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LEI NING:Book-entry exchange principle.

已有 1490 次阅读2010-12-18 20:46 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:财经分享到微信


Book-entry exchange principle:
 Paper currency is the exchange transactions by book-entry account, with account of the use of monetary product from the product separated into a purely paper currency is not product features. This is a surface phenomenon, in fact, paper money does not have any products in the function, it can be switched to almost all of the products.
There are two book-entry exchange methods for a paper currency, the exchange of a purely bookkeeping transactions. Both methods are book-entry exchange for the same thing. However, the paper currency in circulation because of its performance is to be developed into a means of exchange transactions, while accounting for the exchange transaction, the development of pure accounting terms, loss of function and role of money, just as the paper currency exchange assistance and information.
Book-entry exchange transactions in two ways: First, the paper currency swap transaction, the second is accounting exchange transactions.
 The development process in the exchange transaction, the paper currency is exchanged for the transaction must be retained certificates, and account has been turned into accounting terms, losing the role and functions of money.
 In the Internet era, will replace the paper trading account currency exchange barter, change the long-trading continued, the contents of the transaction will also bring great changes.







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