected value of the increased value of the phenomenon, that is inflation.
Inflation is the direct cause of the excessive negative value of the currency. Quantitative monetary large negative value, the market exchange rate becomes low, so that the value of the negative value of the product is expected to become larger and higher prices, inflation occurred.
The less money supply, market transactions more frequently.
Large negative value of the money supply, the formation of the negative value of the currency deposits, a direct result of inflation, then the negative value of the currency, the negative value of the currency products, the negative value of the product will be the formation deposition, a negative value to measure the value of products with the expected demand for larger values negative value of the product price becomes higher.

Book-entry exchange principle:
 Paper currency is the exchange transactions by book-entry account, with account of the use of monetary product from the product separated into a purely paper currency is not product features. This is a surface phenomenon, in fact, paper money does not have any products in the function, it can be switched to almost all of the products.
There are two book-entry exchange methods for a paper currency, the exchange of a purely bookkeeping transactions. Both methods are book-entry exchange for the same thing. However, the paper currency in circulation because of its performance is to be developed into a means of exchange transactions, while accounting for the exchange transaction, the development of pure accounting terms, loss of function and role of money, just as the paper currency exchange assistance and information.
Book-entry exchange transactions in two ways: First, the paper currency swap transaction, the second is accounting exchange transactions.
 The development process in the exchange transaction, the paper currency is exchanged for the transaction must be retained certificates, and account has been turned into accounting terms, losing the role and functions of money.
 In the Internet era, will replace the paper trading account currency exchange barter, change the long-trading continued, the contents of the transaction will also bring great changes.

Diminishing the value of principle and the formula:
 Assuming a population with Y individuals, A product, A product of the total value of X, n is the number of products, then the total value of A product formula is:
 X = 1+ 0.5+ 0.5 × (1-4 / Y)+ 0.5 × (1-4 / Y × 2)+ 0.5 × (1-4 / Y × 3) ...+ 0.5 × (1-4 / Y × (n-2) )
 = 0.5 +0.5 × n-1 / Y × (n × n-3 × n +2)
 When the number of products n = Y / 4 +2, the first product of the value of n is zero, the n value of the product before the product is positive, the n value of the product after product is negative.
 The value of a class of product accumulation. A product continues to increase capacity in the process, not a linear increase in total value, but limited by the demand, although demand is unlikely to accurately judge, but the assumption of a new product to get the public recognition, so all can get the public recognition of products Accumulation of the total value of the formula, that is, the above formula.

"Unknown economic factors " critical theory
All economic factors, a large part of the contents of unknown content in human, human space only 5% of the substances known, and these substances are not known to one hundred Percent understand that, because there are about 95% of the material of a non-human know, the material must have a certain influence between, so humans have known about 5% of the material to a large extent there is little knowledge of the possible.
Economic factors, the key factor is always unknown factors, unknown factors including 95% of human ignorance of the material, but also human beings already know about 5% of the unknown extent of material.
Whenever an unknown factor is the human awareness, then the economic impact is enormous, for example, the human understanding of the magnetic field to bring the electromagnetic of the era, knowledge of human genes to bring about a biological field the tremendous impact that these factors are bound after being recognized is a key economic factors, the space all the unknown factors are the economic factors of the most critical factor.
Now the anti-matter, according to the Internet said that the human can grasp the existence of the time a little longer, I predict: the soul is a kind of anti-matter, people eat eat the food but also eat into the anti-matter, that is, people eat into the soul substance. This is only predicted to be scientifically tested, but the unknown factor bound to anti-matter key to the economy.
"Unknown economic factors " critical theory, is that human beings want to look into the unknown factors and the actual exploration, explore the science proper control and application of unknown factors, the current application of transgenic technology is the application of the unknown factors of error, People do not understand the whole picture of genetically modified, but know very little content, strong application of transgenic technology, will inevitably bring about an irreversible disaster.
 "Unknown economic factors " critical theory, human cognition is the direction of the world's awareness of economic factors is described.
 Human beings should not recognize the factors that have been depleted of excessive use and application of human behavior should be constrained to save their own "known economic factors " in the development and application, the greater the effort and time into a reasonable factor of the unknown And applications.

National "survival money""intellectual currency"money system theory:
 Consumption of each person's physiology is almost the same but the actual life of each person consumes significantly different, and, people's consumption and production capacity out of proportion to the number and capacity consumption and the number of irrelevant. So, in the satisfaction of physiological consumed excessive consumption, is a waste, actually increasingly scarce on earth resources and energy waste, the demise of the human way of the future, it may be due to the depletion of energy resulting in energy Depleted at the same time, environmental pollution has intensified, resource depletion and environmental pollution as being coherent relationship is likely to die in the future human resource depletion, are likely to die in the environmental pollution. As a national management, the consumption of human physiological limit is necessary to do in this, I propose, "survival money"and "intellectual currency"concept.
 Money to survive, a person's consumption of physical activities must be representation by a national currency, intellectual coin, a person to the community through the intellectual capacity of a country's currency that can be used. So, "survival money"and "intellectual currency"can be two separate monetary system, in a country, "survival money " rationing by the state on a regular basis to provide valid, expired, and now the card is issued to each such regular quantitative Individual's "survival money" payment model provides a convenient, you can also "survival money"to take the coin machine on a regular draw, "intellectual currency " by the people work and study and research of the pay level and results of the size of an individual paid as wages the same as "Intellectual currency ", "intellectual currency"in order to circulation and consumption in society, so, for each person's contribution to society and access to achieve coherence, that is, people's consumption and access is no longer irrelevant.
 These are the national "survival money""intellectual currency"money system theory.

Irrelevant for human consumption and production theory:
 Environment and material consumption of each of the number of different, each person's capacity is different, everyone's consumption and production capacity out of proportion, some people consume a lot less capacity, and some people consume very little, a lot of capacity, there Nobel Prize winner, in a very simple room, three meals a day and life of consumables that must be their consumption, but their productivity is greatest, they explore and come up with results The driving force for human progress is the greatest.
 The interaction between consumption and production capacity of this irrelevant, called irrelevant human consumption and production theory.

Negative efficiency of the machine theory:
 Robotic, sometimes on behalf of improving efficiency, and sometimes on behalf of lower efficiency. Sometimes the machine on behalf of efficiency, easy to understand, sometimes on behalf of the efficiency of the machine reduces the need to describe.
For example, there are 100 people, eat, if everyone do their own rice at home, then the rice cooker for 10 minutes to steam well, if the machine means to achieve, then there must be a factory, the "100 people want to eat" Rice delivered to the factory, and then to hire workers, and then use a machine large steamed rice, steamed rice, the rice to 100 people, 100 people were sent to the residence, or 100 people for dinner or focus to get to the factory Rice, so, 10 minutes to eat at home, the warm rice, while the implementation of the post-production factory machinery, to build a factory, but also a great machine steamed rice, but also increase the construction of gas and other water circuit , But also to hire to work, for our meals, but also give or take, just send or take the time necessary to steamed rice is far greater than the time at home, these activities consumed in the way to a large number of transport resources and Energy, so to count them, and, the big machines have steamed rice, but also have a large steamed rice production and processing plant machinery, and so while increasing the construction of factories and water circuits, but also the employment of workers, but also consume Transport on the road a lot of resources and energy, and transportation
 There are road construction and energy resources, we must dig a lot of resources from the ground, but also employed many people, do a lot of machine-building factories and utilities.
As discussed above, a bowl of rice production of the machine, causing a huge waste of resources and energy, there are enormous human resources and time resources and waste of human energy. The actual result is, machinery, resulting in a great waste, and greatly reduces efficiency. The production of other widespread this phenomenon. Described above, the actual, called the efficiency of the machine of a negative theory.

National Virtual Unemployment Theory:
 In a country, to have full capacity of the individual, in theory, assuming that everyone is unemployed, then, the state with the lowest living guarantee to each person of full capacity payment of base salary, full capacity of each person regardless of What is the number of employment income, the State gave the minimum payment each month of unemployment. Theory of the popular virtual unemployment, unemployment for everyone condition is virtual, but, to the full capacity of each person paid the same minimum standards of unemployment benefits, but it is true, and unemployment benefits are not allowed to be rejected Accepted. Why do not people do not grant full capacity the lowest unemployment payment? Because they do not have the full capacity of the people, if they are paid unemployment benefits, then it is probably because this part of the unemployment and capacity to those not fully bring personal and property damage.







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