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LEI NING:Value sort of three theories.

已有 1483 次阅读2010-12-18 20:44 |个人分类:宁磊---理论、观点、发现|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

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Value sort of three theories:
 There are three values of human values, in accordance with the order of importance: First, spiritual values, and second, demand value, c is the product value. These three values are mutually independent.
Spiritual values: the role of people awareness activities.
 Demand value: Demand is a standard. Demand value is the description of the state in which the demand.
 Product Value: Describe the role of a product.
These three values, spiritual values and the value of product value through requirements to performance. For example: a person like math, do math activities that he is a spiritual value. His spiritual values are independent. However, his demand for the value of spiritual values to the performance through, for example, he taught math classes, get paid, salary is money, everyone must currencies, the value of this demand by the performance of the currency of his spiritual values. Can not help from the spiritual values of his value to the performance requirements, such as math class to pay school fees, the value of this spirit is not only the value of this demand can not get money, but also to pay a monetary value of this demand. Spiritual values, of course, in many cases can not by demand for value performance, it is often said that the spirit of the priceless truth, "Money can not buy ready" to illustrate the spiritual values of the image is independent,is the first important.







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